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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Except all Democrats, they obviously just want babies splattered on the sidewalks like over ripe melons. I mean, duh.

Man I should be a troll, I have their schtick down pat.

Uh-oh, now they'll lump me in with the Democrats and say things like all I do is talk about Trump and want war and hate peace or whatever ******** they can think up. Man these trolls are getting boring they are so predictable.
Except all Democrats, they obviously just want babies splattered on the sidewalks like over ripe melons. I mean, duh.

Man I should be a troll, I have their schtick down pat.

Uh-oh, now they'll lump me in with the Democrats and say things like all I do is talk about Trump and want war and hate peace or whatever ******** they can think up. Man these trolls are getting boring they are so predictable.
Isn't this blatantly trolling? He's openly admitting it... I'm not for bans but he's literally admitting he's trolling. Further proof that you can't take his word for anything more than a troll that he is by his own admittance. Not surprising... Oh and btw...

How many have Democrats genocided in the womb now? You're painstakingly trolling by your own admittance (trolling is known to be a severe narcissism disorder) but you ironically are doing exactly what you say you're doing. We Republicans have saved over 20,000 babies from Democrats murderous normality now. A vast majority of them minorities and that drives the Plantation Democrats MAD.... Democrats have historically taken life; Republicans historically have to save life from Democrats. This dating back to the 1800's.
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@One Brow you lost the bet you just made already. How embarrassing

Your signature is below this paragraph. You have to post the link to fishes YouTube propaganda for the easily brainwashed he scarily, childishly and robotically fell for. Personally I can't believe anyone would fall for that but this just proves fish will lie about anything to feed his Trump addiction. Him lying here shows evidence that a majority of what he and most of you here have ever thought is more than likely a lie(the Russia hoax you all fabricated). Sorry fish but you did lie you fell for something most people with critical thinking skills wouldn't have and this type of stuff is extremely dangerous and needs to be called out that you constantly push. It needs to be shown that you guys will go to any lengths and that you are not to be taken seriously. Thing is... We both know you know this was a blatant lie and propaganda but you don't care and you posted it anyways. Some will go to any lengths to scratch that Trump addiction itch even though they know they are lying. Just like Red taking an edited 2 second clip as reality. He knew it was a lie but he doesn't care. Lying is the normal thing to do around here. Sad thing is, they get away with this stuff when I'm not around.

Your new sig will be the bolded... This needs to be seen by everyone. People need to know the lengths you all will got through. The bolded is the quote and has to be directly from you. We need to rid this forum of this propaganda and brainwashing fish pushed and the only way to do that is let everyone see these lies. We as intellectuals need to band together and call out lies, misinformation, and flat-out propaganda like this. It sucks to be at fish's expense but maybe he should not blatantly lie.... It's time to stop it.
"Democrats are liars. If Democrats will embarrassingly lie about this it just shows they will lie about anything. It shows how amazingly easy it is to manipulate and brainwash them and that Joe Biden knows this. Joe Biden does this with edited videos knowing that his followers will believe anything as long as it feeds their Trump addiction. For the record, this video fish posted is a blatant lie. This further proves addiction as there is no reason to lie like Biden and his followers are doing here. If you lie about this you'll lie about everything just like addicts do. Addicts lie and will go to any lengths to get their fix. It's time Democrats get a shred of honesty" (post link to fishes lie...

View: https://youtu.be/qbj5e0pea1I?si=vvgsplEM6T7kcnQx

You have until the end of the day. Thanks!
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Lol. God loves serial adulters, liars, cheaters, law breakers and people who steal from charities i guess: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/g...1&cvid=1cee1a30805d48e7fbefe9f6a8ab8b28&ei=42

"There's something on President Trump that the enemy fears: It's called the anointing."

"The hand of God is on him and he cannot be stopped."

"You will hear the fact that we do believe that God calls people to different walks of life, including into the political realm," Perkins told Reuters in an interview.

Much of the Trump content on Christian media looks at the former president through the lens of the Bible, he added, for example drawing a parallel between him and Cyrus the Great, the pagan ruler of the 6th century BC who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity and enshrined religious freedom.


In a speech to an NRB conference last month Trump vowed to defend Christianity and urged Christians to vote for him in the Nov. 5 election, a contest he depicted in religious terms and likened to the great battles of World War Two.

