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Keyonte George Hype & Appreciation Thread

Generally, however, Keyonte's biggest issue is just getting bodied on screens. He's a bit to slight to properly fight through them right now.
Keyonte is active defensively and he has decent awareness of passing lanes. He just loses almost all physical battles and makes some rookie mistakes on that end as well. He stays in front of his man when he is defending the dribble and works around screens pretty well. Doesnt have any kind of chasedown defense towards the rim so when he gets beat off the dribble he also stays beat.

His biggest weaknesses show up when defending guys who havent used their dribble, especially when his guy gets the ball inside with back towards the basket. He bites to fakes and gets pushed around in those situations, probably mostly due to his lack of height and weight.
I'm not worry about Keyonte. He seems smart and willing to work, I totally can see him a Mike style career, probably more points with less % and a bit more assist. Probably not the same ratio Assist/To but Mike one in 16 years career is quite incredible. That will put him as a very high level player, a 3rd option in a contender team.
I hope the Jazz coaches recognize that Keyonte may need some outside help with his shot. It may be the difference between him becoming and All Star and staying a role player.

You should give them a call.

“Hi guysh. Tremendous Upside here from the Jazzfanz.com forums. I’d like to make you aware of some critical aspects to Keyonte’s development. I’ve prepared a powerpoint if we could take our seats… thank you, Will. Thank you, Mr. Terry.”
One of my biggest takeaways of Keyonte's play the last couple of weeks is that he is not afraid in the least to lay his body on the line to make a play.
So true

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So, did he turn a corner or was this just a night where everything was going in for him? He did get his assists back up though so that’s good.
He did well in the first half. A lot of the good shooting came with no pressure cuz the game was out of reach. I think it’s definitely good and maybe it builds on itself but it came in the extended garbage time… which is where we will live until Lauri comes back.
So, did he turn a corner or was this just a night where everything was going in for him? He did get his assists back up though so that’s good.
He's not going to turn a corner this year. He's going to have good and bad games. Dont expect too much offensive consistency. Games will get easier as the Jazz tank ramps up, teams stop us as seriously, and Keyonte plays looser.
I'd like to see Keyonte focus on his AST more than scoring, like he did early season. What better time than when we're losing anyways to get better at distribution and not worry about scoring.
I'd like to see Keyonte focus on his AST more than scoring, like he did early season. What better time than when we're losing anyways to get better at distribution and not worry about scoring.
This. Right now he's turning into a younger, even less efficient mix of THT and Sexton.
I'd like to see Keyonte focus on his AST more than scoring, like he did early season. What better time than when we're losing anyways to get better at distribution and not worry about scoring.
Ehh, he's a bucket getter at heart. You have to establish yourself as a threat first and foremost, then playmaking opportunities will open up. He's already shown he can turn on the playmaking side of his brain, he should establish the scoring side as it's more important in the long run.
Ehh, he's a bucket getter at heart. You have to establish yourself as a threat first and foremost, then playmaking opportunities will open up. He's already shown he can turn on the playmaking side of his brain, he should establish the scoring side as it's more important in the long run.

I agree he is a bucket getter at heart. But I think his ability to facilitate others will become more important than his scoring as we develop a stronger lineup so he should establish that playing style now. A Stockton-like mentality would be perfect; primarily focusing on making those around him better but still scoring when needed.
I agree he is a bucket getter at heart. But I think his ability to facilitate others will become more important than his scoring as we develop a stronger lineup so he should establish that playing style now. A Stockton-like mentality would be perfect; primarily focusing on making those around him better but still scoring when needed.
Right. The era of building around small, high-usage, score-first combo guards is over.
I agree he is a bucket getter at heart. But I think his ability to facilitate others will become more important than his scoring as we develop a stronger lineup so he should establish that playing style now. A Stockton-like mentality would be perfect; primarily focusing on making those around him better but still scoring when needed.
You can only facilitate so much if teams arent scared of your scoring. This isn the 90's. You make players better by being a dominant scorer and then using that gravity to move the ball. If could just do that in the modern game Killian Hayes would be a very good starter.
Right. The era of building around small, high-usage, score-first combo guards is over.

He has a small frame so from an injury standpoint he will need to be crafty. Make the goal 10 AST/game then take whatever points you can get after that.
You can only facilitate so much if teams arent scared of your scoring. This isn the 90's. You make players better by being a dominant scorer and then using that gravity to move the ball. If could just do that in the modern game Killian Hayes would be a very good starter.

Keyonte can get his shot at will, he just needs to start making more of them which I think will happen. The question is which one is more important, scoring or facilitating? I'd opine that facilitating will be so get that dialed ASAP.