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Game Thread Nov 17, 2023 08:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Suns (Tournament)

Added to Calendar: 11-17-23

Right now Key is massively weak. Makes sense because he did an extremely drastic weight cut during the off-season. That's the main thing that hurts him on D right now. Dudes just move him like it's nothing.
Yeah most of his issues are he’s in an okay spot and then guys go up through him really easily. I do think he’s been in the right spots most of the time and on the perimeter he has moved his feet well and has good anticipation. I thought he’d be atrocious on defense and he’s been fine. A few plays that will stick out both positive and negative but overall it’s workable.
Also forget whatever I said about the last drive from Lauri. Eubanks could have not fouled much clearer he did. There was a block but his off hand was all over Lauris shoulder and face :D God damn these referees.
Sadly, even if they call the foul and lauri makes both free throws we would just foul the suns and be down 4 again on the next possession with no chance to win or tie
Last night our bench did us no favors. Hardy apparently does not trust the three aforementioned players or the two draftees at the moment. Maybe just let it roll as is.
I mean if the bench is not getting the job done it seems like it should provide more impetus to try something different, particularly where it concerns Yurtseven and what he’s already showed he can deliver.
The reason I’m so high on Key is the stuff he was supposed to be iffy on has been so much better. He had some bad defensive moments last night but in general he’s been neutral and you can see some potential and effort there. His passing has been phenomenal. He seems quite mature and like a high IQ player. I didn’t have much doubt he could be a 20 ppg guy on decent efficiency based on summer league… but if you layer that on top of being a really good passer and solid defender (all projection… he’s not there yet) then you really have something.
I remember a play last night where booker tried to get around Key to get into the paint and key moved his feet well to stay in front and then used his strength to bump booker back (I was surprised they didn't call a foul tbh but Key was in great position). Really impressive.
I remember a play last night where booker tried to get around Key to get into the paint and key moved his feet well to stay in front and then used his strength to bump booker back (I was surprised they didn't call a foul tbh but Key was in great position). Really impressive.
I was thinking of the same play and it was lovely. He’s done that type of stuff regularly and it’s really encouraging.