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Nice... the Harden will go for 500-1000 all day. It might be part of a future challenge... I'd be split on whether to sell or keep it. Would prolly list it high right when the marketplace opens because they start high... either way you are in the money.
Yeah I’m thinking close to 1k. I’m gonna unload it. I’m having a lot of fun buying and selling a lot, 1500 will give me a lot to work with. I hate harden anyway.
I’m still hoping the rest of that challenge drops to 40 each, would like to complete it just to have done a challenge.
Yeah I’m thinking close to 1k. I’m gonna unload it. I’m having a lot of fun buying and selling a lot, 1500 will give me a lot to work with. I hate harden anyway.
When the marketplace opens I'd list that one first... they likely will have a cooling period so can only list like one an hour. They can go really high initially... **** harden take the monies.
I’m still hoping the rest of that challenge drops to 40 each, would like to complete it just to have done a challenge.
They might come down... I don't see it as profitable because those will all be $10-15 cards once the challenge ends... not sure the mike will be worth $200+

if its just for fun then have at it.
They might come down... I don't see it as profitable because those will all be $10-15 cards once the challenge ends... not sure the mike will be worth $200+

if its just for fun then have at it.
Yeah, it’s mostly for fun. I really enjoy this, it would be cool to have a jazz play reward that I earned myself.
Missed the whole day due to medical issues I had to handle with my son. Turns out we are going to Atlanta soon for a special eye surgery to save his eyesight.

I did manage to get in the que to see if I would even have a shot and pulled around number 47K. Still no packs for me but I still am very much into this and wanting to learn how to spot good deals quickly.
Thanks for the heads up!
Really common stuff jumped like 2x because you had to own 3 moments to join the drop... they should deflate this weekend as pack flippers undercut each other. I’m going to scoop up a bunch of moments at 5-8 so that next time they raise the moment requirement or as new users come on I can unload for 2-3x my purchase price. Would love to see them go to 10 moment minimum.
Missed the whole day due to medical issues I had to handle with my son. Turns out we are going to Atlanta soon for a special eye surgery to save his eyesight.

I did manage to get in the que to see if I would even have a shot and pulled around number 47K. Still no packs for me but I still am very much into this and wanting to learn how to spot good deals quickly.
Damn man didn't know about your son. I hope it turns out great. My son just had flash burns to his corneas from welders at his work and that scared the crap out of us so I can only imagine what you're going through. Best wishes!