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Game Thread Nov 17, 2023 08:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Suns (Tournament)

Added to Calendar: 11-17-23

Feel like the Suns players probably care the most compared to any other team. Half their team is minimum contracts.
Good point. A minimum contract player can increase their salary by almost 50% by winning the tournament. Unfortunately for the Suns, the guy who matters most, Kevin Durant, would only increase his salary by about 1% by winning the tournament.
Biggest game of the year.

If we win the Suns we eliminate them from the tournament AND pass them in the standings.

That would be hilarious.

For all these reasons we must win but also... this will setup up a tournament game with the Lakers that will be the biggest ref screwjob we've seen in a while. Technically Lakers could still make Vegas as a wildcard if they win a road game... but being a team that goes to Vegas over the Lakers and Suns would be glorious.
Gotta be more to Beal than just a strain or back spasms. KD must have built a vacation home on some sacred burial grounds after his last GS title or something.