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"Quin Snyder, may I introduce you to Miye Oni? He is on your roster and available to play."

Don't see us contending if we are to maintain this current rotation. Guys like Oni, Morgan and Shaq need to be playing
our current rotation sucks. been saying it since last year.

certain guys play too big of roles. we aren't athletic, or big enough. And now consistent enough on offence
I have been a Oni homer from day one. In fact I probably was to extreme. He could help a lot right now. In fact Shaq could be a big help. We need better transition play.
Quin proving that he’s Thibbsing TF out of this roster. We’re going to ride or die with what we’ve got, unless it’s the last 90 seconds of a blowout.
I'm not sure Quin knows there are more than 8 players on the roster. Seriously, I thought Corbin was bad playing nothing but the vets, but now I'm getting the same vibe from Quin.
This is a serious question, can the guys the Jazz had in camp and then cut destined for the Stars stay around, work out and say get into a little pickup ball with the pine riders? Guys like Yogi, Bluett, Toolson? I'm afraid the guys at the end of the bench have sat so long they will be totally out of shape and basketball awareness. .
Injuries/rest days will happen and force his hand. But it would definitely be nice if they had some real reps before that happened. It would send a good message if he tried other things when any of our top 8 dudes are playing like doo doo. But he’s never been that type of coach.

Quin can be frustrating. I’ve always liked the dude, but you can set your watch to these slow starts to the season at this point. I’m sure the Jazz will go on a run against bad teams again this year and be respectable. But there is no evidence this team is any different than all the rest so far. Jazz don’t really have another big move to make other than coach at this point. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
Rotations are more and more frustrating each game. When lineups aren't working we need to give these guys a chance.

Especially when a player is clearly cold. We need to bring a spark in to buck the trend of poor play sometimes. Shot making is contagious but we prefer to quarantine...
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He is giving the guys at the end of the bench no hope right now. If a starter or other rotation player can't throw it in the ocean, give the bench guys a try and reward production and success not mediocrity and failure.
I don't see why people are so surprised that Oni isn't getting minutes. I've been saying since pre-season that the only time he'll see the floor is in blowouts or if we have injuries. The rotation is set, and he's like our 11th man. How many teams use an 11 man rotation? This isn't unique to Quin, almost all teams use a 9 man rotation and the rest of the roster rides the pine.
I think we need to use the end of the bench guys and Stars guys like the Harlem Globetrotters and barnstorm through the intermountain west and play town teams to show how superior the NBA product really is. Sort of like Junior Jazz.
Someone should be getting Niangs minutes... Oni Shaq Morgan... I don’t think he can do what he needs to in the short stints... he gets in and forces shots realizing he’s on the bench in 2 minutes and that is where his value comes from. Shaq, Oni, or Morgan can be positive without taking a shot. JC Joe and Mike or DM will carry the bench unit shots... put a defender in that might get a steal or two or inject some energy into the game.
Someone should be getting Niangs minutes... Oni Shaq Morgan... I don’t think he can do what he needs to in the short stints... he gets in and forces shots realizing he’s on the bench in 2 minutes and that is where his value comes from. Shaq, Oni, or Morgan can be positive without taking a shot. JC Joe and Mike or DM will carry the bench unit shots... put a defender in that might get a steal or two or inject some energy into the game.
Thibbs was playing Jimmy Butler 39 minutes per game in Chicago. Then he went to Minnesota and decided he needed Jimmy, in addition to running everyone else into the ground on high minutes in blowouts. Then he also decided he needed to get the other Chicago crew and got Luol Deng, Taj Gibson, Derrick Rose, and probably had the hots for Noah. 8 years from now, Quin is going to be coaching in New Orleans and playing Royce 40 MPG with Niang off the bench.
I'm OK with the rotation as long as it fits what Quins trying to do. The fact that Quin's trying to play fast pace offense while sticking to this old, undersized, unathletic lineup just ain't making sense. Whenever we miss shots in open court results in easy buckets for opponents on the other end, which is why we can't sustain any kind of rhythm or momentum