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Quotes from around the league after Clippers Game 1


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On Gobert’s game winning block as time runs out

Sonics-Philly flairs in shambles

76ers- Gobert is so interesting, I feel like you can gather how much an individual knows about basketball by asking them where they rank gobert among nba centers

76ers- Its so much cooler when 3point shooters do that pump dribble side-step into a shot than when they pump fake and launch sideways into the defender. It looks ****ing sick when they hit those, and it made this sequence look sick when Gobert stuffed it

NBA- Smacking the ball like it’s a water bottle!

NBA- My nipples are so hard right now!!!

NBA- When you got #2 and George Paul on your team, the person that takes the last shot has gotta be Marcus Morris, jr. Right? RIGHT?!?!?!!

Mavericks- I mean this is an absolutely phenomenal block. But can someone explain the coaching decision to not foul earlier there to prevent 3 points?

Jazz- Gobert launched that ball into outer space at the end of the clip.

Warriors- Dudes in my group chat said Marcus Morris would take Rudy Gobert out of the game and this is the best thing that could have happened for me.

NBA- Your DPOY, ladies and gentlemen.

NBA- But remember, Rudy can't guard the perimeter.

Nuggets- The ****ing nerve of Ben Simmons to think Rudy isn't that good on defense

NBA- He brought out the French Baguette.

Thunder- Great recovery without the foul!

NBA- Great recovery without the foul!

Lakers- PG13% showed up tonight

76ers- Stifle Tower!

NBA- That was one of the best 2nd halves of the playoffs yet. Epic storm back by the Jazz on an incredible offense and defensive performance.

Mavericks- Mitchell and Gobert really dragged their nuts all over the faces of the clippers.

Jazz- Don't forget about Joe Ingles with a wet fart on their faces

NBA- It's weird to see that having Kawhi and PG the last shot is given to Morris. Gobert was superb

Warriors- What a ****ing block, absolutely savage. I loved his post buzzer smack of the ball too. "Get that **** outta here!"

Warriors- Gobert's recovery is absurd. Amazing effort on his part.

Celtics- The irony … the common analysis was that the Clippers would exploit Rudy Gobert by drawing him to the perimeter defensively.

Then the game saving play was him blocking a 47% 3 point shooter on a 3 attempt …

Rockets- The final shot CANNOT be in the hands of a player like Morris when you have 2 stars on your team.

Terrible decision.

Suns- The long arm of the law

Raptors- Dude called for that switch on D too, you see him directing it before the play went down

Celtics- Look at Gobert getting played off the floor in the playoffs

Cavs- Absolutely unreal

Lakers- Rudy punching the ball to the stands at the end made it even better.

Lakers- Gobert getting the game winning block on Marcus Morris and the Clippers....r/NBA’s got the most confused boner right now.

Raptors- The Jazz's defensive discipline was incredible this entire sequence

Spurs- Good defense is so fun to watch.

Blazers- Do the blazers play in the same league? Lol can you imagine our defense in that situation lol. Lord

Bulls- But what the **** even was this "play"....17 seconds and Kawhi and PG played hot potato with it ending up with a Morris contested 3...

Raptors- Gobert was amazing but nobody giving any props to Ingles on this incredible sequence and sticking with it the whole way. =/

Suns- [This comment has been blocked by Gobert]

Warriors- It's actually ridiculous watching that - such impressive agility from a giant.


SUNS- That ball got passed around more than the Suns roster in a Sheraton Inn bedroom

General comments

Rockets- Playoff P is back baby

Celtics- Kawhi deserves so much better than this roster full of dudes who think they are Kawhi

Heat- Mitchell really damn near scored 50 playing a team with Kawhi/PG13.

Y'all who said that could only happen in the bubble need to write this man an apology

Lakers- What a ****ing game. Give me 7 games of this. Inject it into my veins.

NBA- Kawhi: **** I’m glad that Mavs series is over, tired of tryna guard these kids going for 40


Mavs- In the 2nd half he had 32 points on 11/16 shooting, 4/7 from 3, 6/7 from the line, 2 rebounds, 3 assists and a block on Kawhi.

A middle finger right in the face of his doubters

Bucks- Morris even got him on the pump fake, Gobert is just so ****ing huge that he covered that too

Mavs- Mitchell has a lot more help than Doncic.

NBA- Obviously the key to success is to miss 21 straight shots.

Pistons- Any team that loses a game to an opponent shooting 0/21 in a game deserves to lose the series too

Spurs- Pandemic P and Donovan Mitchell are the number 1 duo in the NBA.

Hawks- Im so ready for a PHX vs Utah WCF with both crowds

Hornets- That ending was awesome

NBA- Holy **** Utah crowd was absolutely savage towards Paul George lol.

