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Jazz "considering" Conley for Blake.

Isn’t that mostly LoPo?
Nah it’s more than him. I understand the idea behind using Conleys deal to improve the team beyond this year but Blake would mean mega tax implications. He’s gotta show he’s at least healthy before they get off of that deal.
LMAO. two things. Of course you will pull his season up from two years ago, why not pull up last year, I’ll tell you why... because you’re in love with trading, and last year doesn’t help you make your case. Second, who cares that he led them to the playoffs. Did he do it in the west? Did the pistons win more regular season games then than they lost? The answer to both questions is no!!

He still played 18 games and fell off a cliff. Big surprise he wasn’t fully healthy, he rarely is, and if we trade for him there’s a better chance he will just get injured again looking at his track record

I could care less about any of that. The main thing to know is, 1. Conley’s deal comes off the books befor Griffin’s 2. Griffin isn’t winning us a title, so why in the hell is this at all a good idea, especially since we can trade Conley at the deadline. And he’s a more valuable trade chip this year than Griffin.
How are his 2018-19 numbers not relevant? He only played 18 games last year while hurt. Sure his numbers suffered, but he was hurt. However, he was still one of the top players in all of basketball just the season before. It's not like he blew an ACL or Achilles. He had a procedure similar to Bojan. Something didn't feel right and he addressed it. https://clutchpoints.com/pistons-ne...hy-he-chose-to-shut-it-down-get-knee-surgery/

The question is - are we trying to win a title? Yes

Does a healthy Blake help us more than Conley? Yes

If we traded Conley for Blake, would I expect to get a long term asset? Yes

So is it worth it to me? Absolutely
It's probably the new owner that's urging DL or whomever for a Blake Griffin trade. Usually these new owners would have wild crazy ideas on how to improve a team right from the get-go. I don't know, just spitballing here.

This reminds me of the owner from Sacramento. *shivers*
How are his 2018-19 numbers not relevant? He only played 18 games last year while hurt. Sure his numbers suffered, but he was hurt. However, he was still one of the top players in all of basketball just the season before. It's not like he blew an ACL or Achilles. He had a procedure similar to Bojan. Something didn't feel right and he addressed it. https://clutchpoints.com/pistons-ne...hy-he-chose-to-shut-it-down-get-knee-surgery/

The question is - are we trying to win a title? Yes

Does a healthy Blake help us more than Conley? Yes

If we traded Conley for Blake, would I expect to get a long term asset? Yes

So is it worth it to me? Absolutely
Lol, had a similar injury to Bogey, yet Bogey had the best year of his career, Blake had the worst year of his career. The point is he’s always injured so you can’t just assume he will be fine this year. The only thing this trade does is strap the jazz in cap hell for longer. A few more wins won’t change anything. It’s an unnecessary move. Lol
If you traded Conley, it can only be to get younger pieces that are part of the long-term plan.

Otherwise, you just eat the salary this year and go into next with options to sign 2-3 decent guys.
Lol, had a similar injury to Bogey, yet Bogey had the best year of his career, Blake had the worst year of his career. The point is he’s always injured so you can’t just assume he will be fine this year. The only thing this trade does is strap the jazz in cap hell for longer. A few more wins won’t change anything. It’s an unnecessary move. Lol
I have an exercise for you:

Are we a better team with a healthy Blake Griffin than with a healthy Conley?

Just answer it yes or no. No commentary. And we can get to the next question.
Eh - I'd consider it. Not sure I love it, though.

Option #1 for Conley is to get good, long-term pieces. But I'm bearish on his value in the trade market. He's 33 years old and coming off a down year, and will be a 34 year old UFA in 2021. I don't see teams parting with very much to get him at this point.

On the flip-side, a healthy-ish Blake is definitely a plus, and Conley vs. Rose at PG might be a wash for this upcoming season. I just have serious concerns about either of them staying healthy and Blake's contract flat out sucks.

Never been that high on Royce. Value his defense but he's a non-factor offensively.

Feels like a bit of a "meh" deal to me overall.
Fine, no commentary, but that will just drive you nuts. The answer is no
Okay. So don't think he helps more. I do.

It's okay. We can disagree on that point. Since you feel that way, I can see why you are so against it. No need to discuss more.

If anybody else out there answers yes, we can go down the rabbit hole that yes takes us.
Okay. So don't think he helps more. I do.

It's okay. We can disagree on that point. Since you feel that way, I can see why you are so against it. No need to discuss more.

