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The 2011 NBA Draft Lottery Thread, May 17th, 8:30 EST


That would be the best thing to ever happen to the Jazz!!! Dwill Trade Nets<Jazz!!!
To be fair Utah staying with #6 and #12 I would consider as successful lottery.
To be fair Utah staying with #6 and #12 I would consider as successful lottery.

Yeah, I'd be cool with that. I'm still kinda stuck on Biyombo. Although, winning would be nice even if you traded down and picked up other assets like a 2012 first rounder.
Yeah, I'd be cool with that. I'm still kinda stuck on Biyombo. Although, winning would be nice even if you traded down and picked up other assets like a 2012 first rounder.

Looks like there is a decent chance Bismark is there at 6. Just call him Obi Wan. He's our only hope. (Unless I can get you on the Knight train, not likely
though I realize).
Looks like there is a decent chance Bismark is there at 6. Just call him Obi Wan. He's our only hope. (Unless I can get you on the Knight train, not likely
though I realize).

Ford thinks KOC is high on Knight. It doesn't look like he will be available at 6(if we stay there) with the mocks going around.
I took out my bosses garbage, gave 5 bucks to a homeless dude, and waved at some guy who cut me off.....go Jazz.
Just saw KOC on TV and either he has a great poker face or the Jazz didn't move up. He looked pretty down.