dal: "I love everyone, but mostly Gibbz, UB, and O>D. PKM can go suck on a lemon, and Trout can go suck on PKM."
After all the nice things I've bought you? Well, that's a nice howdy-doo (sp?).
dal: "I love everyone, but mostly Gibbz, UB, and O>D. PKM can go suck on a lemon, and Trout can go suck on PKM."
This happened back on the old board because the thread is primarily informational and when it was open to general posting it instead became a place for people to complain about who was suspended/banned to the point that the informational posts comprised less than 10% of the thread.
Soooooo....I guess we can resume bitching here then?
Frickin' mods.....so unfair...Why you half to be so mean all the time?
Frickin' mods.....so unfair...Why you half to be so mean all the time?
Soooooo....I guess we can resume bitching here then?
Frickin' mods.....so unfair...Why you half to be so mean all the time?
Franklin is back on active posting status.
We appear to have long-standing infraction issues with franklin's account in which his number is always misstated (right now it claims zero points even though we just gave him one). Because it constantly misstates his count as one less than the actual count, he was able to resume posting even though his original five point ban was still on his record. This left him as constantly on four points even though we agreed to "clean slate" him back in December.
To my knowledge, franklin's account is the only one for which the counting software apparently is buggy. To avoid this problem going foward I've reversed his historical permanent ban infraction so that he's not on razor's edge.
I mean why do they have to bust people that break the rules? Those hijos de ...
On that note I am extrememly glad Frank and Dala are still here. They should not ever be banned.
If the mods did their job according to the forum rules, have this board would be banned.
LOL ... this Internet hastiness causes me to make stupid mistakes like have for half ... I think I may be losing my mind sometimes.
And what's the problem with this Troutbum ... he tells me to get off the board in a PM, for what? Just because I don't like people insulting each other cause they disagree. This is supposed to be a place where people communicate ideas not trade insults. Why do you have to make it so personal? That's why you have all the violence and warfare because people disagree, as in religion which has fomented most of the wars in human history. Well, why can't we just agree to disagree.
LOL ... this Internet hastiness causes me to make stupid mistakes like have for half ... I think I may be losing my mind sometimes.
And what's the problem with this Troutbum ... he tells me to get off the board in a PM, for what? Just because I don't like people insulting each other cause they disagree. This is supposed to be a place where people communicate ideas not trade insults. Why do you have to make it so personal? That's why you have all the violence and warfare because people disagree, as in religion which has fomented most of the wars in human history. Well, why can't we just agree to disagree.
LOL ... this Internet hastiness causes me to make stupid mistakes like have for half ... I think I may be losing my mind sometimes.
And what's the problem with this Troutbum ... he tells me to get off the board in a PM, for what? Just because I don't like people insulting each other cause they disagree. This is supposed to be a place where people communicate ideas not trade insults. Why do you have to make it so personal? That's why you have all the violence and warfare because people disagree, as in religion which has fomented most of the wars in human history. Well, why can't we just agree to disagree.
Ohhhh bluesy...
I feel weird for TroutBum.
The yellow one is a warning. It is nothing more than a slap on the wrist. The red one is an infraction worth one point. 3 active infractions (3 points) results in a one week suspension. 4 infractions is rewarded with a two week suspension. 5 and it's all over (ban). Most infractions and warnings expire in 180 days, but if it's really bad, it may be extended.Mods, what do my infractions mean, when can I get banned or suspended? Should I get the third infraction or third point?