If anybody else out there answers yes, we can go down the rabbit hole that yes takes us.
Just curious, why do you think he makes us better?
If I were a GM or owner, I'd be thinking of the long-term investment in younger players not those who are very much on the downside of their careers and whose PT will be questionable because of injuries. Yes, I want to trade Conley but not substitute other players who have similar issues.
lol this is silly. We have Favs now, who actually defends and isn't yet slowing down. It would make more sense to move Conley near the deadline as his contract will be attractive to other teams. We help a team out who wants some future signing flexibility and they give us pick(s) and hopefully a player(s) who can help us. The only way I don't see this scenario happening is if Conley starts playing up to the expectations of DL and JZ.
You miss the point. It's obvious from the way the PT has been distributed that the FO feels he is already living up to the hype. The last second switch from bench to starter was the nail in the coffin for the idea of ever moving him because they are convinced he is exactly what we need for whatever reason.
Blake is redundant with Favors. This is FAKE NEWS. The funny part of that is, it actually IS fake news and not just a term to discredit all media that doesn't agree with 'muawh' to manipulate the masses.

Blake instead of Favors... in some alternative universe, that may have worked. I get the idea. But it would add pressure to Mitchell, not relieve it because Blake isn't a 3 point threat like Conley. But we got Favors INSTEAD (as in, it makes no sense to get both Favors and Blake). Favors who plays both sides of the court, doesn't come with the injury history, doesn't disappear in the playoffs, and costs 25% of what Blake costs. Plus, we keep Conley who played admirably the last quarter of the season well enough and I expect he will bring it in 2021.

Is Conley a valuable trade asset to improve our team? Sure. Is Blake the answer? Not with Favors on board so this is balderdash. Move on. Nothing to see here folks.
I have an exercise for you:

Are we a better team with a healthy Blake Griffin than with a healthy Conley?

Just answer it yes or no. No commentary. And we can get to the next question.

With Favors and Bogdanovic on the team, we don't have a good place for Griffin.
If you traded Conley, it can only be to get younger pieces that are part of the long-term plan.

Otherwise, you just eat the salary this year and go into next with options to sign 2-3 decent guys.

Unfortunately we don't really have the option to sign 2-3 decent guys next season due to the Mitchell/Gobert extensions (or we're letting Gobert go, which, well then we'd need more than 2-3 decent guys).

We have to trade Conley this season if we want to utilize that money.

Griffin is a gamble as far as this goes, but I could at least see the justification. Would not include Royce in such a deal.

Aaron Gordon is probably my favorite target. A balance of good enough to potentially put us over the top, a solid fit, and could stay long-term. It'd likely have to be Conley + draft assets for Gordon + one of Ross/Fournier (I'd prefer Fournier's expiring, but unsure how much each changes how much draft value we'd have to include). Also tough for us to trade picks with the weird protections on the pick going to Memphis.
Blake is redundant with Favors. This is FAKE NEWS. The funny part of that is, it actually IS fake news and not just a term to discredit all media that doesn't agree with 'muawh' to manipulate the masses.

Blake instead of Favors... in some alternative universe, that may have worked. I get the idea. But it would add pressure to Mitchell, not relieve it because Blake isn't a 3 point threat like Conley. But we got Favors INSTEAD (as in, it makes no sense to get both Favors and Blake). Favors who plays both sides of the court, doesn't come with the injury history, doesn't disappear in the playoffs, and costs 25% of what Blake costs. Plus, we keep Conley who played admirably the last quarter of the season well enough and I expect he will bring it in 2021.

Is Conley a valuable trade asset to improve our team? Sure. Is Blake the answer? Not with Favors on board so this is balderdash. Move on. Nothing to see here folks.

Blake actually made more 3's in 2019 than Conley ever has in his career.

With Favors and Bogdanovic on the team, we don't have a good place for Griffin.
Favors and Griffin are completely different players.

And your logic is flawed. The Lakers have AD and Kuz so why did they care about getting Morris? Contenders need waves of guys that can play SF and PF.
Favors and Griffin are completely different players.

And your logic is flawed. The Lakers have AD and Kuz so why did they care about getting Morris? Contenders need waves of guys that can play SF and PF.
They are different players, but they play the same positions, and we already have too much money at those positions, and not enough focused on the 1-3. How would you divide up the 4-5 between Gobert, Griffin, Favors, and Bogdanovic?