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Republicans and Fascism

Same results? Not even close.
Both parties are grinding this country into the ground and the saddest part is the fanaticism, zealotry, and arguments that happen at the community level now.

I hear more hatred and vitriol than platform and stance anymore.

Your hatred/anger posts really won’t convince me whatever you are peddling is sweet candy.

I watch for truth and not mere sophistry and that’s hard to find these days. Lots of wading. I find a nugget here and there. I’m clearly not mainstream though, most of what other people think is truth makes me squeamish.

I know where you stand Thriller, so clearly you don’t want it. I’m done here. Have fun.
Both parties are grinding this country into the ground and the saddest part is the fanaticism, zealotry, and arguments that happen at the community level now.

I hear more hatred and vitriol than platform and stance anymore.

Your hatred/anger posts really won’t convince me whatever you are peddling is sweet candy.

I watch for truth and not mere sophistry and that’s hard to find these days. Lots of wading. I find a nugget here and there. I’m clearly not mainstream though, most of what other people think is truth makes me squeamish.

I know where you stand Thriller, so clearly you don’t want it. I’m done here. Have fun.
But it’s not true that they’re “grinding the nation into the ground.” What measurables are you even using to make such a ridiculous claim? Why do you think I, like so many other experts in my field, hate the current illiberal version of the GOP? Do you ever ask yourself that? Do you think we just mindlessly hate the party and its cult leader for no reason? The lack of empathy and curiosity from folks who make this claim is consistent but it still never surprises me. It’s like you live in a different planet (or consume completely different media).

I know this won’t convince you, but you don’t need to trust in me. The nation’s top political scientists and experts are the ones warning us about the authoritarian turn of the GOP. We have two major political parties in this country; one is a standard liberal governing party and one is an outlier political party that has completely lost faith in liberal democracy.
Seek better sources of information (not me, but some of the nation’s experts).

Some suggested reading. Have fun!
Amazon product ASIN B06VX82JZHView: https://www.amazon.com/On-Tyranny-Timothy-Snyder-audiobook/dp/B06VX82JZH/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=56404288939&hvadid=617073469378&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029705&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=660505529157096054&hvtargid=kwd-362275887357&hydadcr=15184_13597695&keywords=on+tyranny&qid=1696074289&sr=8-1

Amazon product ASIN B085J397Z2View: https://www.amazon.com/Twilight-Democracy-Seductive-Lure-Authoritarianism/dp/B085J397Z2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=Anne+Applebaum&qid=1696074352&s=audible&sr=1-1

Amazon product ASIN B0088R936OView: https://www.amazon.com/Even-Worse-Than-Looks-Constitutional/dp/B0088R936O/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=3FERH4GP0XL9N&keywords=its+even+worse+than+you+think&qid=1696074380&sprefix=its+even+wo%2Caps%2C201&sr=8-7

Amazon product ASIN B0BWSL77RLView: https://www.amazon.com/Tyranny-Minority-American-Democracy-Breaking/dp/B0BWSL77RL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3DGJ4XKB9ER2M&keywords=tyranny+of+the+minority&qid=1696074426&sprefix=tyranny+%2Caps%2C171&sr=8-1
Amazon product ASIN B09FFSKWD4View: https://www.amazon.com/How-Civil-Wars-Start-Stop/dp/B09FFSKWD4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=104HUIG4ZNASW&keywords=how+civil+wars+start&qid=1696074485&sprefix=how+civil+wat%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1
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Democrats have completely ruined the word and concept of fascism. It's just something they use as an insult without even knowing what the word means. I just laugh at the stupid trigger word anymore. We get it... it's fun to say and makes you look smart... but maybe know what the word means before throwing it around like some quasi intellect. It was once a powerful word now it's useless and overdrawn by millennials.
This should really help you. The characteristics that identify a political movement as fascist, etc. If you’re really struggling to understand, this will help you, and others that may be in your position. A 7 minute education for you…..

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XTJNy_OrjE&pp=ygUSSXMgVHJ1bXAgYSBmYXNjaXN0

Also very helpful I hope…..

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpCKkWMbmXU
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But it’s not true that they’re “grinding the nation into the ground.” What measurables are you even using to make such a ridiculous claim? Why do you think I, like so many other experts in my field, hate the current illiberal version of the GOP? Do you ever ask yourself that? Do you think we just mindlessly hate the party and its cult leader for no reason? The lack of empathy and curiosity from folks who make this claim is consistent but it still never surprises me. It’s like you live in a different planet (or consume completely different media).

I know this won’t convince you, but you don’t need to trust in me. The nation’s top political scientists and experts are the ones warning us about the authoritarian turn of the GOP. We have two major political parties in this country; one is a standard liberal governing party and one is an outlier political party that has completely lost faith in liberal democracy.
View attachment 15143
Seek better sources of information (not me, but some of the nation’s experts).

