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Stupid Pet Peeves

The dude had some great moments and huge talent. I reckon the Parkes festival would actually be great fun.
His early stuff is fantastic from a musical standpoint. Incredible depth, great lyrically, depth of music theory, all of it. The guy had no real formal training it was all by ear. When my uncle gave me a bunch of vinyl to check out when I was young I didn't expect it to be that good. His talent was staggering. I'll never fault him for turning it commercial, he deserved to make a good living off it. I'm just sad that he did end up a punchline. He deserves to be remembered for more than that.
On the road we can not speak to one another. We can not have a conversation about what our intentions are.

Fortunately smarter people than myself devised a system that would allow one driver to communicate their intentions to other drivers so that we can all make the best and safest decisions. That system of communication is called the TURN SIGNAL.

Just go right the **** ahead and use it. Don't be a POS non-signaler. Just flip the bar, up for left, down for right. It's so easy that no matter how ****ing stupid you are I promise you can do it.
My ****ing cat keeps bringing me dead rats. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that the murderous little scamp is killing the vermin I'm just hating having to get rid of them 3 times a week, sometimes two at a time. My neighbour has chickens and with chickens come rats. I've got a heap of apples and plums lying on the lawn that have been half eaten by birds and I'm guessing the rats are trying to help themselves. Unfortunately for them my little butcher is gonna help herself too....
On the road we can not speak to one another. We can not have a conversation about what our intentions are.

Fortunately smarter people than myself devised a system that would allow one driver to communicate their intentions to other drivers so that we can all make the best and safest decisions. That system of communication is called the TURN SIGNAL.

Just go right the **** ahead and use it. Don't be a POS non-signaler. Just flip the bar, up for left, down for right. It's so easy that no matter how ****ing stupid you are I promise you can do it.
Unfortunately we live in a world where no one can be bothered to employ actual driver education and training. So mom and Dad say "ok turn here" with nary a mention that a turn signal even exists. And the kids all ignore classroom discussion because we allow children to "learn" to drive 3000 pound weapons with no better inspection than your father could give you on the use of his VCR. But it's 'murrica where driving is a god-given right not far removed from a religion, so no one can impinge on their rights to drive however the **** they want. You trying to tell me there are rules for driving? Anyone who ever drove through a single 4-way stop can tell you there are no rules, it's a ****ing free-for-all. We are the most advanced nation on the planet, we can't be bothered to make common-sense laws for anything else, so why driving? When it's just fine for Suzy's bitch-*** soccer mom hopped up on caffeine and ready to kill to share her Karen-wisdom of "you can merge in front of me when you pry that piece of asphalt from my cold dead fingers" and teach little Suzy that she is entitled to drive any way she wants and that cops can't tell her not to hog the left lane driving intermittently 35 and 85 mph while swerving lane to lane with nary an effort to clean the dust off her unused turn signal. I mean, do you even know who she is? She knows a city councilman! How dare you!

Seriously though we are the only developed nation that relies on parents who don't know how to drive and who refuse to drive any other way than their parents taught them to teach the next generation and give them free rein to drive increasingly powerful 3000 pound projectiles at an age when they can't even decide if missing an episode of their favorite tiktoker is sufficient reason to kill their family or not. It's ****ing stupid.
Unfortunately we live in a world where no one can be bothered to employ actual driver education and training. So mom and Dad say "ok turn here" with nary a mention that a turn signal even exists. And the kids all ignore classroom discussion because we allow children to "learn" to drive 3000 pound weapons with no better inspection than your father could give you on the use of his VCR. But it's 'murrica where driving is a god-given right not far removed from a religion, so no one can impinge on their rights to drive however the **** they want. You trying to tell me there are rules for driving? Anyone who ever drove through a single 4-way stop can tell you there are no rules, it's a ****ing free-for-all. We are the most advanced nation on the planet, we can't be bothered to make common-sense laws for anything else, so why driving? When it's just fine for Suzy's bitch-*** soccer mom hopped up on caffeine and ready to kill to share her Karen-wisdom of "you can merge in front of me when you pry that piece of asphalt from my cold dead fingers" and teach little Suzy that she is entitled to drive any way she wants and that cops can't tell her not to hog the left lane driving intermittently 35 and 85 mph while swerving lane to lane with nary an effort to clean the dust off her unused turn signal. I mean, do you even know who she is? She knows a city councilman! How dare you!

Seriously though we are the only developed nation that relies on parents who don't know how to drive and who refuse to drive any other way than their parents taught them to teach the next generation and give them free rein to drive increasingly powerful 3000 pound projectiles at an age when they can't even decide if missing an episode of their favorite tiktoker is sufficient reason to kill their family or not. It's ****ing stupid.
This is nothing but a spewing of hate. Drivers Education used to be taught in state schools. Many places have phased it out which leaves parents responsible to hire private driving instructors or take the task on themselves. The effect seen in the data is far fewer people killed per capita or per mile traveled. The roads are safer now than when the state taught drivers education.

State high school drivers ed was a thing until at least the mid 90s here. So state run drivers ed seems to have driven most of the change... except that it has nothing to do with state education or not. The difference is rates of drink driving, better vehicle safety features like air bags, anti lock brakes, traction control, etc..
State high school drivers ed was a thing until at least the mid 90s here. So state run drivers ed seems to have driven most of the change... except that it has nothing to do with state education or not. The difference is rates of drink driving, better vehicle safety features like air bags, anti lock brakes, traction control, etc..
Here we go, another area we lead the world, car fatalities.

