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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

One of my hardcore internet rules is to not provide any of my financial information to internet psychopaths. Not gonna break that rule now. I think it's a good rule
Didn't think so lol. 401K magically going up 15% without your knowledge. Thats entirely believable.

Notice how fish will get away with calling me a psychopath but I'll soon be gone? What about all the names GF just called me. I didn't call anyone names but I did point out factual post history.
Here's over a 100 times you called people cultist. It's ok for Fish to lack civil discourse and call others cultist. The hypocrisy with you. The only reason discourse doesn't go astray with your bigotry is you are all together. I'm just one of the few who calls you out.

Trying to overturn the election is free speech. Calling someone a cultist for worshiping a celebrity politician crosses the line though.

Your posts would be comedy gold, if you weren't supporting a fascist takeover of the US.
Trying to overturn the election is free speech. Calling someone a cultist for worshiping a celebrity politician crosses the line though.

Your posts would be comedy gold, if you weren't supporting a fascist takeover of the US.
You guys need to come up with a better word. Fascist has completely lost its meaning. Funny thing is, most of you all don't even know what it means.

If Trump people wanted to takeover the US they would. If Trump people wanted to takeover they would've shown up with a lot more than sticks. The overreaction and flat out drama from the party that rioted for months, killed children, injured over 1000 police, had over 5000 arrest, burnt down businesses, actually attacked and assaulted politicians, forced a President into the bunker for the first time since 9/11(terrorism both scenarios), ransacked federal buildings, insurrected city blocks, shor highly explosive fireworks at occupied apartment complexes, attacked politicians homes, murdered over 25 people, over 3 billion in damage, burnt Churches.

Sure Jan 6th was a bunch of redneck morons but that was nothing compared to you all. Not even remotely close. Hell Kamala even put out a tweet that helped two people get out of jail that murdered people.
You guys need to come up with a better word. Fascist has completely lost its meaning. Funny thing is, most of you all don't even know what it means.

If Trump people wanted to takeover the US they would. If Trump people wanted to takeover they would've shown up with a lot more than sticks. The overreaction and flat out drama from the party that rioted for months, killed children, injured over 1000 police, had over 5000 arrest, burnt down businesses, actually attacked and assaulted politicians, forced a President into the bunker for the first time since 9/11(terrorism both scenarios), ransacked federal buildings, insurrected city blocks, shor highly explosive fireworks at occupied apartment complexes, attacked politicians homes, murdered over 25 people, over 3 billion in damage, burnt Churches.

Sure Jan 6th was a bunch of redneck morons but that was nothing compared to you all. Not even remotely close.

Be sure to include all of that in one of your fan letters once he goes to jail.
Be sure to include all of that in one of your fan letters once he goes to jail.
Ok! But you should probably figure out why first because you already put up literal propaganda and misinformation the first go around. You should probably have actual true accusations not lies and fabrications by main stream media. It was a good backtrack though... I'll give you that. Lie about what he said then just brush it off. You literally used a piece that lied and had to retract most of the report.p
401K magically going up 15% without your knowledge? What a weird thing to type out.
The reason I knew my 401k went up 15 percent is by logging into my account and seeing that it had gone up 15%. I have that knowledge.
401K magically going up 15% without your knowledge? What a weird thing to type out.
The reason I knew my 401k went up 15 percent is by logging into my account and seeing that it had gone up 15%. I have that knowledge.
It was actually 14% remember? I was just testing you about your own financials. I remembered that but you didn't.....
This discussion got me curious to how my 401K is doing now.
Just logged on and my rate of return year to date is now down to only 12.4%. Darn it

Not sure why this topic interests anyone but myself but some people are strange petty folks I guess.
I didn't remember if it was 14 or 15 or whatever. That's what I get for trusting the numbers that a psychopath provided. I don't really remember posts I made a long time ago. Remembering details of old *** posts is psychopathic behavior.
Even more psycho to provide the wrong number by 1 percent in order to try to play some kind of gotcha game.

On that weird *** behavioral note. I'm done.
This discussion got me curious to how my 401K is doing now.
Just logged on and my rate of return year to date is now down to only 12.4%. Darn it

Not sure why this topic interests anyone but myself but some people are strange petty folks I guess.
Yup. It's only going to get worse. Inflation is back up, the economy is flailing, employment is ok but you say that's not the President, Feds talking another hike, manufacturing is hitting record lows. Small businesses are being destroyed.

But hey Trump slept with a prostitute or something. That's what's important.
I didn't remember if it was 14 or 15 or whatever. That's what I get for trusting the numbers that a psychopath provided. I don't really remember posts I made a long time ago. Remembering details of old *** posts is psychopathic behavior.
Even more psycho to provide the wrong number by 1 percent in order to try to play some kind of gotcha game.