"I know that to achieve victory in this fight, just like in the battles of the past, we still need the hand of our Lord, and the grace of Almighty God," he told the gathering to applause.

The former president has started some rallies with a messianic video made by social media influencers which opens with the line: "On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said: I need a caretaker, so God gave us Trump."

Trump is closer to the anti christ than actual christ lol.
Lol. God loves serial adulters, liars, cheaters, law breakers and people who steal from charities i guess: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/g...1&cvid=1cee1a30805d48e7fbefe9f6a8ab8b28&ei=42

"There's something on President Trump that the enemy fears: It's called the anointing."

"The hand of God is on him and he cannot be stopped."

"You will hear the fact that we do believe that God calls people to different walks of life, including into the political realm," Perkins told Reuters in an interview.

Much of the Trump content on Christian media looks at the former president through the lens of the Bible, he added, for example drawing a parallel between him and Cyrus the Great, the pagan ruler of the 6th century BC who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity and enshrined religious freedom.


In a speech to an NRB conference last month Trump vowed to defend Christianity and urged Christians to vote for him in the Nov. 5 election, a contest he depicted in religious terms and likened to the great battles of World War Two.

"I know that to achieve victory in this fight, just like in the battles of the past, we still need the hand of our Lord, and the grace of Almighty God," he told the gathering to applause.

The former president has started some rallies with a messianic video made by social media influencers which opens with the line: "On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said: I need a caretaker, so God gave us Trump."

Trump is closer to the anti christ than actual christ lol.
Says the guy that posted a propaganda blatant lie. But it's ok for Biden and fish to lie. Of course fish attacks Christianity. LDS be warned... It's called a wolf in sheep's clothing.
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I'll agree that it doesn't point to the job of removal being complete. There is still work to be done unless the people of Gaza choose to surrender. If I were in their place and had a choice between supporting HAMAS or supporting having food and water, I'd vote for having food and water. The people of Gaza have the freedom to change their mind at any point, but as of today the people of Gaza seem to be happy of the starvation they are supporting with their support of Hamas and the events of October 7.
How would "the people of Gaza" surrendering affect what Hamas does?

How many have Democrats genocided in the womb now?
1) Abortion is not genocide
2) About the same number as Republicans

@One Brow you lost the bet you just made already. How embarrassing
The US isn't even a member of the EU. Our bet was on the UN. Is there a resolution condemning Israel that the US did not veto?

"Democrats are liars. If Democrats will embarrassingly lie about this it just shows they will lie about anything. It shows how amazingly easy it is to manipulate and brainwash them and that Joe Biden knows this. Joe Biden does this with edited videos knowing that his followers will believe anything as long as it feeds their Trump addiction. For the record, this video fish posted is a blatant lie. This further proves addiction as there is no reason to lie like Biden and his followers are doing here. If you lie about this you'll lie about everything just like addicts do. Addicts lie and will go to any lengths to get their fix. It's time Democrats get a shred of honesty"
I thought we were keeping politics out of it. Is this logon being used by multiple people?
How would "the people of Gaza" surrendering affect what Hamas does?

1) Abortion is not genocide
2) About the same number as Republicans

The US isn't even a member of the EU. Our bet was on the UN. Is there a resolution condemning Israel that the US did not veto?

I thought we were keeping politics out of it. Is this logon being used by multiple people?
No I changed my mind fishes lies need to be forefront. His blatant lies have become too dangerous. Now don't coward out... admit you lost and put fishes lie/propaganda up like we bet. Or... You get fish to address his lie and apologize to every single poster here about his propaganda lies and were even. We just can't continuously let fish get away with this if we want honest discourse. It needs to stop.

Off topic but y'all see hundreds of illegals attack our national guard. This is now by definition an invasion.

View: https://youtu.be/F1xTJqojjrc?si=TPjWlvL5jd1985H9
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Now don't coward out... admit you lost and put fishes lie/propaganda up like we bet.

I will take the position that through the end of March April, there will be no UN condemnation of Israel proposed, or that any proposed condemnation is vetoed by the US. You take the position that there will be a proposal and the US does not veto it. If Biden is pro-Hamas you will win easily.
Show me the UN condemnation.

