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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I would like some sort of response from AL about this one.
he won’t. Because his escape from defending Trump (and being revealed to looked like a hypocrite… again) is an attempt to debate with me over what the founding fathers intended when they slapped the EC into the process of electing president. He’s not an honest or good faith actor. He just likes getting folks riled up. And if more people ignored him for the obvious contrarian that he is, he wouldn’t get the shot of dopamine anymore from irritating people on here.
I would like some sort of response from AL about this one.
Why? What is it exactly that you think Pence has done, in One Brow's words, "to damage the progressive agenda"? I think he was mostly inert towards the progressive agenda, but still the FBI did conduct a 5 hour search of his residence. The biggest difference is the FBI contacted Pence's lawyers first to inform Pence they were coming, but the FBI never did anything like that to the previous VP immediately after he left office or they would have found boxes of classified documents next to his corvette.

Hide your eyes all you want, but the role our nation's law enforcement agencies are now playing in investigating and prosecuting candidates is unprecedented. It isn't because Trump was some kind of extraordinary threat as both Trump and Biden are amateurs in corruption compared to people like LBJ.
Why? What is it exactly that you think Pence has done, in One Brow's words, "to damage the progressive agenda"? I think he was mostly inert towards the progressive agenda, but still the FBI did conduct a 5 hour search of his residence. The biggest difference is the FBI contacted Pence's lawyers first to inform Pence they were coming, but the FBI never did anything like that to the previous VP immediately after he left office or they would have found boxes of classified documents next to his corvette.

Hide your eyes all you want, but the role our nation's law enforcement agencies are now playing in investigating and prosecuting candidates is unprecedented. It isn't because Trump was some kind of extraordinary threat as both Trump and Biden are amateurs in corruption compared to people like LBJ.
You made a point that the justice system is going after trump but isn't going after Biden for doing the same thing (even though they didn't do the same thing) which apparently shows how the justice system is biased against conservatives.
One brow proved that you are incorrect. If the justice system was biased against conservatives then it would have went after the conservatives of the three politicians who did the same thing.
It didn't go after conservatives though. Just went after the person who did the thing warranting prosecution. You know, did their jobs.

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If the justice system was biased against conservatives then it would have went after the conservatives...
I'm going to try this again. The FBI did a 5 hour search of former VP Pence's home after he left office, but they did not do a search of former VP Biden's home when he left office. The difference between former VP Biden and former VP Pence is that one was on the political right. That is not fair treatment. It is a bias in law enforcement against the political right.
I'm going to try this again. The FBI did a 5 hour search of former VP Pence's home after he left office, but they did not do a search of former VP Biden's home when he left office. The difference between former VP Biden and former VP Pence is that one was on the political right. That is not fair treatment. It is a bias in law enforcement against the political right.
Wrong they actually searched Biden house longer than pence house

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Wrong they actually searched Biden house longer than pence house
Not when former VP Biden left office, they didn't. The longer search was for President Biden and you'd contrast that with President Trump. It doesn't matter if you are talking former VP left vs right, or President left vs right, either way there is an obvious political bias in how law enforcement is acting. That you are attempting to make a dissimilar comparison to hide it lets me know you see it too. A lot of people see it, and not just those on the supposed far right.

That is a really troubling statistic for our nation and that is what concerns me. As I have said many times, I wish Trump would go away. I don't want him to be our President but I'm not so against it that I'm willing to see our government embrace corruption to bring it about. As bad as Trump is, I see government corruption as the bigger threat, and politically motivated prosecution is corruption. The majority of Americans, not just MAGA or extreme right but the majority of all Americans, think we have a corrupt government and see the current actions of law enforcement against Trump as proof. That is bad.
I'm going to try this again. The FBI did a 5 hour search of former VP Pence's home after he left office, but they did not do a search of former VP Biden's home when he left office. The difference between former VP Biden and former VP Pence is that one was on the political right. That is not fair treatment. It is a bias in law enforcement against the political right.
The FBI was invited by VP Pence after discovered documents. The FBI performed a 3.5 hour search of Biden's home (while he was POTUS) after he discovered documents and invited them. Trump hid documents.

Biden and Pence were treated the same. Trump was not, because he behaved differently.

Pence is now the third current or former top U.S. official, joining Trump and President Joe Biden, to have their homes scoured by FBI agents for classified records. The willingness of Pence and Biden to permit the FBI to search their homes, and to present themselves as fully cooperative, reflects a desire by both to avoid the drama that enveloped Trump last year and resulted in the Justice Department having to get a warrant to inspect his Florida property.
The FBI was invited by VP Pence after discovered documents.
That is one way to put it. The FBI initiated their enforcement action against Pence by first getting a subpoena which went to Pence and his lawyers. The lawyers then hired a private team to conduct a pre-search while Pence's lawyers delayed the FBI under the pretext of negotiating a schedule. Their private team turned up a few possible infractions which were immediately turned over and then the FBI showed up at Pence's doorstep where they were "invited in". Nothing like any of that happened when VP Biden left office.
That is one way to put it. The FBI initiated their enforcement action against Pence by first getting a subpoena which went to Pence and his lawyers. The lawyers then hired a private team to conduct a pre-search while Pence's lawyers delayed the FBI under the pretext of negotiating a schedule. Their private team turned up a few possible infractions which were immediately turned over and then the FBI showed up at Pence's doorstep where they were "invited in". Nothing like any of that happened when VP Biden left office.
From the same article:
The search, described as consensual after negotiations between Pence’s representatives and the Justice Department, comes after he was subpoenaed in a separate investigation into efforts by former President Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election and as Pence contemplates a Republican bid for the White House in 2024.

