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The Happy Meal...

How ****ing stupid. The better option would be to remove the kids from stupid parents and sterilize said retard parents. Now no one gets a happy meal toy cuz a few fat ****s shouldn't have kids?
Next damn thang ya know, they gunna make it illegal to give candy to chillin, eh? How homophobic can ya git, I ax ya? They tryin to put NAMBLA clean outta bidnizz, that it?
... just lost its happiness. :(


Only in San Francisco where Happy Meals and soda are illegal but pot is easily accessible and getting more so all the time. Beautiful!

Eventually there will be nothing for pot heads to eat when they get the munchies. All the munchie foods will be ilegal!

Soda is illegal in San Francisco? News to me. I'm pretty sure I had a coke there about 3 days ago.
Soda is illegal in San Francisco? News to me. I'm pretty sure I had a coke there about 3 days ago.

Soda and high sugar drinks are banned from being sold on city property and from city vending machines. The orignal push was to ban high sugar drinks completely but they had to settle for city vending machines and city property...
Soda and high sugar drinks are banned from being sold on city property and from city vending machines. The orignal push was to ban high sugar drinks completely but they had to settle for city vending machines and city property...

So in practice this means ... ?

As someone who's in San Francisco pretty regularly I'll tell you that I certainly haven't noticed.

It's kind of a silly policy, but it's certainly not exactly a pressing concern.
Ya basically got two kinda peoples, eh, Clutch?:

1. Ones, like Santy Clause and McDonalds, who make lil chillinz happy by givin em toys,

2. Ones, like Scrooge and serial killers, who make lil chillinz unhappy by takin way they toys, and

3. Ones who can't never count so damn good.
They should also take away adults having the options to get alcohol with their food at a restuarant. Im pretty sure thousands of adults driving the streets of SF being intoxicated is much more dangerous to children then eating a french fry.
... just lost its happiness. :(


Only in San Francisco where Happy Meals and soda are illegal but pot is easily accessible and getting more so all the time. Beautiful!

Eventually there will be nothing for pot heads to eat when they get the munchies. All the munchie foods will be ilegal!
What a dumb as ****, ignorant and insulting post. As if my 'pot head' diet wasn't about a million times more nutritious and satisfying than whatever canned food and factory-meat **** you and yours barely subsist on.

Yeah, lets knock San Fran for providing holistic medicinal choices and taking away the incentive to feed children absolutely disgusting food that doesn't even deserve to be called such. Your blatent mischaracterization of the story is a joke, btw; neither the food stuff Mcdonalds produces, or soda is being made illegal. Simply packaging that filth with children's toys is. And it should be.

I weep for the dumb white trash in this country who choose to saturate themselves with garbage. And then defend it.
I'm with Balli.

Heart disease (and other illnesses related to poor food choices) kills millions annually, and costs our economy loads of money.

Pot kills no one and is only legally available to adults (and could be better kept out of the hands of minors if it were fully legalized).
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And I won't even defend bong hits as being healthy (or being at all related to this story in the first place), but I can guarantee you they're far less destructive than gut bombs of corn syrup, sodium and animal fat. Especially when you throw marketing directed at children into the equation.
What a dumb as ****, ignorant and insulting post. As if my 'pot head' diet wasn't about a million times more nutritious and satisfying than whatever canned food and factory-meat **** you and yours barely subsist on.

Yeah, lets knock San Fran for providing holistic medicinal choices and taking away the incentive to feed children absolutely disgusting food that doesn't even deserve to be called such. Your blatent mischaracterization of the story is a joke, btw; neither the food stuff Mcdonalds produces, or soda is being made illegal. Simply packaging that filth with children's toys is. And it should be.

I weep for the dumb white trash in this country who choose to saturate themselves with garbage. And then defend it.

What a condescending whistledick. Sounds like you could use a hit or two. Your blood pressure must be through the roof!
What a dumb as ****, ignorant and insulting post. As if my 'pot head' diet wasn't about a million times more nutritious and satisfying than whatever canned food and factory-meat **** you and yours barely subsist on.

Yeah, lets knock San Fran for providing holistic medicinal choices and taking away the incentive to feed children absolutely disgusting food that doesn't even deserve to be called such. Your blatent mischaracterization of the story is a joke, btw; neither the food stuff Mcdonalds produces, or soda is being made illegal. Simply packaging that filth with children's toys is. And it should be.

I weep for the dumb white trash in this country who choose to saturate themselves with garbage. And then defend it.

i weep for those who take that right away from them.
i weep for those who take that right away from them.
Anybody who wants to buy disgusting Happy Meals for their greaseball kids can still go buy one. The only right that's being taken away is McDonald's right to package said **** with toys.

And the measure was fairly voted on. Why do you hate representative democracy and/or community rights? Why the **** should the rational political figures in San Fransisco give your corporate position one ounce of consideration? They serve the interests of their constituents. Not fast food junkies from Utah.

What a condescending whistledick. Sounds like you could use a hit or two. Your blood pressure must be through the roof!
As for you. Don't make a thread filled with misinformation and idiocy and then call me condescending when reality bitch slaps you.