I want to see this guy break his Playoff P moniker so much. But god damn PG can't be having a game this bad

Nets- Rudy is a ****ing monster, one of the best blocks I've ever seen

Raptors- Insane defense by Ingles on Kawhi on that last possession

Warriors- Gobert earned that contract with the final block

NBA- Donovan Mitchell just willed that win. That's a leader.

Nuggets- Man none of the Clippers wanted to take that last shot

Clippers- This is our signature defeat

Knicks- Donovan Mitchell is the ****ing truth. Top 15 in the NBA

Nets- The way Gobert yeeted that ball at the end

Suns- That spida fellow is pretty good at basketball

Heat- It really doesn’t get better than COVID patient 0 Gobert blocking Marqueef Morris to seal a loss for the Clipparoos lmao

Nets- They get compared at lot, but that block by Gobert was the first time I saw him be exactly like prime Dwight. Awesome play.

NBA- man both stars scared to shoot. sad

Sonics- Normally I love to come to these post game threads and talk about the game, and it was a great game, but tonight, my only takeaway is:

That combination of the center logo, jerseys, key/paint, color-coordinated crowd sections, holy ****. Easily the coolest NBA aesthetic I've seen, surpassing the Miami Vice debut.

And that place was ****in rocking tonight too.

Bucks- i ****in loved the crowd, made it really feel like playoff basketball

NBA- People will remember Gobert’s highlight block, but they will forget there were like 3 or 4 possessions in the last 3 mins of that game where merely Goberts presence near the paint forced PG to just not even try to go to the basket, even when it was transition, or he had beaten his man already.

PlAyEd OfF tHe FlOoR

Raptors- That arena was jumping. Jazz fans were hella engaged and raucous. Great home crowd and a few bad apples shouldn't diminish that. They showed out for their team.

Raptors- Does playing Joe Ingles really affect Paul George that much?

Lakers- such a baller performance by the Jazz

Donovan Mitchell is a ****en stud, dude had more points than Kawhi and PG combined

the crowd chanting OVERRATED lmao. these wild milk drinking Mitt Romney lovers getting inside Playoff Pee's head and I love it

think I'm bandwagoning the Jazz to win it all

Nuggets- That was a great ****ing game and ending. God these playoffs are soooo entertaining!!!!!

NBA- Watching Donovan Mitchell go supernova in the playoffs make me so happy

Knicks- Can’t get over PG and Kawhi playing hot potato and giving a live grenade to Marcus Morris with the DPOY on him lol

Lakers- Utah is by far the best defensive team in the league and they have the best defensive player possibly ever. I don't think people understand what that means or what the full impact of that is. We're watching it right now.

Paul George and Kawhi Leonard under 25. This is not a coincidence.

Rockets- Utah has 7 elite 3-point shooters including Conley. I don’t think any other team can say that. If Mitchell can continue to play like a superstar I certainly think Utah has a shot at the chip.

NBA- I support the jazz now lmao. This crowd is great.

Thunder- This feels like a conference finals/nba finals game and it’s incredible

NBA- The Utah Jazz miss 21 consecutive field goals in the first quarter

Nuggets- They went that whole quarter without a 2 point field goal. That's insane. 5 threes, 3 free throws, zero 2s

Timberwolves- When you combine Kawhi and George’s shooting stats together, Kawhi looks much worse.

Lakers- Scamdemic P tricked us into thinking he was back

Mavericks- Clippers really just got done playing Luka and have to deal with this? Yikes. I guess nothing great ever came easy.

Spurs- Yep. Even the Jazz vs Grizz was tougher than the series win looked. West is just a blood bath year in, year out.

Hornets- Luka and Mitchell feasting on the ‘best defensive wing combo’ in the league

Pistons- And the Jazz had a historically bad first half. Plus kennard isn’t hitting those shots 2 games in a row. Gonna need paul george to actually perform in Utah
Mavericks- I mean this is an absolutely phenomenal block. But can someone explain the coaching decision to not foul earlier there to prevent 3 points?
MOTHER****ING this. Seriously Quin, one of the first to adopt the euro-foul but lagging so far behind on the obvious way to stop the 3 to tie. Yeah we dodged a bullet but foul to get the ball back and stop the 3 attempt before it starts and there isn't a bullet to dodge.
Mavs- In the 2nd half he had 32 points on 11/16 shooting, 4/7 from 3, 6/7 from the line, 2 rebounds, 3 assists and a block on Kawhi.

A middle finger right in the face of his doubters
This guy gets it.
NBA- People will remember Gobert’s highlight block, but they will forget there were like 3 or 4 possessions in the last 3 mins of that game where merely Goberts presence near the paint forced PG to just not even try to go to the basket, even when it was transition, or he had beaten his man already.

PlAyEd OfF tHe FlOoR
This guy gets it too.

Best defensive player of this generation.
“Heat- It really doesn’t get better than COVID patient 0 Gobert blocking Marqueef Morris to seal a loss for the Clipparoos lmao”

Love it, that’s our party stopper!