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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Ok prove me wrong... Where has fish held Biden accountable for anything? He hasn't that I've seen.

You don't get it. Nobody cares about Biden! This isn't your usual disagreement over policies. It is about an evil man who's trying to upend American democracy so he can stay in power!

It doesn't matter if Biden is a good or a bad president. What matters is that there are people who want someone like Trump to be in power!

So the question is, why do they want such a despicable man to be in power? And don't you ****ing give me that talking point about mutilating children. Trumpers are just what Obama birthers evolved into. People who would rather see it burn than lose their privileged status in society.
Ok prove me wrong... Where has fish held Biden accountable for anything? He hasn't that I've seen.
I'm really not concerned with whether or not fish is a hypocrite, I'm more concerned about a thread you made saying you want a more civil discussion in here, and then coming in here and attacking fish, which does the opposite of promote civil discussion.
It's been 7 years. Hopefully that bad take will end one day.
Don't be an all or nothing kind of guy. This whole thing is full of nothing but gray areas around a cancerous core of black. Just because we can acknowledge that not all Trump supporters are bad people doesn't mean we think all Trump supporters are angels.
pretty depressing to think the Trump-Biden ******** is going to continue in one form or another for another 4 years. It's going to be weird when there's a leader of the free world again who's worth a damn.

What a special performance from Biden yesterday
pretty depressing to think the Trump-Biden ******** is going to continue in one form or another for another 4 years. It's going to be weird when there's a leader of the free world again who's worth a damn.

What a special performance from Biden yesterday
Yeah America is rapidly swirling down the *****er.
Don't be an all or nothing kind of guy. This whole thing is full of nothing but gray areas around a cancerous core of black. Just because we can acknowledge that not all Trump supporters are bad people doesn't mean we think all Trump supporters are angels.

it's weird how political things have become so binary. It's all one way or another. Again i'd like to ask you to stop this reasonable level handed approach you ****ing **** of an arsehole bigoted piece of flaming ****ing filth !
You don't get it. Nobody cares about Biden! This isn't your usual disagreement over policies. It is about an evil man who's trying to upend American democracy so he can stay in power!

It doesn't matter if Biden is a good or a bad president. What matters is that there are people who want someone like Trump to be in power!

So the question is, why do they want such a despicable man to be in power? And don't you ****ing give me that talking point about mutilating children. Trumpers are just what Obama birthers evolved into. People who would rather see it burn than lose their privileged status in society.
Biden is far more deplorable than Trump. He is a career racist and I can provide quotes. Like him saying Obama is the first well dressed articulate black man ever. This is on record and you all don't care. Racism is ok as long as it suits your agenda. Biden has been a historical racist. And criminal for that matter. I mean you literally have Hunters best friend admit Biden is compromised under oath and you all don't say a word. It's like the poster claiming that any white person who calls a black person boy is obviously racist then this same guy is ok when Biden calls a black person boy.

You are hypocrites to the fullest degree.

I don't like Trump as a person but I personally was much better off. By polls a vast majority say the same. Inflation is skyrocketing again, COVID is supposedly coming back, we're inches away from a recession, were sending troops overseas, the economy is still in the gutter outside of a few areas...

What do you all have to complain about? Trump.
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I'm really not concerned with whether or not fish is a hypocrite, I'm more concerned about a thread you made saying you want a more civil discussion in here, and then coming in here and attacking fish, which does the opposite of promote civil discussion.
I never said that. I said that people like fish can call people cultist and bully all he wants yet if someone on the right does it, they get banned. I think my point is very well proven when not a single conservative has chimed in saying they feel welcome here. It's because bullying is openly allowed by guys like fish but shunned when others respond in kind.

But tell me... Why do you suppose there's not a single Republican around these parts? It's clear that this place is very bigoted and hateful towards Republicans.
I never said that. I said that people like fish can call people cultist all he wants yet if someone right does it, they get banned. I think my point is very well proven when not a single conservative has chimed in saying they feel welcome here. It's because bullying is openly allowed by guys like fish but shunned when others respond in kind.

But tell me... Why do you suppose there's not a single Republican around these parts?
I guess I'm just confused as to why you think bullying fish is an appropriate solution to this issue you've brought up.

Like, I agree that the discussion here needs to be a lot less hostile. I get annoyed when personal attacks start flying in this thread. I just think you're extremely unlikely to get your way with that if you're fine with bullying other people yourself.
Don't be an all or nothing kind of guy. This whole thing is full of nothing but gray areas around a cancerous core of black. Just because we can acknowledge that not all Trump supporters are bad people doesn't mean we think all Trump supporters are angels.
Yes, and some hardcore Nazis were just the nicest people you could ever meet, but it doesn't change the fact that at some point they should have known better.

We've reached the point that MAGA loyalist must know what it is they are supporting, and that it is not good. Of course, many are just lost in delusional conspiracy and don't think anything that challenges their perspective is real.
Biden is far more deplorable than Trump. He is a career racist and I can provide quotes. Like him saying Obama is the first well dressed articulate black man ever. This is on record and you all don't care. Racism is ok as long as it suits your agenda. Biden has been a historical racist. And criminal for that matter. I mean you literally have Hunters best friend admit Biden is compromised under oath and you all don't say a word.

You are hypocrites to the fullest degree.

