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Mtn. America ad...

This is the best you got? Seriously, if you're gonna swing, don't swing like you have a ****** between your legs.

I'll be honest Archie, after watching you melt down over a game thread I've totally stopped trying. Sniping with you has grown tiresome. Obviously you don't feel the same way, but the magic just isn't there anymore for me.

I guess what I'm saying is it's time for us to find new enemies. I hope you understand and I wish you the best with some other lucky jazz fan who can hate just as hard as you can. I hope we can still vaguely loathe each other and maybe go out for drinks sometime.
Is this the beginning of a bromance?

uh-oh. . . . . somebody's been left out in the cold. . . . .

Is that "SpringBall" you'r "anxiously awaiting" something like the "Hater's Gala Ball"?????

I thought there might be a small problem about who was gonna get to take Trout.
I'll be honest Archie, after watching you melt down over a game thread I've totally stopped trying. Sniping with you has grown tiresome. Obviously you don't feel the same way, but the magic just isn't there anymore for me.

I guess what I'm saying is it's time for us to find new enemies. I hope you understand and I wish you the best with some other lucky jazz fan who can hate just as hard as you can. I hope we can still vaguely loathe each other and maybe go out for drinks sometime.

I bet you'd like that you ******.
The expandable ad has been removed by our vendor. Sounds like someone else got hold of our account and added the expandable ad to our mix when we had an agreement to avoid those.

Thanks everyone.
Sigh. I even try to be one of least obnoxious ad sites on the interwebs but ... oh well. Maybe we'll go back to our RealGM days with pop-ups and fly-overs.

I want to apologize Jason. Honestly, I didn't even think about the ads as revenue streaming for the site. Yeah, I know. So, for now on Ill disable the AB every now and again and click on the ad. My bad completely.

No, onto other matters....WHO CAN STOP VINYLONE?
I want to apologize Jason. Honestly, I didn't even think about the ads as revenue streaming for the site. Yeah, I know. So, for now on Ill disable the AB every now and again and click on the ad. My bad completely.

No, onto other matters....WHO CAN STOP VINYLONE?

Good question. I might have to think about this for a couple weeks. Hope that works for you.

I think it was Bronco that could stop VINYLONE.
The other way to look at it is VINYLONE could stop VINYLONE.