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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I offered you one more opportunity, your very last, yesterday. But, your self centered nature, your seemingly inexhaustible selfishness, won out. Not unexpected of course. I gave you a chance, though, just to be certain of who you were.

Yep. You did.
Engaging earnestly with a troll is like arguing with a moron. Eventually he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
I wouldn't call it terrorism because doing so debases real terrorism.


Morons occupying a building isn’t the same as detonating a bomb at the finish line of the Boston marathon. This climate could be a gateway to terrorism. You may be able to semantically justify your label, but if this is already terrorism and these are already terrorists then you’ve erased any line limiting them from actually killing people for their cause.

Most of these people are protestors making their voices heard. Their messages may be vile and uninformed but the first amendment is specifically for protecting vile opinions. You don’t need free speech protections for reasonable and approved opinions. It is the awful, sacrilegious, idiotic, hate speech that the first amendment is there to protect, and these protestors should be allowed to exercise their personal liberties even if I disagree with their message.

What they should not be allowed to do is hold people hostage, trespass, or break-and-enter buildings. Those are criminal acts. I have no problem labeling the protesters who do those things as ‘criminals’, but I would not condone labeling them ‘terrorists’.
Okay, and so what? There is no shortage of lefty snowflakes terrified they’ll hear something racist or an opinion supportive of conservative views in class. Eff your feelings. Coddling everyone who says they feel unsafe is not good for society. If criminal lines of assault or harassment are crossed then prosecute those crimes.

I’m also not a fan of pointing out the behavior of the most egregious and painting a group with it. Some of these protesters are truly bad people and others wish they were more educated on the topic but they’re there because it is a thing to do. I don’t know how many are the former or the latter and neither do you but I think even you would admit the possibility “they” aren’t all in lock step ideologically.

I reject your definition of terrorism. I see a difference between people who set off bombs with the intention to kill people, and those voicing opinions that make other feel unsafe. What I feel you are doing is conflating speech with violence. They aren’t the same and that line shouldn’t be blurred for something as trivial as winning an argument.
Breaking in to buildings and vandalizing are property crimes. They are not violent crimes. From your source, in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Nothing I've seen so far qualifies per the FBI's 'violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups'. There have been scattered criminal acts but mostly it is the voicing of an opinion that both you and I find abhorrent.

In those hundreds upon hundreds of arrests, how many were for domestic terrorism? Is the answer: none? The word 'terrorist' isn't a synonym of 'charged with breaking a law'.

As far as campuses shutting down, I think you've swallowed a bit too much of the professional PR narrative. Those schools aren't shutting down to protect Jewish students. The universities are shutting down to protect themselves. A number of university presidents have already lost their positions over this, many big donors have pulled their donations, and they are desperate to avoid viral video footage they may have to answer for. The motivations here, as is usual, are selfish.

For one, I'm not a democrat and I never said all Trump supporters should be liquidated. Start at the top, kill the leadership, then go after Murdoch and the alt right media. Send a stern warning to meta and X letting them know they're next things will after a decade or so go back to relative normal, hell adults might even be able to have a civil conversation about politics. At present its impossible.
You'll have to take up with the FBI your idea of the FBI being wrong about what the FBI considers to be a violent crime. The line "In the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault." that I cut & pasted into my earlier post is the very first line of the FBI's annual report on violent crime.

Do you think perhaps the FBI being mistaken about what the FBI believes is why zero arrests so far on college campuses have been for domestic terrorism? Is it possible that zero arrests on college campuses have been for domestic terrorism because there hasn't been any domestic terrorism to arrest students for despite what you think you can coble together from the internet?
I have answered each of the above directly.
  • Breaking into buildings and vandalizing are not violent crimes. They are property crimes.
  • Calling for death to America is an exercise of our freedom of speech rights. It is words. It is not violence.
  • The word 'terrorist' isn't a synonym of 'charged with breaking a law'.
As for what "these people" think, I don't believe there is a uniform thought. Some may care. Some may not. We don't prosecute thought crimes. It is all noise until laws are broken. When laws are broken then those criminals should be prosecuted, but I don't believe that raising the temperature by labeling protesters as terrorists is helpful.

Where we find common ground is I don't disagree with your opinion of there being double standards at the DOJ, and I've been extremely vocal in condemning that in the strongest possible terms. Where we don't see eye-to-eye is in the motivation for closing the schools. If the true motivation were that Jewish students were being marginalized or targeted, then why shut the whole school down? In the Civil Rights era when Black students felt marginalized or targeted, they didn't shut the school down and truth be told, those students were in far more danger than Jewish students on even the hottest of campuses today.

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Alrighty. let’s return to stuff that matters.

This is more great news! I’d like to see some of our small government conservatives on here praise this. Seems like the (failed) war on drugs, especially on marijuana, is something we can all agree on. Biden with more good policy!

Alrighty. let’s return to stuff that matters.

This is more great news! I’d like to see some of our small government conservatives on here praise this. Seems like the (failed) war on drugs, especially on marijuana, is something we can all agree on. Biden with more good policy!

This is a couple generations overdue