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Is anyone sad we missed out on Aaron Gordon?

It's interesting, because this place was enamored by Gordon. If you read other teams boards, particularly Orlando's, it's like the sky fell in because they drafted Gordon instead of Exum. I'd love to know what the Jazz draft board really looked like. Where were Exum and Gordon on our big board? Be good to know.

I think we were enamored with Gordon because we saw him as the best of the next tier, figuring Wiggins, Parker and Exum would be off the board and Embiid was too big a risk for Utah to take with his injuries.
I yelled out Nooooooo!

I really wanted Gordon. I'm on board with Exum though. I'm just praying the scouts know what they are talking about.
100% this
Nah, there was a realistic cap to just how much Gordon was going to improve his shooting. He'll be fun to watch on league pass though.
Gordon was my first second tier guy, so yeah I'm a little bummed he didn't somehow crawl out of DL's pants pocket. Ain't sad we have a tier 1 over a tier 2 tho.
Good post
I'm going to miss watching Gordon play. I love him, but I don't love anyone enough to watch Orlando Magic basketball. I think that being able to snag Hood at 23 takes away a lot of the sting for me as I knew that we needed a SF in some capacity and I didn't think there would be any decent ones left at 23. I can see what Orlando was doing in selecting Gordon as they were also able to get a PG they coveted in Payton. I hope that Exum can learn to grow into minutes at the 2 because I still have this thing about maxing Point Guards.
Good point, framer. In a few years it will be interesting to see if Gordon/Payton is better than Exum/Hood. And yes, I definitely think Exum is a combo guard.
i think we may have dodged a bullet with Gordon.... I'm just not so sure he can shoot.

BTW - I think Walt Perrin's comment that Gordon shot well, and DL asking Gordon back for a 2nd workout may have actually helped in ORL deciding to grab him.

BTW#2 - Jazz's rumored promise to Jordan Adams may have also tricked MEM into taking him and letting Hood drop to us????


I don't think the "guarantee" had anything to do with Jazz tricking Memphis. No one thought Hood was a possibility at 23 so I think it was a non factor in getting Hood but might have been a factor for the Jazz not getting Adams. Or another thought maybe Memphis just liked Adams and the Jazz were super lucky that Hood fell to them.
It's interesting, because this place was enamored by Gordon. If you read other teams boards, particularly Orlando's, it's like the sky fell in because they drafted Gordon instead of Exum. I'd love to know what the Jazz draft board really looked like. Where were Exum and Gordon on our big board? Be good to know.

I went to Realgm and maybe the initial reaction from Orlando but I found most people were either trying to convince them self or were excited about Gordon. I would have been happy with both players even though I wanted Gordon over Exum. I just didn't know enough about him but all the scouts had him rated higher. I am really excited about seeing the kid play in SL.
Nope, thrilled! Gordon got a bit overrated (He'll be an ok role player) Much happier with Exum. While risky, love his upside.
I'm a bit torn. There is general over reaction here about Gordons shooting, and he proved it in a lot if workouts. Everybody gives Wiggins a pass on shooting and attitude, and over amplified Gordon's because of FTs. Fact is, Gordon led the country in finishes at the rim and has a very bright future.

I can't find the quote, but essentially it was that Handy had seen enough of Exum and they had Gordon right above Exum.

Personally I trust Jazz scouting, and they had Exum directly above Gordon. The gap among the top 4 is not that big. Gordon was not that far behind Wiggins (I watched the game in high school where they played against each other, and neither of them were the best player on the court). So, if Jazz scouting is right, then we have a player who could potentially be as much of a franchise changer as a Wiggins or Parker... Just needs more time to get there.

Since the next 2 years are going to be slow regardless, I'm content for a developmental pick. Wiggins would be, Gotdon would be, and Exum will be .

There is some encouraging stuff about Exum, particularly him testing through the roof in competitive drive. That I love, that's why I could never get all the way on the wiggins band wagon.

End of the day, I think we should all be ecstatic that we walked away with Exum. Would the a jazz have liked Parker or Wiggins? Sure... But by the Jazz big board we just got the number 3 pick.

As for Gordon, wish him the best.
Yeah, by draft time I had gone from hating Gordon to loving him. And I fully expected him to be there at 5. I never thought Exum would fall - especially after the Embiid injury(s). But even with Philly grabbing him at 3, Exum was still in that upper tier that, because of Orlando at 4, would never fall to the Jazz. I still really like Gordon, but although I think he'll make his team better, Exum could be a star. Fluid and quick. And with today's NBA rules quick PGs are king.