Show me the UN condemnation.
I should've known better than to think youd have an ounce of integrity. Unlike you I paid my bets here when I lost $100. Please don't offer bets if you're just going to flake out. It's just wrong.
I should've known better than to think youd have an ounce of integrity. Unlike you I paid my bets here when I lost $100. Please don't offer bets if you're just going to flake out. It's just wrong.
I nominate @Bucknutz as arbiter. If he says I lost the bet, I'll accept the result.
How would "the people of Gaza" surrendering affect what Hamas does?
If the people of Gaza surrender then members of Hamas get to stop breathing while the non-members of Hamas get to start building a future for their families. it is really that simple. Hamas has to go, has to be removed completely, and the people of Gaza have to chose a different path. If the people of Gaza continue to believe that killing, raping, and kidnapping Jews is the correct path, as the overwhelming majority still believe today, then things will continue to get worse for them. Make no mistake, the people of Gaza are suffering the consequences of their own poor decisions. None of this had to happen. It is happening because they chose this for themselves.
If the people of Gaza surrender then members of Hamas get to stop breathing while the non-members of Hamas get to start building a future for their families. it is really that simple. Hamas has to go, has to be removed completely, and the people of Gaza have to chose a different path. If the people of Gaza continue to believe that killing, raping, and kidnapping Jews is the correct path, as the overwhelming majority still believe today, then things will continue to get worse for them. Make no mistake, the people of Gaza are suffering the consequences of their own poor decisions. None of this had to happen. It is happening because they chose this for themselves.
Like what are the mechanics of the citizens surrendering? Via what avenue do they do this? How is it determined that the citizens have all agreed to a surrender?
Like what are the mechanics of the citizens surrendering? Via what avenue do they do this? How is it determined that the citizens have all agreed to a surrender?
It's upon them to force Hamas the child rapers out from the cities and homes where they are using these citizens as literal cover. Hamas is deep under cover in highly dense areas so mass civilians are suffering. It's on them to get them out and let justice serve the child rapers that Democrats are siding with and violently rioting against Jews for.
Like what are the mechanics of the citizens surrendering? Via what avenue do they do this? How is it determined that the citizens have all agreed to a surrender?
The easiest way is for Hamas, their elected government, to surrender. The second easiest is to quickly cobble together a government and have that entity surrender. Neither is likely as Hamas wants to retain power, and the majority of Gazans want Hamas in power.
I'll put it up if I lose, despite your fraud and lies.
Heck, Ill even let it go if you simply admit that fishes extremelty dangerous and divisive propaganda is the very definition of propaganda, literal brainwashing and a flat out lie in every sense. That Biden, the guy who sits and preaches that misinformation is dangerous, willingly cut and took obvious quotes out of context to fear monger the less intelligent voters who ironically call others a cultist. You admit that, which it is 100% the truth, then the bet you lost is off. You should do this regardless of the bet if you were being honest while ironically and hypocritically calling me a fraud and liar but not fish. What are you afraid of... You want to preach honesty... Then be honest. I bet you wont. I almost guarantee you wont. I rescind the bet that you lost but you simply have to call out your follower for his immature brainwashing and propaganda. You must include those words as that is exactly what fish pushed by definition.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/qbj5e0pea1I?si=-ag6es2mvW7S1Aaf

Propaganda-Propaganda is a type of communication that often involves sharing biased or misleading information to promote a particular agenda or point of view. Propaganda is used to influence people's opinions or control their behavior through various tactics such as name-calling, bandwagoning, or inciting fear.

Brainwashing, systematic effort to persuade nonbelievers to accept a certain allegiance, command, or doctrine. A colloquial term, it is more generally applied to any technique designed to manipulate human thought or action against the desire, will, or knowledge of the individual. By controlling the physical and social environment, an attempt is made to destroy loyalties to any unfavourable groups or individuals, to demonstrate to the individual that his attitudes and patterns of thinking are incorrect and must be changed, and to develop loyalty and unquestioning obedience to the ruling party.
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The easiest way is for Hamas, their elected government, to surrender. The second easiest is to quickly cobble together a government and have that entity surrender. Neither is likely as Hamas wants to retain power, and the majority of Gazans want Hamas in power.
So when you talked about Gazan citizens surrendering independent of Hamas that was essentially nonsense. Got it.