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Kyle Filipowski Hype & Appreciation thread

The issue with highlights is they a great cherrypicking of what someone is capable of. That said, I think he'll be a serviceable player at least in the NBA.
With young players you are just looking for those flashes and then in film sessions you focus on those movements and begin to build his practice habits around those strengths. Then once those strengths are solidified you gradually branch out the focus on expanding from them. You want to make it a step by step process instead of throwing too much at a player and they end up just being average at most things but not really good at anything. You can have a long successful career focusing on doing a few things really well.
Nowitzki Summer League game


- Dribbling skills
- Dribble drive skills
- Shooting touch
- Passing potential
- Finishing touch around the basket

Differences and potential Improvements

- Get stronger physically
- Increase speed of play
- Be more aggressiveness offensively and defensively
- increase level of “hunger” mentally

Overall great potential to at least try to follow the path.

View: https://youtu.be/aw4vq2B94Y8?si=dl6UNVI-7drUarrU
I actually like things from all the rookies and sophomores right now. They all have some warts to work on, but not a bad foundation overall. It's just going to be a very slow burn for Flip and the rest...
He's got potential to be one of the most offensively versatile bigs in the NBA.

The shot looks so good. I know he mostly been a mediocre shooter, both form the FT line and 3, but if you just saw him shooting you wouldnt think that. Teams are going to respect his shot just off how comfortably and quickly he can shoot it (even off a live dribble).

I'm worried about the defense a tad just because he got absolutely smoked by some matchups, namely Kobe Brown. He definitely has a lot of work to do on defense so he can be a high minutes rotation player. He's tall and has decent feet, so it isn't some longshot for him to be a neutral defender.
My favorite thing about Filipowski is his pace on fastbreaks with the ball. He doesn't even really run fastbreaks, they are kind of like medium-breaks, but he does such a good job moving with the ball left-right while going downhill he can navigate the D before it gets setup
The shot looks so good. I know he mostly been a mediocre shooter, both form the FT line and 3, but if you just saw him shooting you wouldnt think that. Teams are going to respect his shot just off how comfortably and quickly he can shoot it (even off a live dribble).
This is the most bizarre take I have ever read. Are you telling us that in the pregame preparation coaches will tell players "That guy Filipowski is not a good shooter but his shot is so beautiful! You need to guard him closely to make sure that his beautiful misses will not happen."

Teams will guard Flip closely if he is known to be a good shooter, that's all. Ingles had one of the ugliest 3-pointer shots but he was always a focus of the perimeter defense because he was making them.
This is the most bizarre take I have ever read. Are you telling us that in the pregame preparation coaches will tell players "That guy Filipowski is not a good shooter but his shot is so beautiful! You need to guard him closely to make sure that his beautiful misses will not happen."

Teams will guard Flip closely if he is known to be a good shooter, that's all. Ingles had one of the ugliest 3-pointer shots but he was always a focus of the perimeter defense because he was making them.

It's not that bizarre a take. Shooting form matters. It's not destiny, but it's more likely for someone to become a more accurate shooter if they have good form with a quick and high release.
This is the most bizarre take I have ever read. Are you telling us that in the pregame preparation coaches will tell players "That guy Filipowski is not a good shooter but his shot is so beautiful! You need to guard him closely to make sure that his beautiful misses will not happen."

Teams will guard Flip closely if he is known to be a good shooter, that's all. Ingles had one of the ugliest 3-pointer shots but he was always a focus of the perimeter defense because he was making them.
Yes, I'm telling you aesthetics and stereotypes do impact how players guard.

If you got two players who are both 33% shooters but one has Filipowski's form and the other has Shawn Marion's form, players will instinctually close out harder on Filipowski. I guess some may be perfect robots who follow whatever the gameplan is to an absolute T, but most are going to know "hey let's not give the guy who looks like can shoot space to knock down shots because I'm going to look dumb when he starts making shots"
He's got potential to be one of the most offensively versatile bigs in the NBA.

The shot looks so good. I know he mostly been a mediocre shooter, both form the FT line and 3, but if you just saw him shooting you wouldnt think that. Teams are going to respect his shot just off how comfortably and quickly he can shoot it (even off a live dribble).

I'm worried about the defense a tad just because he got absolutely smoked by some matchups, namely Kobe Brown. He definitely has a lot of work to do on defense so he can be a high minutes rotation player. He's tall and has decent feet, so it isn't some longshot for him to be a neutral defender.

Confidence is a hell of a drug. He already went from 28% as a freshman to 35% 3PT in his second year of college on a similar number of attempts(3 per game). 35% is his floor.
I had been thinking that Kelly Olynyk was a good comp for him- but watching those highlights I think he has even a higher ceiling. He plays smart all the time and takes what the defense gives him. He sets good picks and rolls like the old Stock/Malone bread and butter play, he made a couple of John Stockton in transition type passes, he took it coast to coast and made a finesse finish in traffic, he made a perfect back door cut... etc. Of course these were the highlights- and I didn't see all the misses at the end of the game. I don't know if he got tired or if the defense clamped down on him... but watching those highlights shows flashes of potential for an elite, well-rounded offensive game.
I think he will be a great glue guy and teammate as well. I noticed that he acknowledged his teammates that made the passes to him-- rather than some ego-driven celebration of his own accomplishment. I think his teammates are going to love playing with him.
I think he will be a great glue guy and teammate as well. I noticed that he acknowledged his teammates that made the passes to him-- rather than some ego-driven celebration of his own accomplishment. I think his teammates are going to love playing with him.
He got very excited when Bacot hit the corner 3 lmao. Must have been a trip for any UNC/Duke fan to watch.
He plays so smart and fluid. The spacing of the NBA game is much better for him.

He really needs to get stronger/more physical, but the skills and BBall IQ are there. It will help if he gets to be the 5 rather than 4, I think.