Some suggested reading. Have fun!
Amazon product ASIN B06VX82JZHView: https://www.amazon.com/On-Tyranny-Timothy-Snyder-audiobook/dp/B06VX82JZH/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=56404288939&hvadid=617073469378&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029705&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=660505529157096054&hvtargid=kwd-362275887357&hydadcr=15184_13597695&keywords=on+tyranny&qid=1696074289&sr=8-1

Amazon product ASIN B085J397Z2View: https://www.amazon.com/Twilight-Democracy-Seductive-Lure-Authoritarianism/dp/B085J397Z2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=Anne+Applebaum&qid=1696074352&s=audible&sr=1-1

Amazon product ASIN B0088R936OView: https://www.amazon.com/Even-Worse-Than-Looks-Constitutional/dp/B0088R936O/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=3FERH4GP0XL9N&keywords=its+even+worse+than+you+think&qid=1696074380&sprefix=its+even+wo%2Caps%2C201&sr=8-7

Amazon product ASIN B0BWSL77RLView: https://www.amazon.com/Tyranny-Minority-American-Democracy-Breaking/dp/B0BWSL77RL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3DGJ4XKB9ER2M&keywords=tyranny+of+the+minority&qid=1696074426&sprefix=tyranny+%2Caps%2C171&sr=8-1
Amazon product ASIN B09FFSKWD4View: https://www.amazon.com/How-Civil-Wars-Start-Stop/dp/B09FFSKWD4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=104HUIG4ZNASW&keywords=how+civil+wars+start&qid=1696074485&sprefix=how+civil+wat%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1

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Same results. Be more honest.
Same results in certain aspects, and if those aspects are what you value/abhor, I can understand why they would look the same. Both parties are clearly pro-corporate, pro-military, and have leaders who crave power and will engage in unfair practices (gerrymandering, voting rules, etc.) to maintain it.

In other aspects, they are very different. I hope you'll understand this means that I see a huge difference between them.
This should really help you. The characteristics that identify a political movement as fascist, etc. If you’re really struggling to understand, this will help you, and others that may be in your position. A 7 minute education for you…..

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XTJNy_OrjE&pp=ygUSSXMgVHJ1bXAgYSBmYXNjaXN0

Also very helpful I hope…..

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpCKkWMbmXU

Lol from the guy who pushed unconstitutional vaccine mandates and bullied others because they didn't wear a mask. Did you post that video?

You guys remember how Biden forced people to get a vaccine against their religion and now the courts are saying that he was unconstitutionally forcing people against their will to conform or get bullied, fired shunned and even some on this very thread called them murderers and they should be in jail? Is that fascism red? Thriller?
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Someone once said politics is a trap. Who ever said that could well be right judging by what's going on in todays world. Just look at the comparisons to the Roman empire and now - very similar.
Same results in certain aspects, and if those aspects are what you value/abhor, I can understand why they would look the same. Both parties are clearly pro-corporate, pro-military, and have leaders who crave power and will engage in unfair practices (gerrymandering, voting rules, etc.) to maintain it.

In other aspects, they are very different. I hope you'll understand this means that I see a huge difference between them.
The results of when each side has been in power positions tells a different story. Nothing has really changed for the people we care for or even the interest groups you or your side champion. It doesn’t matter who is in power, the same stuff happens.

The rhetoric to get there is different and you pretend it’s different, but the results are the same. The blame game is the same too. The corruption is the same. The greed, lies, and corruption is the same on both sides. All/most can be bought.

Death by accidental angry blow to the head and death by shooting is all the same to me, gets to the same end. (I can’t tell which is which scenario.) I’m sure it’s a world of difference to some of you though. That’s how I see it. Go ahead and see it different though.

Nitpick all you want, both parties always end up in the same place. The people end up in a worse spot every time.
I never bullied a soul. Not once. I laid into my wife a lot, because she thought like people like you think- just laugh it all off, eff the CDC, yada, yada, yada. Now she’s dead, from Covid 19.
Sorry to hear that. Wish you the best my friend.
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I never bullied a soul. Not once. I laid into my wife a lot, because she thought like people like you think- just laugh it all off, eff the CDC, yada, yada, yada. Now she’s dead, from Covid 19.
That's so sad. So sorry to hear this.
The results of when each side has been in power positions tells a different story. Nothing has really changed for the people we care for or even the interest groups you or your side champion. It doesn’t matter who is in power, the same stuff happens.
I see much more acceptance for some people/groups I advocate for, and see a pendulum swinging for others. Overall, there has not been much net movement, but much more movement. I agree with you on the net movement.
I see much more acceptance for some people/groups I advocate for, and see a pendulum swinging for others. Overall, there has not been much net movement, but much more movement. I agree with you on the net movement.
That’s just big picture imo. There are good people in both groups but man it’s messy.