I wanted Aaron Gordon more than most, and had my fair share of debates for why I wanted him, but no, I am not sad. Exum was my #2 guy behind Wiggins. Very happy.
Here's the thing I don't get - why on earth didn't Orlando try to get something out of the Jazz for not drafting Exum? In other words, as soon as Embiid is picked by Philly, why didn't the Magic call us and say give us #5 and #23 or #5 and future draft considerations for #4? They had to know we would have likely said yes to something like that. I have to wonder if they knew something about Exum that we didn't know? Otherwise, I don't understand their surrender of leverage they could have easily used against the Jazz.
I was hoping we'd pick him, but I'm no sad, because we didn't pass on him. He was already gone and the Jazz liked Exum more than him, so pretty happy how things turned out.
Here's the thing I don't get - why on earth didn't Orlando try to get something out of the Jazz for not drafting Exum? In other words, as soon as Embiid is picked by Philly, why didn't the Magic call us and say give us #5 and #23 or #5 and future draft considerations for #4? They had to know we would have likely said yes to something like that. I have to wonder if they knew something about Exum that we didn't know? Otherwise, I don't understand their surrender of leverage they could have easily used against the Jazz.

Most teams don't trade up one spot and I think the Jazz would have said no to that. The FO also said that they heard that Exum might fall to them earlier in the day.
Here's the thing I don't get - why on earth didn't Orlando try to get something out of the Jazz for not drafting Exum? In other words, as soon as Embiid is picked by Philly, why didn't the Magic call us and say give us #5 and #23 or #5 and future draft considerations for #4? They had to know we would have likely said yes to something like that. I have to wonder if they knew something about Exum that we didn't know? Otherwise, I don't understand their surrender of leverage they could have easily used against the Jazz.

Maybe they were worried that we would have taken Gordon (although it is there pick, so if they offer the trade, then if Jazz want Gordon, they decline it, and maybe that did happen). They couldn't have traded back to Boston, because then the Jazz were likely going to take Gordon, and they would miss out on him. They really didn't have any leverage
I definitely dropped a big F-bomb when Silver announced Orlando's pick. I like Exum (I think) and I hope he and Burks and Burke can create an amazing backcourt. I mostly just didn't want to miss out on Gordon because I still think he's gonna be great. I'm ehh on Rodney Hood (I mainly just don't know enough about him). I do predict a good SL for Exum.
I never got enamored with Gordon. I think he's probably a Shane Battier/Michael Kidd-Gilchrist role player, and I didn't see enough basic coordination and feel on offense to believe he's ever going to be much of a scorer. I don't think he's as talented as Kirilenko, either. I guess time will tell.

After Embiid got injured, I had Exum 3rd on my board and on the same tier as Parker.
I'm high on AG. I probably had him 6 on my personal draft board. I think he'll be more effective offensively than an MKG and is an absolute specimen physically. He'll be a monster when he's 26-28.

That said, I'm very happy Exum was our guy and would have been very disappointed if we passed on him in favor of Gordon if both were available.
i think we may have dodged a bullet with Gordon.... I'm just not so sure he can shoot.

BTW - I think Walt Perrin's comment that Gordon shot well, and DL asking Gordon back for a 2nd workout may have actually helped in ORL deciding to grab him.

BTW#2 - Jazz's rumored promise to Jordan Adams may have also tricked MEM into taking him and letting Hood drop to us????


This. Exactly, it's the time of year for the liars to come out in the NBA, the best poker players always win. I admit that I was down on Exum before the draft because I knew nothing about him but after watching almost every YouTube video Dantè and every article I have read, I have a better feeling that Dantè will be a better prospect than Gordon, and I really liked Aaron Gordon's game. Dantè Exum carries himself and his moves remind me of a Michael. Jordan and Kobe Bryant type player, don't think he will be as good as those two but if he is I see it and sounds like Dennis Lindsey, Justin Zanik, and Rich Scheubrooks knew what they were looking at when I think they secretly hoped Exum would fall to them, probably the reason they pimped Gordon so much. I think Exum was 3rd on their big board after Wiggins and Parker and after the Embiid injury.