Pence, according to his lawyer Greg Jacob, had requested a review by his attorneys of records stored at his home “out of an abundance of caution” during the uproar over the discovery of classified documents at Biden’s home and former private office. When the Pence documents were discovered on Jan. 16 among four boxes that had ben transferred to Pence’s home during the transition, Jacob said, they were secured in a locked safe and reported to the National Archives. FBI agents then collected them.

I'll take the word of the AP and Pence's own lawyer. Do you have a better source?
I'll take the word of the AP and Pence's own lawyer. Do you have a better source?
Nothing in any of what you posted opposed a single word I wrote. I especially like the "described as consensual after negotiations" bit. The law enforcement springs to life, then negotiations happen, and after the negotiations it is described as consensual. For those of you who have never been sued, this is lawyer-speak. There was a situation long ago which I am compelled to this day to describe as "we worked out our differences amicably". Smooth language, especially that which is intended for publication, does not always convey what went on.
Nothing in any of what you posted opposed a single word I wrote. I especially like the "described as consensual after negotiations" bit. The law enforcement springs to life, then negotiations happen, and after the negotiations it is described as consensual. For those of you who have never been sued, this is lawyer-speak. There was a situation long ago which I am compelled to this day to describe as "we worked out our differences amicably". Smooth language, especially that which is intended for publication, does not always convey what went on.


Yeah, and the whole looking for evidence related to J6 is the reason he got searched. Biden voluntarily worked with his investigation out of caution, not for participating in an attempted coup.

Aaaand, Trump lied to his lawyers, paid employees to move documents to hide from his lawyers and feds, and showed classified information to others ON TAPE.

Your selective nuance is hilarious. The minute you run into your confirmation bias you lie, change your story, and continue to shill for Trump.

It’s like child running into a screen door, over and over again.

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Nothing in any of what you posted opposed a single word I wrote. I especially like the "described as consensual after negotiations" bit.
Did you also like the part where Pence's lawyer said that Pence started the search process himself?
the whole looking for evidence related to J6 is the reason he got searched.
The FBI searched the home of former VP Pence to find classified documents that Pence was using to facilitate J6? Did that connection of classified documents, January 6, and former VP Pence make sense in your head when you typed that out? Or were you playing lefty-progressive Mad Libs?
Do you have a source to back that up?
To be clear, the AP wrote a thing. You said the thing citing the AP claim. I said I agree with the thing. Now you want me to debunk the thing we both agree happened where Pence searched his house before the FBI got there with their own search team?
Not when former VP Biden left office, they didn't. The longer search was for President Biden and you'd contrast that with President Trump. It doesn't matter if you are talking former VP left vs right, or President left vs right, either way there is an obvious political bias in how law enforcement is acting. That you are attempting to make a dissimilar comparison to hide it lets me know you see it too. A lot of people see it, and not just those on the supposed far right.

That is a really troubling statistic for our nation and that is what concerns me. As I have said many times, I wish Trump would go away. I don't want him to be our President but I'm not so against it that I'm willing to see our government embrace corruption to bring it about. As bad as Trump is, I see government corruption as the bigger threat, and politically motivated prosecution is corruption. The majority of Americans, not just MAGA or extreme right but the majority of all Americans, think we have a corrupt government and see the current actions of law enforcement against Trump as proof. That is bad.
Ya the justice system definitely favors conservatives.
I would be in jail during my trials unlike Trump. My gag order would come with consequences when I break it. But that's because I'm not a conservative like Trump is.

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I would be in jail during my trials unlike Trump. My gag order would come with consequences when I break it.
Great example!

Thought experiment open to everyone:
What do you think would happen if they put Trump in jail for violating a gag order?

You are probably right that you’d be prosecuted for violating a gag order. Trump has too in the form of being assessed a $10k fine, which if we’re being honest is nothing. It is unfair that you’d be prosecuted but Trump is not, but why is it so that Trump isn’t being prosecuted while you would be?

It is in Judge Engoron’s power to do that, and he hates Trump with a burning passion, so why isn’t he doing it? It is because this is a political prosecution and Engoron is getting dozens of credible death threats every day even without jailing Trump.

This is not justice being blind. This is justice being hyper-aware of political ramifications, and the political ramifications of Trump being put in jail for exercising his freedom of speech are so dire the even a true Trump-hater like Engoron won’t go there. Everything about this trial, from the charges, to the venue, to the choice of judge, to the enforcement or lack-of-enforcement of gag orders is political, and 62% of all Americans see it that way. This is a political prosecution. This is governmental corruption.