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Republicans and Fascism

We are 11 years from the 100 year mark since Hitler took power in Germany. Where was the global fascist movement in 1922 compared to 2022?

After WWII the world was supposed to have learned a lesson about fascism never to be forgotten. Less than 100 years later it seems a significant segment of the world population has developed a fever for the flavor of fascism.

Are massive amounts of people going to have to die again before we put this **** down?
Decrease. I said Congress can't decrease the money supply. Congress can certainly increase the money supply
If they can increase by spending more than they take in (by borrowing),they can also decrease it by raising taxes and not spending. Instead, the Republicans will borrow more by cutting taxes without reducing spending.
No. Of course not. This scare-mongering brinkmanship happens every time the debt ceiling needs to be raised. It is a ridiculous fight but the sadder part is how many are duped by the propaganda.
No the sad thing is what they choose to hold hostage. I do not believe it is a bluff. If they get the authority they will at least attempt to cut those programs. But even using that as "leverage" is like holding someone's baby out the window until they give you the tv remote then saying "relax I wouldn't have dropped her". It's morally wrong.
No the sad thing is what they choose to hold hostage. I do not believe it is a bluff. If they get the authority they will at least attempt to cut those programs. But even using that as "leverage" is like holding someone's baby out the window until they give you the tv remote then saying "relax I wouldn't have dropped her". It's morally wrong.
1000% this.
If they can increase by spending more than they take in (by borrowing),they can also decrease it by raising taxes and not spending.
That is not how our monetary system and government bonds work. This is clearly not a subject you have enough of a grasp on to be worth talking to. I've learned my lesson with you. Often there can be intelligent debate. Sometimes you fake it until you Google enough to get some familiarity. Sometimes you are completely ignorant and rely on flinging insults to try and cover your lack of knowledge. That statement displays such a deep misunderstanding that I'm pretty sure this topic is the last type.
No the sad thing is what they choose to hold hostage. I do not believe it is a bluff. If they get the authority they will at least attempt to cut those programs. But even using that as "leverage" is like holding someone's baby out the window until they give you the tv remote then saying "relax I wouldn't have dropped her". It's morally wrong.
Ya if it is scare mongering, then you have to ask the question, Why are republican politicians saying they will cut SS, medicare and medicaid? Why do they want to scare people into not voting for them? Are any average american voters hoping for those things to go away?
I do not believe it is a bluff.
You sincerely believe the United States is going to default on its debt? You think all the banks, with all the money they pump into election campaigns, are going to sit back and let their bought and paid for politicians make them insolvent by making worthless the trillions of dollars worth of government debt they are counting as assets? That is how you think this is going to go? Really?

Wait, did you even know that is what the issue is? You do know the Medicare and Social Security are just the threatened items being listed by the Democrats because they know that will get public attention but the fight is over the entire debt, right? Medicare and Social Security debt won't be paid because they are United States debts and the US will default on the debt. That is what you think is going to happen?

Whatever LogGrad. I don't even know where to begin with that but you're wrong and I'm more than willing to place a wager on it. There may be another government shut down and a lot of finger pointing but the United States is not going to become insolvent and declare bankruptcy in the next 18 months.
Why do they want to scare people into not voting for them? Are any average american voters hoping for those things to go away?
They don't and no there aren't. The outlets you are reading that in are lefty outlets. It is lefty outlets that want to scare people into not voting for the GOP. The lefties here on this board are consuming propaganda and coming away with a twisted picture that isn't reality.
You sincerely believe the United States is going to default on its debt? You think all the banks, with all the money they pump into election campaigns, are going to sit back and let their bought and paid for politicians make them insolvent by making worthless the trillions of dollars worth of government debt they are counting as assets? That is how you think this is going to go? Really?

Wait, did you even know that is what the issue is? You do know the Medicare and Social Security are just the threatened items being listed by the Democrats because they know that will get public attention but the fight is over the entire debt, right? Medicare and Social Security debt won't be paid because they are United States debts and the US will default on the debt. That is what you think is going to happen?

