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Jazz @ Timberwolves, 3/11/11 6 pm

The problem is most of team is just not very good. We have no options about who to play right now. Good hell Cousin from the D-League looked like are best player in the first half
The thing that bothers me so far about Ty Corbin is that he isn't calling timeouts at the best times. Like tonight when the momentum changed and they was up by 9 he should have called a timeout then. But no he waits til they are up by 15.
The team has totally collapsed. Corbin has lost control. I feel sorry for the guy. Imagine getting blown out by the TWolves! This is not the Lakers.
The JAZZ suck. The most embarrassing game I will ever remember. The sad part of this is that Ty probably won't change anything next game, He'll still overplay Raja, Miles, and put Fes on the court for some reason. When Jefferson has an off night you can really see the WEAKNESS OF THE JAZZ, because no one else can score except Milsap and the rookies cause maybe they give a crap. Where the **** was AK?
we should play the young guys now. this is ridiculously embarrassing. start Favors and Hayward and maybe Miles and sit AK and Bell. we are not going to make the playoffs. for the record i wanted them to, but i have to give up that hope.

we'd better not re-sign AK in the offseason.
I didn't get to see the game. glad I didn't... gordo's box score looks sexy. Is that how it was or is the boxscore misleading?
4th quarter garbage time?

Haywards stats were not garbage time. He was hot tonite.

Yet, even though he had the hot hand, Team does not look for him. Dumb.

Hayward & Evans played awesome tonite.

PLEASE start Hayward for Bell in Chicago. Keep Evans in there as well.
I didn't get to see the game. glad I didn't... gordo's box score looks sexy. Is that how it was or is the boxscore misleading?

Nah He was hitting shots the first half as well. He still looks to pass way too much even when he is wide open, but he is getting more confident.
One thing Hayward needs to learn to do is go baseline on his man. So many times I see him with the ball on the wing, man in his face but a completely open baseline. All he needs is one step to the right and I think he has the speed to make a play out of it
Harris is probably one of the most inconsistent PG's I have ever seen. He will give you two good games, then the next 3 will be just garbage. The Jazz need more of a pure PG, Harris doesn't fit that role. He doesn't make his teammates better, when he drives in he first tries to create for himself, then he will see if he can find a teammate.