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Oscar Nominations

Sean Penn was in poor form last night... I thought his comment before announcing the winner was unfunny and uncalled for.
Sean Penn was in poor form last night... I thought his comment before announcing the winner was unfunny and uncalled for.

It wasn't funny but I don't get why its so damn offensive. He's not from America so he would need a green card of some sort. NBD to me.
It was an inside joke between Penn and a friend. People get offended about anything and everything these days.


Yeah but the point is most people watching the show wouldn't know that. They'll only see that, not go read the back story, and take it at face value.

The issue is a sore point for minorities in this country and we don't need another wedge dividing us, we need people who can unite us. All the work other presenters/speakers (i.e., John Legend, Common) did during the night to spread the message of togetherness, etc, was undone by that last comment.
At the end of the day the Oscars is an industry awards show. It's not that surprising that industry inside jokes are present.

LOL. So what? You realize they worked together on 21 Grams, right?

Honestly, you're a nice guy and all but what the hell do you care when one friend jokes with another? Are you that dense that you didn't even know it was a joke? I feel sometimes like you want to just live inside a Disney movie.
I don't watch awards shows because no one can take jokes. I want to see professional comedians busting some balls. Not Neil Patrick Harris reciting jokes from the Mormon joke book.
I don't watch awards shows because no one can take jokes. I want to see professional comedians busting some balls. Not Neil Patrick Harris reciting jokes from the Mormon joke book.

Ricky Gervais crushed the Golden Globes a couple years ago imo. Just ruthless.
LOL. So what? You realize they worked together on 21 Grams, right?

Honestly, you're a nice guy and all but what the hell do you care when one friend jokes with another? Are you that dense that you didn't even know it was a joke? I feel sometimes like you want to just live inside a Disney movie.

I know they worked together on 21 Grams, but most people watching the Oscars probably wouldn't. Obviously I'm not alone in my view this is an excerpt from the CNN article:

Yes, Iñarritu later covered for Penn -- the two of them worked together on the film "21 Grams," and Iñarritu noted they were friends and accustomed to teasing each other. That's nice of him. But Penn ought to recognize that one of the most-watched television events of the year is not the most appropriate place for a private joke that crosses the line of good taste. After all, last year's Oscars reached about 43 million viewers in the United States alone, while ABC notes that the show is broadcast to some 200 countries around the world. As a result, millions of viewers heard an award-winning actor making fun out of the idea of a Latino's lack of "papers."

Penn's comment was particularly insensitive given that the immigration debate in the United States in nowhere near being settled -- an estimated 11 million undocumented people in the U.S. live in constant fear of seeing their families torn apart by deportation. Right now, nearly 4 million undocumented immigrants who could have been eligible for deportation relief under President Barack Obama's executive action plan have their futures on hold as a result of a Texas court decision to suspend the programs. Meanwhile, immigrants are too often the victims of hate crimes.
Hotttnickkk one of the people that has put comedians out of business and turned people towards to the Disney channel to look for hosts and MCs.