Whatever LogGrad. I don't even know where to begin with that but you're wrong and I'm more than willing to place a wager on it. There may be another government shut down and a lot of finger pointing but the United States is not going to become insolvent and declare bankruptcy in the next 18 months.
What are you talking about? You have made straw men an art Form. I believe Republican leaders want to cut SS and Medicare. How you got all the way to default on loans is beyond me. And even using that as a threat is deplorable.

Congress raised the debt ceiling three times when Donald Trump was president, avoiding the market-rattling, economic showdowns that congressional Republicans had forced when Democratic President Barack Obama was in office. During the Trump presidency, and for a time when Republicans controlled at least one chamber of Congress, the debt soared to $7 trillion.

McCarthy is not the first Republican to say he is open to changes in the entitlement programs. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has suggested that Social Security and Medicare be eliminated as federal entitlement programs, and that they should instead become programs approved by Congress on an annual basis as discretionary spending.

McCarthy also signaled that additional aid to Ukraine, now in the eighth month of war with Russia, is unlikely if Republicans have a House majority.

So republican politicians (in this case members of congress) actually are in fact talking about cutting these programs. Interesting.

I liked this from the comments section: We are supposed to believe that the people who were totally not going after Roe v Wade are now totally not trying to shut down SS and Medicare? Scalise said they wouldn't cut benefits but might raise the eligibility age. That's cutting benefits, lifetime. It has to mean that or they wouldn't be doing it to save money. If they raise the "eligibility age", then people at 67 who now would get the full retirement amount will find themselves physically unable to work until 70 and will thus take a lesser amount. A de facto reduction in benefits.
We could raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations. We could cut back on excessive weapons program spending. We could stop subsidizing the oil industry
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In its latest manifestation, four Republicans angling to become chair of the House Budget Committee in a Republican House talked openly about holding the federal debt ceiling hostage to an agreement on “entitlements” — that is, Social Security and Medicare — plainly aimed at cutting benefits.

In interviews with Bloomberg, the four laid out their vision. Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) said the GOP’s focus in budget cutting has “got to be on entitlements.”

Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), told Bloomberg that the party caucus would oppose options for shoring up Social Security’s fiscal condition that included tax increases, but would look kindly on raising the eligibility age for that program and Medicare.

McCarthy was cagey about whether he would tie the debt ceiling to benefit cuts, telling Punchbowl News in an interview that he would not “predetermine” the options. But his fellow Republicans were not so evasive in their Bloomberg interviews.

“The debt limit is clearly one of those tools that Republicans ... will use to make sure that we do everything we can to make this economy strong,” said Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), the ranking member of the Budget Committee.

This isn’t the first time that the GOP has tried to depict Social Security and Medicare as enemies of sound fiscal policy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell spelled it out in 2018. Sen. Joni Ernst
(R-Iowa) talked openly about making cuts “behind closed doors.” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) cooked up a plan for family leave funded by raiding future Social Security benefits.
It is lefty outlets that want to scare people into not voting for the GOP. The lefties here on this board are consuming propaganda and coming away with a twisted picture that isn't reality.

A twisted picture that isn’t reality??!!

Why not give us all a break and stop assuming we “leftists” are all as dumb as dirt?

Would you like to see where exactly that “twisted picture that isn’t reality” is actually located, and from which of our two major parties that fake alternate reality is emanating? Not hard to find at all.

One of our two major political parties is deliberately sowing doubt in the integrity of our elections. They are flat out lying about the 2020 results, have convinced ~70% of professed Republican voters that their, shall I call it what it is, lying propaganda, is the truth. They damage the body politic of our nation by foisting this Big Lie upon the electorate. That really calls into question whether their party has the political health of their nation in mind, or whether in fact they are undermining the stability of our democracy altogether.

The lies and propaganda are poisoning our body politic, and they are originating from Donald Trump, the MAGA movement he birthed, and many Republican candidates. Again, those of us who know this reject your effort to paint us all as “leftists”, and all apparently as dumb as dirt, who cannot see through your BS….

Here’s how one of the “rational players”(??) running for office on the Republican conference spent some of his time…

These folks and these beliefs really send my “confirmation bias” off the charts. Just another example of “a twisted picture that isn’t reality” that does not seem to be emanating from any wing or base within the Democratic Party.

