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Since I promised to stay out of the other thread, but have been summoned

authoritarian to the core.

Skeptical to the core.

"mainstream" means what? Have we already got some kind of internet social/medical ranking algorithm, sanctioned by the AMA? I know some doctors who are pretty reasonable who just don't like the AMA, and say so.

The ones health insurance companies recognize as being effective medical treatments, for a start. Some people don't like the AMA for reasons that have nothing to do with approved treatments, and some are just quacky.

Used to be, some young buck doc fresh outta med internship could set up a practice and try stuff nobody ever tried yet.

If a few extra patients die, why should you care?
The famous "socialist" Ambrose Bierce could see this lie..... and so could Mark Twain. Bierce said "Language is the music with which we charm the snakes guarding other peoples' money". It is only used when other people have money. Mark Twain said "Let sleeping dogs lie. But if there is much at stake, you'd better get the newspapers to do it."

You contortions to try to get either of these quotes to refer to socialism is a microcosm of the tortured nature of your world view.
Why not? Outside of the usual right-wing confusion about socialism being incompatible with capitalism, it seems pretty on-message for Sanders.

Well, Sanders has branded his message as "Democratic Socialism", and constantly cites Denmark and other countries as examples to why it works. However, it doesn't appear that those countries even see themselves as such. They also have drastically different business regulations. If Sanders touted a message of higher taxes, greater social benefits for ALL, and decreased regulation to drive the economy, I could see a comparison to Denmark or other Scandinavian countries.
You contortions to try to get either of these quotes to refer to socialism is a microcosm of the tortured nature of your world view.

you believe you have an objective definition of something that does not exist in nature. Well, bees and ants except they have queen bees and an elite caste of attendants to the royals.... but in your imagination you deny the reality that "socialism" actually is slavery. Always some damn royal or elite or most significant master manipulator.

It takes a lot of work to invent an imaginary system and give it a good name. But the fact is it is modern slavery.
even with that nice warm ocean and no ice to start, it will only be a decade before you're moving south to beat the advancing ice.

During the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM), roughly 26,000 years ago, the ice sheet that covered my neck of the woods was 1-2 miles thick. And it took roughly 6,000-9,000 years to advance from the northern New England border with Canada to the point where it reached the LGM above my home in southern New England. I'm actually not too worried.

This might be my favorite comment in this thread. I got a good chuckle out of that one.

The last straw to break before insanity takes over the human soul is humor.

Of course I wouldn't expect any dedicated, committed believer in today's "Progress" agenda to really just cave and accept the railings, flailings, and rock-star rants of Wilkow…… but sooner or later..... he will be the Majority he touts, because he is right.

He regularly rolls out the economics of freedom vs. any kind of centralized economic ordering imposed by the geniuses who think they know better somehow. And he is right, because when it comes right down to it, people with two dimes to rub together have better sense than any ivory tower theorist.

He regularly rolls out US Constitutional principles, which were born outta snobbish Brit oppression, because it has been the best government in human history and the most responsive to the ruled people.... well.... let's say.... because it has forced all kinds of elities and cabals of schemers to mind their manners a bit.

The idea that Capitalism can support Progressive agendas is not new. China has done quite well with it, ostensibly, by pretending that their business community is not centralized and owned by the Communist Party. But hey, if the Communist Party of any country really wants to prosper their country, it's the best angle they can take at it without just throwing in the towel and admitting that Communism from the start has always been owned and operated by the super-elites of this world.

But I'm afraid it will just take a long time for these false visions of Progress to give way to real progress, which can only come from people willing to take care of themselves and willing to reject the sugary dreams and drugged stupors of political schemers who want to run the world.
Well, Sanders has branded his message as "Democratic Socialism", and constantly cites Denmark and other countries as examples to why it works. However, it doesn't appear that those countries even see themselves as such. They also have drastically different business regulations. If Sanders touted a message of higher taxes, greater social benefits for ALL, and decreased regulation to drive the economy, I could see a comparison to Denmark or other Scandinavian countries.

I'm not sure we can take the opinion of one person as defining how the people of Denmark and other countries would describe themselves. For example, one of Germany main parties call themselves Social Democrats.

