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Stupid Pet Peeves

So the day after I made that post we drove from Vegas to Long Beach for our cruise. Yesterday we drove the whole way home. How in the hell do people actually drive in SoCal everyday? 10:00 on a Saturday morning and over an hour long delay? And even better…no wrecks or anything. Just an hour to go 6 or 7 miles. On I15. WTF?!?
And the entire way until we hit Nevada we had assholes going under the speed limit in the left lane. Middle of nowhere California and we couldn’t even hit the speed limit because of these assholes. Holy ****, I couldn’t live there and have to drive in that place. The next time I drive in California will be never if I have anything to say about it.

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Yeah what I posted is more true for socal than other place we've lived. Get on the freeway and immediately go as far left as possible then camp there.

And yeah that's pretty standard traffic. I'm 35 miles from work and in the morning, at 5 am, it takes me 45 minutes to an hour to get to work. In the afternoon it's an hour and a half minimum. It sucks.
Taking the last swig of a dink and seeing that the glass has a bunch of crusty **** stuck to it from the dishwasher.
Taking the last swig of a dink and seeing that the glass has a bunch of crusty **** stuck to it from the dishwasher.
Such a pet peeve of mine that for a long time i required all glasses you couldn't see through (coffee cups, Tupperware cups, etc) to be washed by hand.
I saw a really stupid youtube video title that said "8 American things that Britain doesn't even have a word for."


They can just go ahead and use our word since we both speak English. Am I missing something?
I saw a really stupid youtube video title that said "8 American things that Britain doesn't even have a word for."


They can just go ahead and use our word since we both speak English. Am I missing something?
If you clicked on it, then they achieved their goal.

I cannot stand the overwhelming clickbait titles and videos on youtube. I watch a few channels semi-regularly but I am careful to mediate what I watch so I don't reinforce the stupid inadvertently.

And since the stupid generates clicks and therefore money, it will continue apace. We are a lowest common denominator species.
My dad was convinced he would win the lottery. He had a binder full of lists of different winning amounts and to whom he would give money to and how much. He died with hardly a penny to his name. If he would have invested the money he spent on the lottery and other get-rich-quick schemes, he would have been fairly wealthy.

I don't play the lottery.
My dad was convinced he would win the lottery. He had a binder full of lists of different winning amounts and to whom he would give money to and how much. He died with hardly a penny to his name. If he would have invested the money he spent on the lottery and other get-rich-quick schemes, he would have been fairly wealthy.

I don't play the lottery.
If I invested the money I spent on the lottery I would basically have eaten more cheeseburgers.
My dad was convinced he would win the lottery. He had a binder full of lists of different winning amounts and to whom he would give money to and how much. He died with hardly a penny to his name. If he would have invested the money he spent on the lottery and other get-rich-quick schemes, he would have been fairly wealthy.

I don't play the lottery.

The odds on winning the lottery are only slightly better than people who don't buy a ticket....

We often do a group ticket at work for the big jackpots, the ten minutes spent imagining how id spend the money are normally the best ten minutes of my day.
When I stop the car to let a pedestrian cross the street, and the guy is old so a bit paranoid about someone gonna hurt him, and he changes his route and either waits for me to pass or crawls behind the car.

Like I have no reverse gear! I'm gonna get you next time old man.
especially in parking lots, when someone stop for me when I wasn't even at the cross I usually go behind their car. If they could have gone without causing me to even break stride I'd 100% prefer they just go.
NPR pledge week
This. Man I know they have to do this, but it is so aggravating. I usually skip NPR completely when this happens. I am a continuing member or whatever they call it in that I donate money monthly, so I wish there were a way to skip this crap if we already donate.
The odds on winning the lottery are only slightly better than people who don't buy a ticket....

We often do a group ticket at work for the big jackpots, the ten minutes spent imagining how id spend the money are normally the best ten minutes of my day.
When the jackpots get big my wife and I will buy a multi-draw ticket, with 2 sets of numbers that are valid for the next 5 or 10 draws or whatever. That is the extent for us. I have won into the hundreds before, with a small win here and there adding up on the ticket. Obviously no big ones yet. But hey, someday I have to win, right? Right?

