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Off-Season Rumblings

Hard to make a judgement when you don't know what the picks or swap were.
Not really. Eff those guys. I’m buying, not selling. someone will come available. Just gotta be ready to pounce. Things get very interesting if the Jazz can land a legitimate star to team with Markkanen.
Not really. Eff those guys. I’m buying, not selling. someone will come available. Just gotta be ready to pounce. Things get very interesting if the Jazz can land a legitimate star to team with Markkanen.
There are like 3-4 teams that may be sellers and 3-4 teams kinda in the middle and a heap of teams that are buyers. There will be a lot of player movement but we aren’t really ready to be buyers. The best thing for us would be to be opportunistic… whether that’s as a buyer or seller.
GSW says hold our beer (urp!)
We literally facilitated the first leg of their run.
I mean sometimes we will do stuff and it helps us later while helping them now. We helped GS get a key piece but you have to act in your own best interest.
I’m a pretty big DA fan, but he screwed up big time by not tanking super hardcore after moving on from Mitchell and Gobert. I was all in favor of the tank, and wanted him to tear the team down to the studs and then burn it down to the foundation. One hard core year of tanking from a management side of things, and then let Hardy & company do their very best to compete and build toward the future. Instead, if feels like the Jazz jackpotted around not committing one way or the other and are in a rut now. More moves still need to be made, but it feels like two steps backwards before you can even think of moving forwards again.
I’m a pretty big DA fan, but he screwed up big time by not tanking super hardcore after moving on from Mitchell and Gobert. I was all in favor of the tank, and wanted him to tear the team down to the studs and then burn it down to the foundation.

He did, though. He traded away everyone from that 2022 team away in the span of 6 months except Clarkson. The Jazz went into the season with the worst betting odds in the league and the second worse over/under for wins. What else should he have done? Insisted that Minnesota and Cleveland trade us sacks of potatoes instead of young players?
I mean sometimes we will do stuff and it helps us later while helping them now. We helped GS get a key piece but you have to act in your own best interest.
If I’m recalling this correctly, there was originally the salary dump deal with Biedrins and Richard Jefferson where we got the pick that became Hood (after they ****ed us tanking when we could have had the assets to otherwise grab Lillard), but a few days later there was a separate deal where we did a S&T to Denver of Randy Foye that netted us a second round pick. It was that second part that landed GSW Iguodala but it all got thrown together as one deal.

We should’ve said no to the second part of the deal, especially since the second rounder we got we ended up trading for Shelvin Mack anyway, who (along with “Exum’s development” [that we benched for Mack]) ended up being part of the justification of why we could make a waiver-wire claim on DWill (the real reunion that should’ve happened) AND Bogut (going into a post season where we could’ve used a legit PG and big man backups).

Man this **** was so easy to get in real time.
I’m a pretty big DA fan, but he screwed up big time by not tanking super hardcore after moving on from Mitchell and Gobert. I was all in favor of the tank, and wanted him to tear the team down to the studs and then burn it down to the foundation. One hard core year of tanking from a management side of things, and then let Hardy & company do their very best to compete and build toward the future. Instead, if feels like the Jazz jackpotted around not committing one way or the other and are in a rut now. More moves still need to be made, but it feels like two steps backwards before you can even think of moving forwards again.
Outside of landing Victor in that draft who would have drastically changed our franchise if we drafted them after tearing it to the studs? I think we landed pretty solid players that draft. I would much rather have the guys we have and Lauri than pretty much anyone else from that draft besides 1 guy.
He did, though. He traded away everyone from that 2022 team away in the span of 6 months except Clarkson. The Jazz went into the season with the worst betting odds in the league and the second worse over/under for wins. What else should he have done? Insisted that Minnesota and Cleveland trade us sacks of potatoes instead of young players?
Yeah, the team simply exceeded expectations. Which meant we had better players, which is a good thing. You can't really force the team to tank in season besides trading guys away at the deadline, which we did.
If I’m recalling this correctly, there was originally the salary dump deal with Biedrins and Richard Jefferson where we got the pick that became Hood (after they ****ed us tanking when we could have had the assets to otherwise grab Lillard), but a few days later there was a separate deal where we did a S&T to Denver of Randy Foye that netted us a second round pick. It was that second part that landed GSW Iguodala but it all got thrown together as one deal.

We should’ve said no to the second part of the deal, especially since the second rounder we got we ended up trading for Shelvin Mack anyway, who (along with “Exum’s development” [that we benched for Mack]) ended up being part of the justification of why we could make a waiver-wire claim on DWill (the real reunion that should’ve happened) AND Bogut (going into a post season where we could’ve used a legit PG and big man backups).

Man this **** was so easy to get in real time.
The first deal allowed the Iggy deal. They needed the space to sign him.
If I’m recalling this correctly, there was originally the salary dump deal with Biedrins and Richard Jefferson where we got the pick that became Hood (after they ****ed us tanking when we could have had the assets to otherwise grab Lillard), but a few days later there was a separate deal where we did a S&T to Denver of Randy Foye that netted us a second round pick. It was that second part that landed GSW Iguodala but it all got thrown together as one deal.

We should’ve said no to the second part of the deal, especially since the second rounder we got we ended up trading for Shelvin Mack anyway, who (along with “Exum’s development” [that we benched for Mack]) ended up being part of the justification of why we could make a waiver-wire claim on DWill (the real reunion that should’ve happened) AND Bogut (going into a post season where we could’ve used a legit PG and big man backups).

Man this **** was so easy to get in real time.

I was trying to remember what we did with that GSW draft compensation and yes it was Rodney freaking Hood.
I was as amped up as KOC when we landed him.

And then...... Giardia, or something.
You could say the same about THT and virtually 100 other players in the league.
Downplay all you want but tell me.. if we exclude Wemby and Miller, which guys of the highly praised 2023 draft class showed equal or more positive flashes without looking equally or more flawed?

I would say Jacquez, GG Jackson and maybe Whitmore and Lively... albeit now that I've seen Gafford with Luka I'm not sure if its more about Luka than Lively. But for others like Scoot, Amen, Ausar, Black, Bilal... it was flashes & flaws. Podz was great but not really showing high level flashes or dripping All-Star potential is he? Also just like Lively and Jacquez, he played with pretty good players around him all year.
I feel like it is easier to get a Jalen than a Lauri. I feel like OKC would be better swapping Jalen for Lauri. I'm not sure what OKC would need to add

There might be more guys like Jalen (wing creators) than Lauri (7ft sniper) in the league, but high level wing creators and defenders are the most valuable player in the NBA. If we were trading Lauri for Jalen we would be the one giving up picks.
Outside of landing Victor in that draft who would have drastically changed our franchise if we drafted them after tearing it to the studs? I think we landed pretty solid players that draft. I would much rather have the guys we have and Lauri than pretty much anyone else from that draft besides 1 guy.

If we were the worst team in the league a year ago, we would most likely have Miller, Scoot, Black or one of the Thompson twins. I'd love to have Miller or Amen on our team, but I don't know either if we'd still be in a significantly better position right now.