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Tell Us Who Got Banned Thread Closed?

Franklin and Dalamon recently got nerfed. For good or temp, anyone know?

Damnit all my favs are dying out...!!!!
It's always closed. The mods open it to post and then close it.
Dalymon got whacked?

MODS: We will trade you one Thriller, a Conan, and a vintage AKMVP for frank and daly back.
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Dalamon was just all worked up over the Canada vs U.S. Women's Soccer debacle. You've got to cut him some slack, mods.
dal: "I love everyone, but mostly Gibbz, UB, and O>D. PKM can go suck on a lemon, and Trout can go suck on PKM."
Honestly, I'll start an open letter to get them back. This is ****ing ********.

Franklin and Dalamon recently got nerfed. For good or temp, anyone know?

Damnit all my favs are dying out...!!!!

What this thread might turn into...


It's been closed for years. This happened back on the old board because the thread is primarily informational and when it was open to general posting it instead became a place for people to complain about who was suspended/banned to the point that the informational posts comprised less than 10% of the thread. Thank you for your timely query.
Dal will be back so thats a win.

this BS with Franklin really should be reviewed. I mean perma 4? Do the right thing and bring him back. There are some members that should never be locked out for good and he is one.
It's been closed for years. This happened back on the old board because the thread is primarily informational and when it was open to general posting it instead became a place for people to complain about who was suspended/banned to the point that the informational posts comprised less than 10% of the thread. Thank you for your timely query.

Thank you for your informational answer to my timely query.
Relax people, the Daly-lama will be fine.
Frank knew he was on thin ice, I guess it just depends on what teh infarction wuz fro.

Take it easy, set the pitchforks down.
Franklin is back on active posting status.

We appear to have long-standing infraction issues with franklin's account in which his number is always misstated (right now it claims zero points even though we just gave him one). Because it constantly misstates his count as one less than the actual count, he was able to resume posting even though his original five point ban was still on his record. This left him as constantly on four points even though we agreed to "clean slate" him back in December.

To my knowledge, franklin's account is the only one for which the counting software apparently is buggy. To avoid this problem going foward I've reversed his historical permanent ban infraction so that he's not on razor's edge.