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Now that it’s over. What team (if any) would you like to see win it all?


This thread gets to the essence of why I think divisions in the NBA are still relevant. And furthermore why prior divisions still seed rivalry in current teams. There's no way I'd ever want to see a Northwest Division team win the title before the Jazz. I like Dame but que se jodan Los Blazers. The Nuggets are pieces of literal poo that cling to one's butthole hairs. I was elated when OKC got knocked out with a dagger. And Houston used to be in our division (Midwest), so that's one more reason they can eat bags of dicks. SAS used to be in the Midwest, too.

The Bucks are a neat story, and Giannis is a superb athlete with a great story who's aggressive but not an assmunch a la Embiid. Wouldn't mind seeing them win it.
Raps likewise are a good story, love Siakam.
GSW, I don't like them. Don't want another team to 3-peat. Don't want their legacy validated like that.

And I'm a huge fan of the underdog (what honest Jazzfan isn't?), and I'm a huge hater. I like the NBA, love basketball, but I don't feel comfortable "rooting" for another team when the Jazz are out. As a matter of fact, I haven't even checked the goddamn scores since we lost. Only the Jazz give me a mean, strong, healthy bone. That's how it's always gon be.

This thread gets to the essence of why I think divisions in the NBA are still relevant. And furthermore why prior divisions still seed rivalry in current teams. There's no way I'd ever want to see a Northwest Division team win the title before the Jazz. I like Dame but que se jodan Los Blazers. The Nuggets are pieces of literal poo that cling to one's butthole hairs. I was elated when OKC got knocked out with a dagger. And Houston used to be in our division (Midwest), so that's one more reason they can eat bags of dicks. SAS used to be in the Midwest, too.

The Bucks are a neat story, and Giannis is a superb athlete with a great story who's aggressive but not an assmunch a la Embiid. Wouldn't mind seeing them win it.
Raps likewise are a good story, love Siakam.
GSW, I don't like them. Don't want another team to 3-peat. Don't want their legacy validated like that.

And I'm a huge fan of the underdog (what honest Jazzfan isn't?), and I'm a huge hater. I like the NBA, love basketball, but I don't feel comfortable "rooting" for another team when the Jazz are out. As a matter of fact, I haven't even checked the goddamn scores since we lost. Only the Jazz give me a mean, strong, healthy bone. That's how it's always gon be.


In summary (RIP Charlie Murphy):

In order of preference from remaining teams - Raptors, Bucks, Blazers, Spurs, Clippers, GSW, Denver, Houston, 76rs, Celtics.
It's more like what teams I don't want to see win, in this order:

1) Rockets
2) Warriors
3) Celtics
4) Nuggets
5) 76ers
6) Raptors
7) Blazers
8) Bucks
1) Rockets - 3 greats get a ring before the window shuts (Harden, Paul, D'Antoni).
2) Bucks - LOVE that the best player is doing it by physically overpowering defenders. This team is my favorite mix of old school NBA and money ball NBA.
3) Toronto - Good team, good fans, deserve the win.
4) Portland - Would mean that Dame has the most epic playoff performance of all time!
5) Spurs - Perfect ending for Popovich, big FU to Kawhi, would make analytical haters go crazy (Barkely would be so happy).
6) 76ers - Would love to see big guy (Embiid) lead to a title.
7) Clippers - Because I don't actively dislike the team
8) Nuggets - Because they are not Warriors or Celtics
9) Celtics - Because they are not the Warriors
10) Cancel the playoffs - Refs go on strike over players whinning
11) Cancel the playoffs - Fans stop watching after refs decide to review every call players complains about
12) Cancel the playoffs - There are no eligible players after refs assign technical fouls to every player who incorrectly complains about a call or flops
13) Warriors - Because in reality someone has to win... I guess
**** Harden, **** Paul, and **** D'Antoni
The Bucks. Anyone but the Nuggets, Celtics or Rockets. I just cannot cheer for any Western conference team because it would feel like cheering against the Jazz. Beside I do not want Kanter or Hood to have a ring.
I live in Oregon, so I guess it's gotta be the Blazers. And, to be honest, I'm impressed with how Kanter has stepped up for them. Surprised. Maybe if he'd done that before, he wouldn't have been traded for garbage twice and just outright waived by one of the worst teams in the NBA.

I'm also an underdog fan, so San Antonio would be sweet.
Denver is the underdog against San Antonio. Refs love Texas and California teams in general, and they've favored the Spurs in game 7 in the minutes I've seen. Denver has never won anything.
I know I’ll get flamed for this but a month ago, after the Celts had beaten the Dubs if I’m not mistaken, I told my friends, watch the Celts finally hit their stride now and win it all.

I kind of want to see that. Not to prove me right. And **** Hayward still. But it would be cool to see a team overcome major adversity in season and beat three very legit teams to win it in the Bucks, Raptors and Warriors...or Rockets I suppose.
After the way the Rockets dismantled the Jazz I thought for sure the Rockets would be able to take out the Warriors in a 7 game series. There shooting was that good. However, it now seems like this could end up being a short series with GS winning with ease. I always root for the team that eliminated the Jazz. I guess I'll pull for GS since they are the most fun team to watch with there passing and shooting!