Who does Sanders exclude from getting his social programs (not everyone will benefit simple because some don't need the assistance, but that is not the same as being excluded)? Is it really federal regulations that are so onerous in opening a business, or is that mostly at the state level?
you believe you have an objective definition of something that does not exist in nature. Well, bees and ants except they have queen bees and an elite caste of attendants to the royals.... but in your imagination you deny the reality that "socialism" actually is slavery. Always some damn royal or elite or most significant master manipulator.

I find objective definitions to be relatively rare, even in nature.
I find objective definitions to be relatively rare, even in nature.

you're right.

There's always something going on in human heads when we try to be "objective".

"self-evident" suffers from the same hardship.

In fact, "The Universe", whatever it is, seems entirely to escape human definition on every scale.

"A man's reach should exceed his grasp" is what my great-Aunt Gretta taught me when I was living with her. She also taught me to disbelieve authorities of every kind.

We should try to do what we cannot really do, because if we don't try, we live worthless lives succeeding at being unremarkable.

What I'd like to do, in my grandest schemes, is to displace The R for Rockefeller Party, commonly boasted as "Republican", and the Council of Foreign Relations and various superior and inferior associations aimed at corralling the more talented humans into a trite world dominance schema, and even the British Crown, from any significance in the destiny of this planet.

I grieve that some scions of the Rockefellers have seduced the Democrats and the Union bosses, and nearly shut out the hope that humans can in large numbers become significant determiners of their own destinies.

We need a new union of peoples and nations built up on principles of the sort that the American revolutionaries and founders sought, a new design to prevent hegemony by organized special interests or monied elites, or royalty, or lying "authorities" professing any kind of superior knowledge. OK if anyone actually has some better understanding to share, but always having to brave the wild seas of babeonian skepticism.

Maybe I should move to Missouri where the state motto is "Show Me".
During the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM), roughly 26,000 years ago, the ice sheet that covered my neck of the woods was 1-2 miles thick. And it took roughly 6,000-9,000 years to advance from the northern New England border with Canada to the point where it reached the LGM above my home in southern New England. I'm actually not too worried.

I generally don't put a lot of confidence on Earth Science timelines, but yah.... maybe that was the past. And yet you are immersed in the alarmist excitement about tipping points and crises of virtually unprecedented magnitudes.... horrific scenarios never before seen on Earth.

Perhaps the next Ice Age will proceed on an unprecedented timeline as well.
I'm not sure we can take the opinion of one person as defining how the people of Denmark and other countries would describe themselves. For example, one of Germany main parties call themselves Social Democrats.
Feel like I've seen lots of these examples of Scandinavian people not appreciating Bernie comparing his policy suggestions to their Government. Certainly not conclusive, but it's fair to suggest that there are skeptics in those countries.

Who does Sanders exclude from getting his social programs (not everyone will benefit simple because some don't need the assistance, but that is not the same as being excluded)? Is it really federal regulations that are so onerous in opening a business, or is that mostly at the state level?
Does he exclude? Maybe not. But he certainly targets his social programs towards those demographics he is trying to get a vote from (I realize all politicians do this). I don't know if it's more Federal or State driven, I would imagine it's a good mix of both.
Feel like I've seen lots of these examples of Scandinavian people not appreciating Bernie comparing his policy suggestions to their Government. Certainly not conclusive, but it's fair to suggest that there are skeptics in those countries.

There are a fair number of skeptics to the roundness of the earth, as well.

Does he exclude? Maybe not. But he certainly targets his social programs towards those demographics he is trying to get a vote from (I realize all politicians do this).

Perhaps he markets his ideas to get votes from the people he thinks will find them appealing, rather than the other way around.

I don't know if it's more Federal or State driven, I would imagine it's a good mix of both.

I suspect it varies state to state and business to business.
As I have interacted with the many liberals, Trump haters, just plain grumps on this site, I have seen a few rules emerge that they seem to all follow. I will share them now. Please feel free to add any new ones if I miss any.