I don't like Trump as a person but I personally was much better off. By polls a vast majority say the same. Inflation is skyrocketing again, COVID is supposedly coming back, we're inches away from a recession, were sending troops overseas, the economy is still in the gutter outside of a few areas...

What do you all have to complain about? Trump.

Dude, I've heard Trump with my own ears trying to overturn the election once he realized he lost. I don't need to over-analyze some random quote to prove it. I've heard him asking his people to "find the votes" to put him in power, or "declare the election invalid and leave the rest to me". Maybe it's just me, but I care about this a lot more than Biden saying Obama is a well dressed black man.

The rest of why you support a fascist egomaniac is not even worth discussing. Yeah, worldwide inflation. Caused by Biden. Uh huh. Okay.
Dude, I've heard Trump with my own ears trying to overturn the election once he realized he lost. I don't need to over-analyze some random quote to prove it. I've heard him asking his people to "find the votes" to put him in power, or "declare the election invalid and leave the rest to me". Maybe it's just me, but I care about this a lot more than Biden saying Obama is a well dressed black man.

The rest of why you support a fascist egomaniac is not even worth discussing. Yeah, worldwide inflation. Caused by Biden. Uh huh. Okay.
Worldwide inflation that has been significantly less in the U.S. than the average
I guess I'm just confused as to why you think bullying fish is an appropriate solution to this issue you've brought up.

Like, I agree that the discussion here needs to be a lot less hostile. I get annoyed when personal attacks start flying in this thread. I just think you're extremely unlikely to get your way with that if you're fine with bullying other people yourself.
I don't think calling fish out for something he's ever done as bullying. Now calling others cultist and following people to jazz talk to call them racist like fish has done, is.

Fish does not hold Biden to any single standards he holds Trump. That is the truth not bullying. Calling someone a cultist die a different political stance is. I provide proof by asking anyone to prove me wrong. Show me where fish has said anything negative about Biden. He's suddenly going to start now? No lol. I'm right here.
Dude, I've heard Trump with my own ears trying to overturn the election once he realized he lost. I don't need to over-analyze some random quote to prove it. I've heard him asking his people to "find the votes" to put him in power, or "declare the election invalid and leave the rest to me". Maybe it's just me, but I care about this a lot more than Biden saying Obama is a well dressed black man.

The rest of why you support a fascist egomaniac is not even worth discussing. Yeah, worldwide inflation. Caused by Biden. Uh huh. Okay.
Ok let's see it. If you've seen it first hand let's see it.

Quote it with links please.

The crazy thing is, you hypocrites are literally indicting a Presidential candidate rigging the next election. The only other people who have indicated a competitor are Hitler, Stalin, Mao.
I don't think calling fish out for something he's ever done as bullying. Now calling others cultist and following people to jazz talk to call them racist like fish has done, is.

Fish does not hold Biden to any single standards he holds Trump. That is the truth not bullying. Calling someone a cultist die a different political stance is. I provide proof by asking anyone to prove me wrong. Show me where fish has said anything negative about Biden. He's suddenly going to start now? No lol. I'm right here.
I'm willing to call out other bullying and what not in this thread as I see it instead of being a passive reader, but I'm telling you right now that you're extremely unlikely to get anything to change here by attacking other users like this.

I'm giving you this advice as somebody who also wants to see the tone of the discussion here change.
it's weird how political things have become so binary. It's all one way or another. Again i'd like to ask you to stop this reasonable level handed approach you ****ing **** of an arsehole bigoted piece of flaming ****ing filth !
Respectfully sir, **** you and the horse you rode in on.
Ok let's see it. If you've seen it first hand let's see it.

Quote it with links please.

The crazy thing is, you hypocrites are literally indicting a Presidential candidate rigging the next election. The only other people who have indicated a competitor are Hitler, Stalin, Mao.

Here's the original audio and the transcript.

Yes, and some hardcore Nazis were just the nicest people you could ever meet, but it doesn't change the fact that at some point they should have known better.

We've reached the point that MAGA loyalist must know what it is they are supporting, and that it is not good. Of course, many are just lost in delusional conspiracy and don't think anything that challenges their perspective is real.
The problem is most Nazi supporters never really knew what was going on. They just knew that the ones in power said what they wanted to hear. And once it became obvious what was going on it was too late the effect change. Same here. Unfortunately the ones casting the deciding votes are more head-in-the-sand Mary and Jerry Average Joe than hard core storm-the-Capitol proud boys.
I'm willing to call out other bullying and what not in this thread as I see it instead of being a passive reader, but I'm telling you right now that you're extremely unlikely to get anything to change here by attacking other users like this.

I'm giving you this advice as somebody who also wants to see the tone of the discussion here change.
Agree. But until Republicans get the same treatment and leeway as Democrats here nothing will happen. Or until people calling others cultist, transphobes, wishing death gets addressed instead of supported and ignored nothing will change. I'll gladly be more civil but certain people will still call me a transphobe, still wish death, threaten to assassinate my president, call me a cultist, racist, amongst many other things

Now I'm definitely not innocent but I have put in a tremendous amount of thought, time, and effort in many of my post. The result is getting death wishes. This is very prominent amongst conservatives here. It's pretty clear that conservatives do not come around for a reason. Because we get sheer hatred. This is beyond me, the fact that there are no conservatives here is proof of the bigotry allowed. Why else do you suppose there are no other conservatives?