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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I'm just trying to help you reach your goal of having more civil discourse here.
It's funny because I actually have a history of being very critical of Biden. I have mentioned many times how I voted in the primaries and he was my second to last choice out of about 10 or so candidates. I have also been beating the drum that we need age limits to run for the presidency due to how embarrassingly old Biden is. I have also said they Biden sucks. Many times.

But we know what that poster is all about. Which I why I never engage.
Interesting... Did you read the correction? The lies they told? I bet you didn't. The press will lie bold face knowing you all will not research anything

The Washington Post has added a lengthy correction to a bombshell report from early January that had said then-President Trump told Georgia’s top elections investigator during a phone call to “find the fraud” and that they would be “a national hero” if they did so.

“Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator. The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source,” the Post said Thursday in a 129-word correction published atop the story.

“Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or say she would be ‘a national hero’ if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find ‘dishonesty’ there. He also told her that she had ‘the most important job in the country right now.'”
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Interesting... Did you read the correction? The lies they told?

What does that change? I'm a rational person who can understand tone and context. Trump urged the investigator to find the "dishonesty" that wiould give him enough votes to win the state. He doesn't need to say "please commit fraud for me" for his meaning to be obvious. The context of why he would even call is obvious. If that is not obvious to you, then I can't help you.
What does that change? I'm a rational person who can understand tone and context. Trump urged the investigator to find the "dishonesty" that wiould give him enough votes to win the state. He doesn't need to say "please commit fraud for me" for his meaning to be obvious. The context of why he would even call is obvious. If that is not obvious to you, then I can't help you.
Changed your tune a bit

It's just crazy the people that pushed the Russia hoax for 7 years complain about Trump claiming the election was stolen. I mean... We now know there was literally NO evidence to suggest Trump was in bed with Putin. The evidence with Obama blessing was purchased by Hillary Clinton from a foreign agent that bought the info from Russia. This is all factual and I'm reports. Don't get me started on Obama literally allowing Putin to meddle telling intelligence to "stand down" all so Obama can send billions to his buddies in Iran.

Now as I've said... Democrats are now arresting a presidential candidate which is 100% rigging an election and is unheard of outside of some of the most oppressive regimes in history.
It's just crazy the people that pushed the Russia hoax for 7 years complain about Trump claiming the election was stolen. I mean... We now know there was literally NO evidence to suggest Trump was in bed with Putin. The evidence with Obama blessing was purchased by Hillary Clinton from a foreign agent that bought the info from Russia.

Now as I've said... Democrats are now arresting a presidential candidate which is 100% rigging an election and is unheard of outside of some of the most oppressive regimes in history.

Are you responding to the right person? I don't see what this has to do with the discussion. You asked me to provide you with the recording of what Trump said. I did. I never said anything about Putin or any of that. What Trump is saying is clear. None of your arguments make any sense. Because they're not why you support Trump.
Are you responding to the right person? I don't see what this has to do with the discussion. You asked me to provide you with the recording of what Trump said. I did. I never said anything about Putin or any of that. What Trump is saying is clear. None of your arguments make any sense. Because they're not why you support Trump.
I'm pointing out your blatant hypocrisy and one sided thought process. Elections have been accused of being rigged for decades yet only Democratic authotarian fascist cry about it. Remember how angry you all were when Bush more than likely stole Florida?

Democrats are literally rigging the election as we speak by attacking and arresting a political opponent. This is Stalin type ****. This is unheard of. This is how these scary regimes exist. We are now an official police state. Whats next?
I'm pointing out your blatant hypocrisy and one sided thought process. Elections have been accused of being rigged for decades yet only Democratic authotarian fascist cry about it.

You are literally rigging the election as we speak by attacking and arresting a political opponent. This is Stalin type ****.

It is not what we're talking about, though. It's cool that you hate hypocrisy and all, but it's not the subject at hand. The subject is that we can hear Trump trying to overturn the elections. But, it's clear you're not interested in that.
It is not what we're talking about, though. It's cool that you hate hypocrisy and all, but it's not the subject at hand. The subject is that we can hear Trump trying to overturn the elections. But, it's clear you're not interested in that.
Yes it is...Trump saying the election was rigged is no different than Hillary and you all pushing the idiotic Trump colluded with Russia hoax. Both are wrong but it's protected speech. I understand Democrats hate the first amendment but it's there for a reason. You're all nothing but hypocrites.
I'm cool destroying America just so long as I don't have to deal with hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is worse than fascism, amiright?
Dude, I've heard Trump with my own ears trying to overturn the election once he realized he lost. I don't need to over-analyze some random quote to prove it. I've heard him asking his people to "find the votes" to put him in power, or "declare the election invalid and leave the rest to me". Maybe it's just me, but I care about this a lot more than Biden saying Obama is a well dressed black man.

The rest of why you support a fascist egomaniac is not even worth discussing. Yeah, worldwide inflation. Caused by Biden. Uh huh. Okay.
Ohh and he never said "find the votes"

You lied.
Yes it is...Trump saying the election was rigged is no different than Hillary and you all pushing the idiotic Trump colluded with Russia hoax. Both are wrong but it's protected speech. I understand Democrats hate the first amendment but it's there for a reason. You're all nothing but hypocrites.