I have a ticket for the current powerball, as it is at $454 mill, with the cash payout at $271. I would get about, what, 70% of that, after state and fed take their share, so plan on receiving $190 mill. I could find a way to live on that. I am sure to win it tonight! I just know it!
When the jackpots get big my wife and I will buy a multi-draw ticket, with 2 sets of numbers that are valid for the next 5 or 10 draws or whatever. That is the extent for us. I have won into the hundreds before, with a small win here and there adding up on the ticket. Obviously no big ones yet. But hey, someday I have to win, right? Right?

I have a ticket for the current powerball, as it is at $454 mill, with the cash payout at $271. I would get about, what, 70% of that, after state and fed take their share, so plan on receiving $190 mill. I could find a way to live on that. I am sure to win it tonight! I just know it!

All tax free here baby!!!!!
This. Man I know they have to do this, but it is so aggravating. I usually skip NPR completely when this happens. I am a continuing member or whatever they call it in that I donate money monthly, so I wish there were a way to skip this crap if we already donate.
It just messes up my day. Listening to NPR on my way to work is part of my routine, and pledge week is unlistenable. This gets me grumpy and throws the whole day off.
I had to switch primary care doctors so I had to go through all my prescriptions again (6 and counting), including my long-standing scrip for Percocet. This is more the state of California and the federal government pet peeve than my Dr. but they make you feel like a criminal for needing something for chronic pain. I have never abused it. I've used it off and on for a long time responsibly, and it's only had a positive impact on my quality of life. Every now and then I work with a pain specialist to mediate dependence and tolerance, switching to other things temporarily like methadone, and then back. I take maybe 2 per week on average (granted they are 10 mg oxy, so the tolerance part is real). But getting my prescription from the new doctor was hell. A narcotic consult, where they looked at me like I'ma druggy begging for more heroin at the methadone clinic. Signing a dozen sheets of paper with every contingency imaginable. And since I'm a long time user, according to the state, mandatory meetings with a pain specialist (which I do anyway) that feels like setting up appointments with my parole officer. And then, I go to fill the prescription and my insurance sees it as a new prescription so they will only allow 7 pills to start with. So I have to go back to my doctor to get her to send In a new prescription for the full amount (I used to get 90 at a time, then the law changed and I could only get 60, and the law changed again and now I can only get 30 at a time or the state requires a questionnaire and a follow up with a different doctor to confirm it's medically necessary). So I'm at her office waiting getting nothing but the side-eye from the nurses...uh-oh, here's anthem junkie, it says... So she comes out and at least she is cool about it. She sends in my new prescription.

Damn they make it hard for people who legitimately need it to get the required meds. Hate that so ****ing much.

If I want to feel like a criminal junkie I'll start making meth again. ****ing hell.
I had to switch primary care doctors so I had to go through all my prescriptions again (6 and counting), including my long-standing scrip for Percocet. This is more the state of California and the federal government pet peeve than my Dr. but they make you feel like a criminal for needing something for chronic pain. I have never abused it. I've used it off and on for a long time responsibly, and it's only had a positive impact on my quality of life. Every now and then I work with a pain specialist to mediate dependence and tolerance, switching to other things temporarily like methadone, and then back. I take maybe 2 per week on average (granted they are 10 mg oxy, so the tolerance part is real). But getting my prescription from the new doctor was hell. A narcotic consult, where they looked at me like I'ma druggy begging for more heroin at the methadone clinic. Signing a dozen sheets of paper with every contingency imaginable. And since I'm a long time user, according to the state, mandatory meetings with a pain specialist (which I do anyway) that feels like setting up appointments with my parole officer. And then, I go to fill the prescription and my insurance sees it as a new prescription so they will only allow 7 pills to start with. So I have to go back to my doctor to get her to send In a new prescription for the full amount (I used to get 90 at a time, then the law changed and I could only get 60, and the law changed again and now I can only get 30 at a time or the state requires a questionnaire and a follow up with a different doctor to confirm it's medically necessary). So I'm at her office waiting getting nothing but the side-eye from the nurses...uh-oh, here's anthem junkie, it says... So she comes out and at least she is cool about it. She sends in my new prescription.

Damn they make it hard for people who legitimately need it to get the required meds. Hate that so ****ing much.

If I want to feel like a criminal junkie I'll start making meth again. ****ing hell.
I want some! Not cause I need it at all but I would love to abuse some