1. NEVER under any circumstance say that a policy change under the Republicans or Trump has had ANY positive effect.

This only describes a couple of people. However, I'm sure you don't have this flaw. What was a policy change under Obama you approved of?

- In addition to this, state that all of the positive news that is happening is because of Obama (still after 2 years...).

An economy the size of the US is not turned on a dime.

- If any good news comes out about tax cuts or more jobs, downplay the news by stating that it's not great for everyone.

I'm sure you'd be happier if no one mentioned those that were left behind.

2. You must believe that conservatives/Republicans adore every single thing that Trump says or does. When in fact, most people voted for him because 1) He is not Hillary Clinton, 2) He would implement policies to slash regulations, improve the economy and would make it possible for the Republican senate to vote in 100+ federal judges so far.

No doubt you'll post a criticism of Trump some time in the near future.

3. You must not read any article or opinion by ANY source other than CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, etc. If anyone posts something from another source than these, you must say something like,"well, consider the source..." and then NOT read the information it contains.

On the contrary, most of your links get read and discredited, while you stick you fingers in your ears.

4. You MUST believe that the world is ending in 12 years because a statistical model from the IPCC says it will be so.

Not a position of liberals nor the IPCC. Just more right-wing fear-mongering. I truly wish you can handle a substantive discussion on climate.

Then you will NOT read the information that they present.

Again, you just ignore the reasons why the information is not relevant.

5. You must call people with ideas that are different than your own idiots, dumb asses, ignorant, stupid, etc. This only strengthens your argument...

Some liberals never call their opponents these things.

- If you want to be particularly vile, post something like this if a conservative says something: A. Keep your politics out of this thread you worthless piece of ****. B. Eat a dick

Said by a not-particularly liberal poster.

6. If a conservative posts other ideas or defends their point of view always state the following, "you have a strange persecution complex."

Only when you post ideas about being persecuted.

7. Defend socialism at all costs even though we are seeing in real-time with Venezuela how bad it sucks. If anyone contradicts you on Socialism, state the lie that the Scandinavian countries are Socialist and doing great.

They are socialist (at least, the type of socialist that Sanders et. al. are aiming for), and they are doing pretty well.

8. Disparage even the idea of discussing conservative topics. Say things like, "Please file this thread G for Garbage."

Well, posting political cartoons is not really discussion.

To be continued..

With no doubt the same level of whining and self-pity.
This only describes a couple of people. However, I'm sure you don't have this flaw. What was a policy change under Obama you approved of?

An economy the size of the US is not turned on a dime.

I'm sure you'd be happier if no one mentioned those that were left behind.

No doubt you'll post a criticism of Trump some time in the near future.

On the contrary, most of your links get read and discredited, while you stick you fingers in your ears.

Not a position of liberals nor the IPCC. Just more right-wing fear-mongering. I truly wish you can handle a substantive discussion on climate.

Again, you just ignore the reasons why the information is not relevant.

Some liberals never call their opponents these things.

Said by a not-particularly liberal poster.

Only when you post ideas about being persecuted.

They are socialist (at least, the type of socialist that Sanders et. al. are aiming for), and they are doing pretty well.

Well, posting political cartoons is not really discussion.

With no doubt the same level of whining and self-pity.

Pretty weak retort One Brow. You're losing your touch.
You're funny dude. You seem to be under the impression that we are not doing the same.

I feel a little pity for JoeBagadonuts and AlaskanAssassin. They are serious, and doing their best to present a real defense of their position. Their allies are the trolling Heathme and NPC D4617, the out-of-touch babe, and the above-it-all contrarian idestroyedthetoilet. Their best sources of information seem to be PragerU and the Washington Times. With friends and sources like that, who needs enemies?
I feel a little pity for JoeBagadonuts and AlaskanAssassin. They are serious, and doing their best to present a real defense of their position. Their allies are the trolling Heathme and NPC D4617, the out-of-touch babe, and the above-it-all contrarian idestroyedthetoilet. Their best sources of information seem to be PragerU and the Washington Times. With friends and sources like that, who needs enemies?

I pity any oppressed or disadvantaged people who listen to neo-marxist ideas designed to keep them and their families in perpetual poverty.