Haha. This is amusing. I'm just thankful people like you lost.
Haha. This is amusing. I'm just thankful people like you lost.
Typical non response lol. You still lied though. How am I supposed to take you seriously when you pushed propaganda and a blatant lie? Trump never said "find the votes" which you based your entire theory off of.
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That's fine. You threatened to assassinate a president. That's a federal offense so you calling others fascist is insulting. It doesn't get much worse than that. I'll probably get banned for telling the truth but that's fine. This place as I pointed out hates anyone different than them.You literally threatened to kill another human. How I get banned for pointing out that you literally threatened death is mind boggling. I'm not lying... You did.
That's fine. You threatened to assassinate a president. That's a federal offense so you calling others fascist is insulting. It doesn't get much worse than that. I'll probably get banned for telling the truth but that's fine. You literally threatened to kill another human.
Show us what the **** you're talking about because I did no such thing yet you've made that accusation dozens of times.

Show the proof you sick liar.
Show us what the **** you're talking about because I did no such thing yet you've made that accusation dozens of times.

Show the proof you sick liar.
Yes you did. Everyone here knows it. You said if Trump ever comes to your city, you will assassinate him because of his policies towards the LGBTQ. You even addressed this with me before admitting it. This was 5+ years ago so i can't dig it up.

You also wished death on another poster(me) and that's apparently ok. Completely human. It's insane that I am going to get banned for pointing out your wrong doings. I'm not making this up. This happened.

Wishing death on posters is acceptable.
Pointing that out is ban worthy.
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Yes you did. Everyone here knows it. You said if Trump ever comes to your city, you will assassinate him. You even addressed this with me before admitting it. This was 5+ years ago though.

You also wished death on another poster(me) and that's apparently ok. Completely human. It's insane that I am going to get banned for pointing out your wrong doings. I'm not making this up. This happened.

Wishing death on posters is acceptable.
Pointing that out is ban worthy.
@Jason or mods

Is there a way to retrieve a post that was deleted by moderating action. It would have been around 10 NOV 2019. I believe I either got a ban or at least a warning for it. SteakNEggs might know exactly because he and I were going back and fourth about it at the time, except he was using his other account @JazzyFresh at the time.

Here is what I said shortly afterword

Look I don't want to post anything that is not appropriate for Jazzfanz. But Trump is doing real harm to people in this country through his nationalism. My child is excluded from this "Great America" ideal he is selling. We are still functioning under the checks and balances that are supposed to protect us, at least from our own government, but Trump is a threat to my family. I consider it a grave threat.

I said I'd take a certain action if I could. I can't. Not only do I lack the capability and the opportunity, but I have not sought to gain the capability or opportunity. So I felt okay saying what I would do if I had both the capability and opportunity since neither of those things is realisticly obtainable by me.

It was not an appropriate thing to say. I guess I'm waiting for my visit from the Secret Service.

But I prefaced my comment by saying that I was willing to die for my country and that my family means much more to me than my country, and my family is under threat from this administration. So I fought for, was willing to kill and die for this nation. I am significantly more motivated to protect my family. That's what I said and I stand by those comments.

Here is the post the was edited from this closed thread

I want to reiterate something here. I have a transgender child. If anyone thinks that isn't an influencing factor in who I support for President or who I will vote for, those people are wrong.

I served my nation in uniform willing to die.

I serve the interests of my child 100x more willing to die.

If you threaten the interests of my transgender child you are my enemy. There are no two ways about that.

[edit by mod]

We can discuss specifics all we want. Trump has done damage to the opportunities my child will have. He has declared himself an enemy of my family. I feel strongly about protecting my family, my community and my nation. But my family comes first.

I have clarified several times that the "assassination threat" said something to the effect of "If Trump and I were left alone in a room together only one of us would leave that room alive."

For it to be a threat it would have to be credible. I will never be in a room alone with Trump, First because I wouldn't want to be and second because the Secret Service would never let me be. I have made no effort to be alone in a room with Trump. I have made no plans in regard to fighting Trump to death in a cage match. The elements of a legitimate threat do not and never existed.

SteakNEggs account is far younger than that interaction that @JazzyFresh was primarily concerned about and had a back and fourth with me in regard to. I have been very hesitant to call SNE Jazzy, but going back to that thread made it absolutely crystal clear that SNE is a Jazzy alt.

@SteakNEggs, I am going to consult with a lawyer and determine if what you've done in accusing me of threatening to assassinate Trump constitutes slander, defamation or whatever. I'm not ****ing kidding. I'm done with these public allegations that are based in what you clearly know are lies. Maybe I don't have a case, but if I do I will absolutely be perusing it. And I will pursue it as far as I can even beyond JazzyEggs, as this is a repeat offense that I have reported probably dozens of times yet JazzyEggs is comfortable repeating those false and damaging claims to this day.
Yes you did. Everyone here knows it. You said if Trump ever comes to your city, you will assassinate him because of his policies towards the LGBTQ. You even addressed this with me before admitting it. This was 5+ years ago so i can't dig it up.

You also wished death on another poster(me) and that's apparently ok. Completely human. It's insane that I am going to get banned for pointing out your wrong doings. I'm not making this up. This happened.

Wishing death on posters is acceptable.
Pointing that out is ban worthy.
I didn't "wish" death on you. I said I wouldn't care if you died. Do I need to go pull all that **** up now too to demonstrate your lies again?