View: https://twitter.com/TroMcManus/status/1583567868788023296
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What are you talking about? You have made straw men an art Form. I believe Republican leaders want to cut SS and Medicare.
Yes, I now know what you believe. To be blunt, you are misinformed. What you believe is misinformation. When I pointed out the reality of the issue and current situation, that isn't a straw man. True, it is different from your belief but that is because what you believe is isn't the reality of where the two sides are but instead a deliberately twisted telling intended to leave you with a false impression for the purposes of scaring you into voting for Democrats.

Let's try this: Post the source for why you think the GOP as a party platform fully intends to cut Social Security and Medicare if they are elected. I will first show you that independent arbiters rate your media outlet as having a politically left bias. Second I will point out the way the authors have used language in the article to give you the misimpression that this isn't about government debt in general rather than GOP lawmakers wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare.

I'm telling you that you are misinformed because the sources you got the information from want you to be misinformed and if you'll let me, I'll show you exactly how they did it.
Why not give us all a break and stop assuming we “leftists” are all as dumb as dirt? ... The lies and propaganda are poisoning our body politic, and they are originating from Donald Trump
I don’t assume all leftists are dumb as dirt, but one would have to be dumb as dirt to believe what you wrote. Both sides shade the truth. Both sides can be well informed or misinformed. Both sides engage in propaganda to get their people elected. The idea that only one side does these things, and the even more ridiculous allegation that all election propaganda comes from a single person on the planet, is bonkers.

It is more than a little unnerving that you seem to have lost sight of everyone being humans with diverse interests rather than sides in a war of pure good versus pure evil.
Here’s how one of the “rational players”(??) running for office on the Republican conference spent some of his time…

These folks and these beliefs really send my “confirmation bias” off the charts. Just another example of “a twisted picture that isn’t reality” that does not seem to be emanating from any wing or base within the Democratic Party.

View: https://twitter.com/TroMcManus/status/1583567868788023296

Lol the prophet chick said "I am going to bring back this nation to a nation you have never seen before". What incoherent ******** is that?
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Yes, I now know what you believe. To be blunt, you are misinformed. What you believe is misinformation. When I pointed out the reality of the issue and current situation, that isn't a straw man. True, it is different from your belief but that is because what you believe is isn't the reality of where the two sides are but instead a deliberately twisted telling intended to leave you with a false impression for the purposes of scaring you into voting for Democrats.

Let's try this: Post the source for why you think the GOP as a party platform fully intends to cut Social Security and Medicare if they are elected. I will first show you that independent arbiters rate your media outlet as having a politically left bias. Second I will point out the way the authors have used language in the article to give you the misimpression that this isn't about government debt in general rather than GOP lawmakers wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare.

I'm telling you that you are misinformed because the sources you got the information from want you to be misinformed and if you'll let me, I'll show you exactly how they did it.
Fish just did. Care to respond to his posts? Maybe you did I guess, I haven't read all the new posts yet. Why don't you post something countering the assertion then. Do you have any evidence they "don't mean it" when that is directly what they published in regards to shutting down the government if they don't get it? Man your blinders are complete and total to the point I think you just have to be trolling everyone.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has suggested that Social Security and Medicare be eliminated as federal entitlement programs, and that they should instead become programs approved by Congress on an annual basis as discretionary spending.
Great example! The Washington Post has a politically left bias.

The article's author finds a single representative, not a GOP-wide platform but a single representative, who has voiced an idea to reclassify the accounting on Social Security and Medicare from the entitlement category to the discretionary category. The author uses the word “eliminated” in same sentence with Social Security and Medicare to leave readers with a misimpression of the reality of the situation. Readers who aren't paying close attention will leave with the impression the GOP wants to eliminate Social Security and Medicare.
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It actually wasnt a single representative (there were multiple). I dont think anyone has said that every repuclican has this policy on their agenda. But some republican politicians do. Are they enough to sway others? Will they have a large influence? Idk. They do exist though. But i get it, some people like to keep their head in the sand and keep their points untruthful and disingenuous. Plus its way better to simply say “fake news” when an article is from a source that a person doesnt like than actually provide some evidence to refute.
I get it.

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