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Tell us who got banned?

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Jazz Insider for... fun? No - I shouldn't say that. More because it was a matter of time anyway. I'm unfair. He's picked on. And, frankly, HH was already on a short leash and I think its clear he had no intention of staying or sticking to it even though he'll claim he either isn't HH or that wasn't stated for this particular reincarnation.
Dumb Bloke is out for a week.

Take your pick. Filter avoidance, trolling, insulting other members, inappropriate content...
Dumb Bloke is gone. Got his 5th fract today. Again, there were a myriad of options to choose from, but trolling seemed fitting.
tleikheen is on a one week suspension after receiving his third infraction

he seems to have a problem following the rules for spelling and vocabulary
Dutch was given a week off due to his insulting others, trolling and inappropriate content.
Trout was given a week suspension for insulting other members.
Dutch has yet another well deserved week off for his constant stream of inappropriate posts.
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