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China is a strategic competitor. If they were our enemy, we wouldn't be trading with them.

Not surprised you'd rather lie than discuss.
Discuss what? Pelosi and Milley telling China we were going to nuke them with no evidence whatsoever and multiple people willing to testify AGAINST Milley?

That's treason by definition. Literally... By definition.
Democrats aren't even hiding their lust for little children anymore. They'll deny it under their breath but it's blatany more and more each and every day. Like sticking up for a guy aging up a 9 year old.

This is little children Democrats... ENOUGH!!!

The writing prompts including sexual content like, “write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom,” and “rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you’d let your mom read.” It is not clear whether the assignment rises to the level of a crime, though Shubert relayed that a judge believed it did.

“It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom,” Mayor Shubert said to the board. “I’ve spoken to a judge this evening and she’s already confirmed that. So I’m going to give you a simple choice: either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged.”
Democrats aren't even hiding their lust for little children anymore. They'll deny it under their breath but it's blatany more and more each and every day. Like sticking up for a guy aging up a 9 year old.

This is little children Democrats... ENOUGH!!!

The writing prompts including sexual content like, “write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom,” and “rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you’d let your mom read.” It is not clear whether the assignment rises to the level of a crime, though Shubert relayed that a judge believed it did.

“It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom,” Mayor Shubert said to the board. “I’ve spoken to a judge this evening and she’s already confirmed that. So I’m going to give you a simple choice: either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged.”
I think there's a link or something missing here - I believe you're referring to this:

Within the education field, this has happened before where sources are not properly vetted and this is definitely a pretty egregious offense of that. What I'm not clear on is how the school board are Democrats or showing a liberal front as political affiliation was never mentioned within the article nor noted on the district web page:

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I think there's a link or something missing here - I believe you're referring to this:

Within the education field, this has happened before where sources are not properly vetted and this is definitely a pretty egregious offense of that. What I'm not clear on is how the school board are Democrats or showing a liberal front as political affiliation was never mentioned.
I'm sorry it's becoming more and more often and it's usually a certain demographic. For example Antifa just last week beat up protestors that were protesting against a registered sex offender that muli women say flashed little children and women. You have a gay choir saying "were coming for your children," taking to Republicans. You have parts of the LGBTQ pushing sexuality on kids, hell even Nickelodeon. I could go on.

Don't take that as me hating onLGBTQ as I couldn't care less who someone loves but I don't think children need to be taught this stuff at an early age. It's becoming far too common.

I mean Biden sniffs little girls. Why would anyone sniff children? Why would anyone age up a 9 year old?
Discuss what? Pelosi and Milley telling China we were going to nuke them with no evidence whatsoever and multiple people willing to testify AGAINST Milley?
They were telling China we were not going to nuke them. That's a pretty obvious mistake, even for you.
It's a writing prompt for high schoolers taking a college level writing course and you're worried it talks about sex. Oh no, 16 year olds thinking about sex. That's not inappropriate, it's surprising when it's not happening.

We had at least 4 pregnant girls in my 7th grade class 2 decades ago.

Stop acting like sex and education surrounding it isn't relevant in teenagers lives.
It's a writing prompt for high schoolers taking a college level writing course and you're worried it talks about sex. Oh no, 16 year olds thinking about sex. That's not inappropriate, it's surprising when it's not happening.

We had at least 4 pregnant girls in my 7th grade class 2 decades ago.

Stop acting like sex and education surrounding it isn't relevant in teenagers lives.
See. Normalization of pedophilia. Talking about having sex and not telling mom. It's so ****ing insane.
They were telling China we were not going to nuke them. That's a pretty obvious mistake, even for you.
********... They literally were aiding China by saying they would warn them of a completely fabricated attack they made up. Do you really not understand the absolute seriousness of that? What if China responded?
Completely normal

"We did not exercise due diligence when we reviewed this resource and as a result, we overlooked several writing prompts among the 642 that are not appropriate for our high school audience," Wilch said. "We feel terrible. At no time were any of these inappropriate prompts selected or discussed, but still they were there and they were viewable, and you can't unsee them."

I'm Soo disgusted. It's literally happening.
"write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom,"

Kids you gross people. Kids. This teacher and supporters get off on this or what? I'm curious why a high school teacher needs to know about kids sex scenes. So wrong. Soooo f* up. Abd you're supporting it? A grown adult asking kids to write sexual fantasies?

I'm am for once at a loss. I feel genuinely sick.
"write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom,"

Kids you gross people. Kids. This teacher and supporters get off on this or what? I'm curious why a high school teacher needs to know about kids sex scenes. So wrong. Soooo f* up. Abd you're supporting it? A grown adult asking kids to write sexual fantasies?

I'm am for once at a loss. I feel genuinely sick.

You're treating 16-18 year olds the same way you'd treat a 5 year old. I feel genuinely sick as well.
You're treating 16-18 year olds the same way you'd treat a 5 year old. I feel genuinely sick as well.
You look at a 15 year old and are sexually attracted? That's pretty ****ing disgusting, runs in the history with religion of the area though.

Joseph Smith and Brighiam Young were taking them as young as 13.
You look at a 15 year old and are sexually attracted? That's pretty ****ing disgusting, runs in the history with religion of the area though.

Joseph Smith and Brighiam Young were taking them as young as 13.

You can go read my post again if you'd like, but no son, I do not.

I do know that they sure like ****ing each other though.
I'm going to just gross myself out more but can anyone telle who was in charge of the FBI?

(CNN)Olympic gymnasts McKayla Maroney and Simone Biles ripped the FBI and the Justice Department in Senate testimony Wednesday for how FBI agents mishandled abuse allegations brought against Larry Nassar and then made false statements in the fallout from the botched investigation.

"They allowed a child molester to go free for more than a year and this inaction directly allowed Nassar's abuse to continue," Maroney told the Senate Judiciary Committee after recounting the vivid details she provided the agent interviewing her about Nassar's abuse.

"What is the point of reporting abuse if our own FBI agents are going to take it upon themselves to bury that report in a drawer?" she added.
Would it be the same FBI who covered up for Epstein covering up for Nasaar? Would it be anti-Trump swamp creature Mueller or anti-Trump Comey swamp? Who was the president? Obama?

Weren't Epstein and Bill great friends? Enough to have a picture of Bill in a dress?