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Hasn't been a successful trip, no ... I've got exactly 3.5 days left here but still no-one I really like... not easy.

Relationships are overrated.
Just have a kid or two. Preferably a little girl.
Skip the marriage ********.
That's good advice...

At least it's better than what my friends here are telling me: "You just haven't found THE ONE".

*roll eyes*
I've known a few guys who want to get married but can't find "the one." The problem is they have completely unrealistic expectations. They don't want to marry a real woman. They want to marry their fantasy of what "the one" is. And unfortunately that just doesn't exist.

So if you want a woman get over your fantasy and just start dating anyone anytime and don't try to get too serious too fast.
I've known a few guys who want to get married but can't find "the one." The problem is they have completely unrealistic expectations. They don't want to marry a real woman. They want to marry their fantasy of what "the one" is. And unfortunately that just doesn't exist.

So if you want a woman get over your fantasy and just start dating anyone anytime and don't try to get too serious too fast.
So... settle.
I've known a few guys who want to get married but can't find "the one." The problem is they have completely unrealistic expectations. They don't want to marry a real woman. They want to marry their fantasy of what "the one" is. And unfortunately that just doesn't exist.

So if you want a woman get over your fantasy and just start dating anyone anytime and don't try to get too serious too fast.

I've dated over 12 women on this trip... seen them all.. pretty but stuck up ones... not so pretty but super attentive ones... too young... too old... , ... still nobody I really want to get serious with.
I've dated over 12 women on this trip... seen them all.. pretty but stuck up ones... not so pretty but super attentive ones... too young... too old... , ... still nobody I really want to get serious with.
That doesn't sound like a problem to me. You expect to find a wife on vacation? That seems crazy.
Was kidding.

We all settle.. for the reasons you stated. The perfect person doesn't exist.
I say date because eventually you might start caring about someone you never would have considered just based on the superficial criteria you went into it with.