I will tell you from our time in Germany I was shocked how good people generally drove there. No one ever camped in the left lane, people moved over and allowed merging, most used their turn signals. But the education difference is what is really shocking. To drive in Germany you have to be 18 and take hours of professional course work and driving training and spend thousands of euros to do it. That way everyone gets the same training, it's state certified so everyone learns the same way and follows the same rules, and you only get your license if you're serious. And major infractions end up costing you your license which is a big deal. They don't let snotty spoiled kids learn to drive from their clueless parents who openly scoff at the rules of the road and it shows. That's the same way for most developed countries. But it's also another thing that will never change in the US because it would require people to put the greater societal good over "muh freedums". And Americans absolutely will never do that.
Here we go, another area we lead the world, car fatalities.

I will tell you from our time in Germany I was shocked how good people generally drove there. No one ever camped in the left lane, people moved over and allowed merging, most used their turn signals. But the education difference is what is really shocking. To drive in Germany you have to be 18 and take hours of professional course work and driving training and spend thousands of euros to do it. That way everyone gets the same training, it's state certified so everyone learns the same way and follows the same rules, and you only get your license if you're serious. And major infractions end up costing you your license which is a big deal. They don't let snotty spoiled kids learn to drive from their clueless parents who openly scoff at the rules of the road and it shows. That's the same way for most developed countries. But it's also another thing that will never change in the US because it would require people to put the greater societal good over "muh freedums". And Americans absolutely will never do that.
More America-hating tripe. America has more cars than anyone, more miles of roads than anyone, a larger percentage of our population are drivers, and we drive more. Of course we're going to have more car things happen, but when you look at the statistics broken down by distance, we are not high on the list. As of the early 1970's we were the safest OECD country on Earth.


Trump supporters hate America. They say it constantly. If you want to call people America haters go to a Trump rally because that's where you'll find the hard core of the hard core America haters.
Trump supporters hate America. They say it constantly. If you want to call people America haters go to a Trump rally because that's where you'll find the hard core of the hard core America haters.

In Spanish history for a long time they talked about the two Spain's (later about the three Spain's) I think America is rapidly advancing toward a two Spain country. Two separate ideas of a country, two completely different worlds and ideas of a nation within the state. naturally the two Spain's is caused by the tremendous suffering and murder caused by the civil war. (the third Spain is the generation born after the dictatorship that have no memory of fascist Spain) America so far has spared itself the trauma of another civil war, however the fault lines are still emerging.
Can the entire world please be done with saying, typing, texting, whatever, in any way, the phrase "chef's kiss"? God it's the cringiest thing on the entire interwebs right now. ****ing Just stop it. No more. That would just be *chef's kiss* if we could just eradicate that horrible thing. Good God.
Old comrade of mine died today, buried his brother a few months ago, these things happen. Just too many funerals in my life.
Unfortunately we live in a world where no one can be bothered to employ actual driver education and training. So mom and Dad say "ok turn here" with nary a mention that a turn signal even exists. And the kids all ignore classroom discussion because we allow children to "learn" to drive 3000 pound weapons with no better inspection than your father could give you on the use of his VCR. But it's 'murrica where driving is a god-given right not far removed from a religion, so no one can impinge on their rights to drive however the **** they want. You trying to tell me there are rules for driving? Anyone who ever drove through a single 4-way stop can tell you there are no rules, it's a ****ing free-for-all. We are the most advanced nation on the planet, we can't be bothered to make common-sense laws for anything else, so why driving? When it's just fine for Suzy's bitch-*** soccer mom hopped up on caffeine and ready to kill to share her Karen-wisdom of "you can merge in front of me when you pry that piece of asphalt from my cold dead fingers" and teach little Suzy that she is entitled to drive any way she wants and that cops can't tell her not to hog the left lane driving intermittently 35 and 85 mph while swerving lane to lane with nary an effort to clean the dust off her unused turn signal. I mean, do you even know who she is? She knows a city councilman! How dare you!

Seriously though we are the only developed nation that relies on parents who don't know how to drive and who refuse to drive any other way than their parents taught them to teach the next generation and give them free rein to drive increasingly powerful 3000 pound projectiles at an age when they can't even decide if missing an episode of their favorite tiktoker is sufficient reason to kill their family or not. It's ****ing stupid.

In Utah you get your driving permit at age 15 without going through any drivers education. You're allowed to drive if your parent is in the car with you. How insane is that?
Old comrade of mine died today, buried his brother a few months ago, these things happen. Just too many funerals in my life.

Sorry to hear that, man. As we get older the losses pile up. I've lost a few friends lately. It's tough.
Old comrade of mine died today, buried his brother a few months ago, these things happen. Just too many funerals in my life.
Sorry man, I know it's not the same thing to most people but I'm thinking tomorrow I might have to put my dog down. He is 17 years old and can't walk anymore. Been going downhill for a long time but his body finally quite on him a few days ago.
This is hard for me to deal with
Sorry man, I know it's not the same thing to most people but I'm thinking tomorrow I might have to put my dog down. He is 17 years old and can't walk anymore. Been going downhill for a long time but his body finally quite on him a few days ago.
This is hard for me to deal with

I dunno bro, never considered murdering George as an option. Spent most of my time making his life at work hell.... Found him sleeping in an empty bed one night and called a code blue on him.... Poor bastard woke up with 20 people in the room.