On that weird *** behavioral note. I'm done.
I do. I actually remember conversations. I actually listen.
Biden is far more deplorable than Trump.
No, he is not.

He is a career racist and I can provide quotes.
Yes, he is. Trump is an even worse racist.

Racism is ok as long as it suits your agenda.
I voted for another candidate in the primary, and for the less racist candidate in the general.

Inflation is skyrocketing again,

COVID is supposedly coming back,
What could POTUS do to stop that?

we're inches away from a recession,
You said that a year ago.

were sending troops overseas,
@fishonjazz for example Biden flat out lying and joking about his fire. What's your thoughts about him flat out lying and per usually making this about him?

View: https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1693783865993973931?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1693783865993973931%7Ctwgr%5E6e565483e92f11e14ad127b016ee24299e359488%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailywire.com%2Fnews%2Fbiden-speaking-to-maui-fire-victims-compares-deadly-wildfires-to-his-small-kitchen-fire%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3b8kV4Yxns4sqmED7X6WNC-sylTwUUnBgD3xppPYEkzRqLkp_WjH00rE0

The Cranston Heights Fire Company, the department that extinguished the 2004 fire at Biden’s Delaware house, confirmed that the blaze was “an insignificant fire".

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@fishonjazz for example Biden flat out lying and joking about his fire. What's your thoughts about him flat out lying and per usually making this about him?

Biden did not say he lost his home to a fire, he specifically said "I can only imagine what it is like to lose your home". He said he could not go back there for about a year, which seems fair for a kitchen fire that took 20 minutes to get under control. The tweet you quoted is flat out lying. What are your thoughts about that?

I suppose you could say Biden was exaggerating what he went through in trying to establish empathy. The end is good (empathy), but that does not justify the means (exaggeration), and he should not be doing that.
Biden did not say he lost his home to a fire, he specifically said "I can only imagine what it is like to lose your home". He said he could not go back there for about a year, which seems fair for a kitchen fire that took 20 minutes to get under control. The tweet you quoted is flat out lying. What are your thoughts about that?

I suppose you could say Biden was exaggerating what he went through in trying to establish empathy. The end is good (empathy), but that does not justify the means (exaggeration), and he should not be doing that.
Saying no comment was much better. Really powerful. And his lying is the problem not your pettiness of word usage. Funny how you bring up lying then the next second call Biden lying "exaggeration"... You conveniently look past the actual lie that Biden used and blamed the Republicans. Very nice tactic lol. Surprised @fishonjazz hasn't said that what Biden did was wrong like he claimed.

Biden’s response has also been criticized, including by Maui Island resident Ella Sable Tacderan, who gave an emotional interview last week to CNN that has been widely circulated.

“Where’s the president?” she asked. “Why are we getting put in the back pocket? Why are we being ignored?”

Historian Douglas Brinkley, who wrote a book about the response to Hurricane Katrina, said Biden has “fallen very short on handling this emergency.”

Maui residents say federal government response was slow​

Correa, who has been working with other private citizens and some nonprofits to get supplies to victims, said it felt as if the federal government was slow to get involved.

Once it did, she appreciated how search and rescue efforts were expanded. But Correa also said there’s a perception that the U.S. has been more generous to other countries, like Ukraine, than it has been to those who lost everything in the wildfires.

That includes criticism that FEMA’s one-time payments of $700 per household to help assist survivors with immediate essentials, including clothing, food and transportation, was not enough – especially when many households are made up of multiple generations.

“To be candid, when he said $700 per household, I'm like, what are we supposed to do with that?” she said.

“His coming into Hawaii now is a bit of a Johnny-come-lately,” Brinkley said Monday on MSNBC.
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Saying no comment was much better. Really powerful. And his lying is the problem not your pettiness of word usage. Funny how you bring up lying then the next second call Biden lying "exaggeration"... You conveniently look past the actual lie that Biden used and blamed the Republicans. Very nice tactic lol. Surprised @fishonjazz hasn't said that what Biden did was wrong like he claimed.
fishonjazz did say that.

Was there a false statement Biden made in that clip? Not that I could tell. The Xer lied about what Biden said. That doesn't make Biden correct for exaggerating his experience. Both can be in the wrong at the same time.

I will not defend the Biden administration's response to Maui. I have no idea if things could have progressed faster or not. JazzGal quoted a laid-out timeline. If you want to establish the point that Biden should have reacted more quickly, please point out which steps should have been accomplished sooner.
I said Biden lies. Did I claim he was wrong about something? Not sure. Maybe someone can post where I made that claim. Seems like if I did claim that biden was wrong about something then that would make the poster happy?