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Per statmuse.com, mean rebounding percentage for centers this year is 16.8%. He’s 19.1%. It would help to have the standard deviation, but of those who qualify on minutes, there are only 7 guys in the entire league with a higher % (Adams, Jonas V, Sabonis, Robert, Portis, Zubac, Nurkic).
Interesting, personally I'd rather look at DRB% because overall I would say it's more important.

I think Walker has a pretty high level ORB% which is boosting his TRB% a bit.

According to BBALL reference he is 33rd in TRB% this year, not 8th. He doesnt even qualify for the leader board though (based on minutes I guess).
Walker's DRB% is 47th among all players.

I would assume he's pretty close to qualifying for the minutes threshold though, so if he got his minutes boosted a bit, he would be closer to the 20th if he kept the same pace with more minutes.
Per statmuse.com, mean rebounding percentage for centers this year is 16.8%. He’s 19.1%. It would help to have the standard deviation, but of those who qualify on minutes, there are only 7 guys in the entire league with a higher % (Adams, Jonas V, Sabonis, Gobert, Portis, Zubac, Nurkic).

A better question is, who’s a “strong rebounder” we can bring in and why isn’t said rebounder on this list?
That list has one huge credibility problem. Capela is not on it.
Walker's DRB% is 47th among all players.

I would assume he's pretty close to qualifying for the minutes threshold though, so if he got his minutes boosted a bit, he would be closer to the 20th if he kept the same pace with more minutes.
His per 36 is 12.4 which is 1.1 lower than Gobert and he ranks between Giannis (12.5) and Zubac (12.2) and above guys like Jokic, Vucevic, Bam etc.

However there is one important reason to downplay his numbers a bit. He plays way more against 2nd stringers than those top guys.

Still, its objectively great numbers for a rookie.
His per 36 is 12.4 which is 1.1 lower than Gobert and he ranks between Giannis (12.5) and Zubac (12.2) and above guys like Jokic, Vucevic, Bam etc.

However there is one important reason to downplay his numbers a bit. He plays way more against 2nd stringers than those top guys.

Still, its objectively great numbers for a rookie.
Yeah, per game isnt as good as a number as % though.

And I wouldnt say it's a 1st vs 2nd stringer thing more than it is an energy thing. If you are playing 20 mpg you should have way more energy to go out and really battle for rebounds vs when you are a starter.
I think most of our rebounding issues can be traced to KO and our guards tbh. Adding a perimeter player that can help on the glass would give us a nice boost. Naz Reid instead of KO would be an improvement.
LOL at the narrative call out. "the stats that back up my claim which i sorta back tracked on, are the best stats to use. Not always, just when they, ya know, help my narrative"

New Lopo
Brother the stats I used proved my point....

(and they are generally regarded as the best rebounding stats, though I'm sure there are others that are more holistic)
Brother the stats I used proved my point....
If its the point you want to prove.

Dude, sincerely, I plee with you, as a dude thats really liked you for like 15 years or so on this board..........stop being intellectually dishonest. You're WAY too smart to go this route over the last year or so. Its an ego thing, we all have it, but not all are as bright as you are.

I know its hurt you to have people call you out for missing on **** but double, triple and quadrupling down seemingly every single time lately is just so Lopo-esque. You hated it when he did it but now youre taking that torch and its wild/sad.
Yeah, per game isnt as good as a number as % though.

And I wouldnt say it's a 1st vs 2nd stringer thing more than it is an energy thing. If you are playing 20 mpg you should have way more energy to go out and really battle for rebounds vs when you are a starter.
Agreed on both parts but you also need to take out the low minute stat anomalies.

According to that BBall ref list where Kessler is 33rd the top looks like:
#1 Malcolm Hill
#2 Trevor Keels
#3 Andre Drummond
#4 Mfiondu Kabengele
#5 Cole Swinder
Drummond is a legit good rebounder, but for the others....

Meanwhile Sabonis is 18th, Gobert is 20th, Jokic is 35th, Giannis is 43rd and Allen is 46th.
If its the point you want to prove.

Dude, sincerely, I plee with you, as a dude thats really liked you for like 15 years or so on this board..........stop being intellectually dishonest. You're WAY too smart to go this route over the last year or so. Its an ego thing, we all have it, but not all are as bright as you are.

I know its hurt you to have people call you out for missing on **** but double, triple and quadrupling down seemingly every single time lately is just so Lopo-esque. You hated it when he did it but now youre taking that torch and its wild/sad.
What am I guilty of exactly?

I called WK a mediocre rebounder and almost immediately said it was probably too strong of a word. Not like I went on weeks rant of trying to prove he was mediocre. I took it back and simply called him average/good, then I pulled the advanced rebounding stats that showed that.

It's really weird yall think I'm some kind of WK hater because I called him a "career backup" early in the process (and have since said I think he's better than that). I'm just calling balls and strikes. To compare me to Lopo who did a much more mental gymnastics version of this on a 3x DPOY player is crazy.
Agreed on both parts but you also need to take out the low minute stat anomalies.

According to that BBall ref list where Kessler is 33rd the top looks like:
#1 Malcolm Hill
#2 Trevor Keels
#3 Andre Drummond
#4 Mfiondu Kabengele
#5 Cole Swinder
Drummond is a legit good rebounder, but for the others....

Meanwhile Sabonis is 18th, Gobert is 20th, Jokic is 35th, Giannis is 43rd and Allen is 46th.
Yeah, it's weird because WK is considered low minute enough not to be put on the leaderboards, but he's obviously higher minutes than a lot of the low minutes people. Still, you can compare his numbers to historical numbers and it ranks right around average for his size/position.

ANd of course he is a rookie and all that. I Think he could make big jumps in strength and possibly minor jumps in athleticism. Right now he's bordering on soft at times, but I dont think he's necessarily as soft player mentally, he's just kind of weak.
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What am I guilty of exactly?

I called WK a mediocre rebounder and almost immediately said it was probably too strong of a word. Not like I went on weeks rant of trying to prove he was mediocre. I took it back and simply called him average/good, then I pulled the advanced rebounding stats that showed that.

It's really weird yall think I'm some kind of WK hater because I called him a "career backup" early in the process (and have since said I think he's better than that). I'm just calling balls and strikes. To compare me to Lopo who did a much more mental gymnastics version of this on a 3x DPOY player is crazy.
My thoughts on this arent isolated to the WK commentary, but Ill leave it at that and just say Im still a big fan of yours for the record.
DLo Unfollowed the Wolves on social media... maybe he is the guy that is the target of Naz's comments and not Rudy.