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Jazz actually trying to move up?

Kahn is worse than McHale. Let's not forget that the Wolves also drafted another PG in the 2nd round that they traded to Dallas.

It has to set some kind of record.
You guys got this all wrong....

Sign and trade Korver + Tomic + Trade exception + #9 pick for Love + #2 pick.
No, if you've noticed that's what he always says when he doesn't want to answer a question, which is all the time.

he should just divulge all his secret plans to the media as soon as they ask a question. that would really improve the quality of discussion here in this forum.
he should just divulge all his secret plans to the media as soon as they ask a question. that would really improve the quality of discussion here in this forum.
Although it would be funny to have a curse put on KOC for one day where he HAD to say the truth all day long. Like in Liar Liar.
Then again, that might also suck if he still just said, "If it would improve the team, we will look at it."
If there are no trades with the first 3 picks, you can pretty much guarantee the Wizards take Wall, 76ers take Turner, and the Nets taking Favors cause they already have Lopez at center. That leaves Cousins or Johnson at the #4 spot. I don't think either of them are worth trading up to get. If we can't trade up to at least the #3 pick, stay at #9 and take our chances that maybe Johnson or Cousins will drop or just take Monroe. Now if the Nets do something crazy like take Johnson at #3, then we need to get on the phone with Minnesota right after the pick is made and try to work out a deal to get Favors at #4.
The only reason I can think of why KOC would pull the trigger to move up, would be if he is uncertain if Aldrich falls our way or not.

Since draftexpress changed their latest mock and has us now picking Aldrich instead of Monroe, we can be almost certainly sure that KOC will not going to move up in the draft.
Whys everyone suddenly down on Cousins? Is it to do with his body fat %?
It's to do with the fact that he's a punk-bitch and massive child. Watch his combine interviews and add that to the fact that he has one of the highest body fat percentages in combine history and you get a pretty clear picture that he's a problem.

That said, neither he nor Johnson are falling to #9. Absolutely no way. And if we're to be operating off of the information posted originally, how wouldn't someone trade up if all that had to be paid are the rights to Ante Tomic (this response being more to jazzmanian devil than to you)?
If you get #4, you take Wesley Johnson and don't look back. With Cousins, you'll have constant complaining that Sloan's too hard and that there's nothing to do in Utah. He's talented, but I can envision a Luther Wright-like fall from grace.

Johnson is a Utah kind of guy and IMO will end up being the best player from this draft.