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I think people might be reading "genuinely torn" the wrong way all because Sam Amick prefaced it by saying "At the risk of tugging on Jazz fans heart string", which leads people to assume that he's torn about leaving. And that might not be the case. It might just simply be, "okay all these teams made good pitches. There are pros and cons to each. So right now I'm torn. Gonna think about it and sleep on it."

I don't think people are reading into it because of the 'at the risk of tugging...'. They're reading into it because of the portion of the tweet where the Jazz made a very strong impression on Hayward [and because of that] he's torn - implying, I guess, he became torn AFTER the meeting, which meant he may have been leaning one way before it and it wasn't re-signing with the Jazz.

Problem is, it's one tweet by one dude and there isn't much context to it. I'd feel a lot better if someone locally tweeted out something to even marginally contradict it, but, love it or hate it, it's the first true indication of Hayward's mindset since the meeting (beyond the same rehashed tweets we've seen the last three days - that the meetings went well).

IF Hayward was torn only after his meeting with the Jazz, which might not even be the case, I'd say he's probably having last second break up guilt. We've all had it with a relationship we cared a lot about but, sadly, you quickly get over it after a night's sleep IF you truly believe the breakup is the best thing for you.

But that's assuming the wording of the tweet means that - and then assuming his tweet is accurate and not a misread on the situation.
I think we all got spoiled with players like Stockton who didn't even have an agent and negotiated all of his contracts himself. It was never about the money, or he would have left. We were lucky.
If anyone is feeling extra frustrated it's actually legal to go outside and blow stuff up right now.

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I think we all got spoiled with players like Stockton who didn't even have an agent and negotiated all of his contracts himself. It was never about the money, or he would have left. We were lucky.

Stockton was and is a mensch, though.
I named my first child after you, Gordon! Don't make me regret it.

It's OK. Your kid will always appreciate you naming him after this dude:
