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Terrorism in Charleston, SC

Here is a Politico article on the age of Fox News viewership. For O'Reilly (their most "influential" host) it's 72. For the whole thing, it's 69. In 10 years, the entire viewership will have literally passed away...


Edit: BTW, to put the number of viewers into perspective, 25m people watched the the NBA finals per game. A show I've never heard of called What Would you Do pulls 10 times the viewing numbers of Fox News most viewed programs.
Naw you guys are right, CNN and other mainstream media types aren't provoking people or inciting racial stuff at all. And good job politicizing a tragedy. You guys rock!

Lindsey Graham:

"Do you think it's a hate crime or do you think it's more mentally disturbed?" one of the co-hosts asked Graham. "Probably both," he replied. "There are real people out there that are organized to kill people in religion and based on race. This guy is just whacked out... "But it's 2015, there are people out there looking for Christians to kill them," Graham added. "This is a mean time we live in."
The fact that you think this whole thing is about republican vs democrat is what's scary.

Who is making this out to be a GOP vs Demo thing?

I am against Fox News and their racist and inflammatory propaganda merely to make an easy buck. It's not doing our society any good. If conservatives identify with that then that's their sad choice.
1.7m is miserably tiny. Just because the rest of the trash news channels (all TV news channels apart from Al-Jazeera) do a lot worse doesn't mean people are clamoring to watch Fox News. Given the incredibly old age of the average viewer, it is basically a channel that is made to pander to old conservatives who want to shout at the TV about how Mexicans are destroying America. It is utterly irrelevant. No reason whatsoever to get worked up over it.

Less than 1% of the pop.

But hey let's keep pretending its significant or that there are not other "news" agencies just as bad on both sides...
Is he wrong?

I would assume he was talking about America so I would say he was intentionally misleading and wrong.

Nothing showing this man targeted them because they were Christian and targeting of people for their Christian faith has not been a problem in the U.S.

And we would be better off without it.

I really do believe the propaganda on Fox is hindering our progression as a country on various issues.

That's because you don't understand that media tells their audience what they want to hear and what they already believe. Fox doesn't create people that disagree with you they cater to them.
This is the 14th occasion President Obama has had to speak to the nation following a mass shooting. Let that sink in.
I would assume he was talking about America so I would say he was intentionally misleading and wrong.

Nothing showing this man targeted them because they were Christian and targeting of people for their Christian faith has not been a problem in the U.S.

1) He never said he was talking about America.

2) He never said Roof did this because they were Christians.

Perhaps if we look at all of what he said there would be better context, but given his exact quotes, you're stretching it a bit.
This is the 14th occasion President Obama has had to speak to the nation following a mass shooting. Let that sink in.

Perhaps if people were more willing to talk about the mental issues our society has instead of trying to get rid of guns, we might see some progress. The tool isn't the issue here.
This is the 14th occasion President Obama has had to speak to the nation following a mass shooting. Let that sink in.

Beats the hell out of 14 bombings. Yes I seriously believe these would all be bombings if these people couldn't get their hands on guns.(which they would be able to anyway:reference drug war)

What most people on the left on this issue (especially foreigners) don't seem to get is that Americans aren't crazy for lack of gun control. Americans are just a little bit crazy. We're not Pakistan crazy but we are certainly more nuts than you think we are.

Srsly imagine some crazy bull ****. Someone right now in America is doin it.
1) He never said he was talking about America.

2) He never said Roof did this because they were Christians.

Perhaps if we look at all of what he said there would be better context, but given his exact quotes, you're stretching it a bit.

Considering they were talking about this shooting I don't think it is a stretch at all. I think it's implied.
Perhaps if people were more willing to talk about the mental issues our society has instead of trying to get rid of guns, we might see some progress. The tool isn't the issue here.

Trust me, I don't disagree that mental health is a massive problem that isn't being taken seriously. With that said, whats your stance on it? What should th government do? Spend more money on research? Change treatment regimens? Change our entire social system?

Here's some depressing academic reading you could do: https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=income+inequality+mental+health&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1
This type of stuff doesn't happen with near as much frequency in other industrialized countries. Why are we so exceptional?

It's long past time we talked about gun control and racism.

Hell, the very fact that South Carolina still flys a confederate flag in front of their capital building speaks volumes as to how far behind we are.

How many more schools and churches need to be shot all to hell before we finally grow up?

Gotta love Fox News. They are denying that it's a hate crime based on race. They are calling it a crime against "Christians."

Of course of course, this guy just had it in for "Christians" of darker skin pigmentation. But yeah, it totally wasn't motivated by race. It's a War on Christianity. Just like Obama hates Christmas and puppies. And Loves ISIS



Funny stuff, but true. He he were Muslim they would be having a cow right night.
I saw just saw the photos here and my first thought was "Adam Lanza"

there is a bit of a resemblance, isn't there?

maybe it was intentional? perhaps some form of adulation or something...



pretty much the same haircut...
thin face...
just sort of a spooky deja vu looking at these photos
Trust me, I don't disagree that mental health is a massive problem that isn't being taken seriously. With that said, whats your stance on it? What should th government do? Spend more money on research? Change treatment regimens? Change our entire social system?

Here's some depressing academic reading you could do: https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=income+inequality+mental+health&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1

Like most things there is no easy answer. Here are some places to start.

Dramatically improve medical research, including mental health
Tie mental health records to back ground checks
Renew a national focus on the family
Push for more face to face personal inter-action and away from this high tech no face to face time
Less medications for everything (ADD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD...)
More conenction among different groups
Like most things there is no easy answer. Here are some places to start.

Dramatically improve medical research, including mental health

Unfortunately the government simply doesn't have the money to properly fund mental health nation-wide. Hence, reliance on private investment for medical research. Unfortunately, private investment in medical research is often done with the implication of a profitable pharmaceutical being produced, which would go against your desires of over-medicalizing illnesses.

Tie mental health records to back ground checks

With how stigmatizing mental health is in its current form, this would potentially cripple the ability of those suffering from mental illnesses to feel like first class citizens in this society.
Renew a national focus on the family
Push for more face to face personal inter-action and away from this high tech no face to face time
Less medications for everything (ADD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD...)
More conenction among different groups

I think much of America's struggle with booming mental health difficulties is a symptom of the sociopolitical system set in place. In a capitalistic society with success discretely defined as a measure of economic wealth, the inability to equally distribute this resource to all creates a society of have and have nots, to varying extents.
Very sad about this loss of life. People going to church, and are slaughtered. RIP to all the lost souls. You are in my thoughts and prayers.