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Next year I want Exum bringing the ball upcourt,his speed rules


Well-Known Member
Dante bringing the ball up instead of Hayward and Hood puts defenses on their heels.All year Snyder wanted the ball brought up faster to get into their sets and he had the player that could do it most playing 4th PG.

Dante doesn't bring a new dimension into the offense ,he is the new dimension with his speed and ability to get to the basket. I haven't given up on RHood or ABurks or TLyles because I think they can be more of a factor playing with Exum at PG than Mack.I think Exum made GHill expendable.

What's it take for Snyder to see this?
At this stage Exum only has 2 speeds.. off or on. If he can learn how to adjust his speed and make his layups less predictable and more controlled, then he might have a future. Either way he needs to stop digging a hole in deep and dumping the ball off to a player in worse position.
If he can stop being so terrified of going hard to the rim he might turn out to be pretty good.
This is a huge off season for Exum. He mostly has weaknesses that can be corrected. He needs to be able to hit an open 3, and finish with contact.
He needs to work on full speed layup drills, passing, and Threes. His defense is good. Free throws good. He just needs to learn control.
I just want him to bulk up. If he can develop his body the same way Hayward has, I still think he has massive potential. Just being a bit bigger and stronger would instantly make finishing easier for him.
Hill really is better suited to being a SG.

X running a bunch of offense with Hill there to keep control and share those duties (while being a deadly shooter when playing offball) - is my unrequited (or forbidden) love.
Hill really is better suited to being a SG.

X running a bunch of offense with Hill there to keep control and share those duties (while being a deadly shooter when playing offball) - is my unrequited (or forbidden) love.

i don't think with the way we roll that we necessarily need to categorize them. I'd just love to see a bunch more of those two on court together, i think they oculd work really well as long as Dante's shooting improves to the point of not being a liability.

finishing around the rim while going at speed and pulling up for 10-12 ft shots as well as learning more speed variation and control will really help him stay on court.
If he can stop being so terrified of going hard to the rim he might turn out to be pretty good.

He's not terrified anymore. He's lost most of the Bambi lost in the headlights look.

His problem is finishing at the rim. If he can do that consistently look out, because he can get to the rim!
Mods, can you please re-name all of hotttleikheeen threads to read 'Exum 1', 'Exum 2', 'Exum 3'... and so on?
Needs to be able to make defenses pay for sagging off him..... especially once he has started his dribble.
If he is dribbling then the defender only needs to worry about the drive at this point and can defend him accordingly.
Exum played great as the PG in the 1st half .He was a threat to go coast to coast and with the ball in his hand he was very aggressive.
Then Snyder took the ball out of his hand and started him with Mack in the 3rd quarter and mack was Mack hogging the ball and Exum was shackled in the offense.
I know i wasn't the only one to see the difference.
I just want him to bulk up. If he can develop his body the same way Hayward has, I still think he has massive potential. Just being a bit bigger and stronger would instantly make finishing easier for him.

Totally agree. This is what hinders his defense because he get pushed around so easily. Actually, to a lesser degree, this is a weakness of Rudy. Both need to get stronger, though Rudy has gotten a lot stronger in the last two years.
I want to see more off the ball screens to get Exum open going to the rim. He excels with quickness, his ability to blow by players one on one is elite. I really feel like Quin's sets magnify Exum's weaknesses, and attenuate his strengths.
Work on his body, 3s and his handle with both hands.

This, exactly. Needs to be a little stronger in order to finish at the rim, needs to shoot a bit better, and needs to be able to drive left. If he can improve in each of those areas, look out!