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Is THT a Longterm Piece?

Is THT a longterm piece?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 54.4%
  • No

    Votes: 36 45.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
2022 Award Winner
Do you want the Jazz to sign THT to a 4-year deal at about the same rate that he's making now?
He's an interesting player. If he's surrounded by better floor spacers and he's chugging down the middle of the court, he's not going to be easy to stop. His drives looked like a young Tyreke Evans tonight. Plus, he was making his 3s. His career shooting efficiency to this point isn't going to be good enough though.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUvRMdj5EK0
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Only if he goes back into his real role - irrational ball of offensive energy off the bench. On a short leash.

But that's just it. There's too much overlap with our other guards. Sexton, Dunn, and even Clarkson are too similar as players. We don't need all of them.
Only if he goes back into his real role - irrational ball of offensive energy off the bench. On a short leash.

But that's just it. There's too much overlap with our other guards. Sexton, Dunn, and even Clarkson are too similar as players. We don't need all of them.

I think the Jazz are trying to extend Clarkson so they can trade him at some point.
I think he might eventually turn into a good 6th man...the 3 point shooting has to improve though. I don't see him being here long term.
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THT had a huge scoring outburst against the worst team resting all their best players. His other big game came against the Hornets.

But despite those two outbursts he is still scoring 15.4 in 27.7 minutes in March with terrible 42/27/68 splits along with 1.77 assists per turnovers.

He has enough skill to excel against end of bench guys but is not consistently even a net positive against real NBA starters. I wouldnt bet a lot of money on him.
Definitly a bench player for me . Non shooting consistently, TO prone..... how much do we pay a bench player? I prefer we run next year Colin-JC at PG position and see how it goes. If we can't get a star PG as Dame.
This one is really tough for me. I keep going back and forth on it, and technically I'm still undecided.

The biggest reason I would say yes is that he has shown a lot of growth over the season. He is playing with more control and seems to mostly be playing within the system. He has such great length for a guard and is still very young.

I ended up voting no, just because I still don't trust him to make winning plays enough when we are trying to win. Even though he had a great game last night, he still did dumb things like take step back mid range jumpers with plenty of time on the shot clock still. Because he doesn't have a reliable 3pt shot he needs the ball in his hands to be effective and he's not a player I want to have the ball in his hands all the time.

Ideally we will sign/draft our PG of the future this off season so THT would be coming off the bench where I kind of already trust Dunn more than him. With games like last night I think it becomes more likely that he opts out, so this could get interesting this summer.
At this point I don’t know, what can I say it was against the spurs sitting all their good players. I voted no just to see what the vote was at. After the hornets game I half thought he arrived, then he had a string of meh games after that against better competition, then he plays the spurs sitting any and everyone worth something
At this point I don’t know, what can I say it was against the spurs sitting all their good players. I voted no just to see what the vote was at. After the hornets game I half thought he arrived, then he had a string of meh games after that against better competition, then he plays the spurs sitting any and everyone worth something

He is more than capable of doing what we just saw , against raw disorganized ding dongs , because he has a high basketball iq. Despite being a junkyeard dog type.
I think if you need a playmaking bully ball streaky closer for the playoffs, this is your guy to keep at the end of the bench.
Can we justify it if we are flirting with tanking next season? Like if we don't get a game changing prospect from this draft? I doubt it. Granted its really up to THT to opt in or not, but I bet he moves on if we don't work out a s/t to help him get somewhere he wants and get paid in the process.