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The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

Again, you are lookin at symptoms. I have no idea how you can be so daft, but you are doing so.
He's looking at results...

Harden Houston playoff averages - 28/7/6 - EFG 49.5 - 42/32/87 shooting splits. (if you include OKC/Philly/Brooklyn it gets much worse)
Doncic playoff averages - 32.5/8/9 on 52.7% EFG - 47.3/36.6/69.2 shooting splits... this is as a 20-22 year old.

Also... Harden was real close to winning a title... if his team didn't fold (17 straight missed threes) or CP doesn't have terrible hamstrings he may have won a ring. Doncic's game goes up a notch while Harden's goes down... sometimes by a lot. Its not symptoms of a bigger issue... its results. Luka is here for the pressure... James is not.
I get it HermanG, you are from Europe or some **** so you feel the need to defend Luka's honor because he's being (rightfully) compared to Harden. You just dont have the ground to stand on to argue against me.

And HH's little bitch instincts are going off and he has to argue against me with his weirdo arguments where he compares Lebron James and Steph Curry to far lesser players to make some kind terrible point.
He's looking at results...

Harden Houston playoff averages - 28/7/6 - EFG 49.5 - 42/32/87 shooting splits. (if you include OKC/Philly/Brooklyn it gets much worse)
Doncic playoff averages - 32.5/8/9 on 52.7% EFG - 47.3/36.6/69.2 shooting splits... this is as a 20-22 year old.

Also... Harden was real close to winning a title... if his team didn't fold (17 straight missed threes) or CP doesn't have terrible hamstrings he may have won a ring. Doncic's game goes up a notch while Harden's goes down... sometimes by a lot. Its not symptoms of a bigger issue... its results. Luka is here for the pressure... James is not.
If if if if if if if if

It's like being the 100% focal point of your offense and deciding to argue with the refs more than you play transition defense makes you less likely to win the games that matter.
If Hardens playoff suckage is a symptom and what you said is the root cause and Luka has the same root cause...

Then why doesnt he have the same symptoms?

good lord you are so obtuse.

No one has said Harden or Luka suck in the playoffs. They don't. But their playstyle is always going to lead to letdowns. Luka has gone past the first round once in his 5 year career, stop acting like he's some kind of playoff wizard. He's a stat padder who had a lucky run one year because the Utah Jazz imploded.
LOL... why leave off Jamal's age 23 season?

Jamal's super power is he levels up several notches in the playoffs... tough to assume Herro has that same gene. Jamal also a better defender than Herro. How are Tyler's playoff numbers? How does post season Murray compare to post season Herro?

Again Herro ain't a bad player but I don't see him as a guy who will make a giant leap in his game.
I get it HermanG, you are from Europe or some **** so you feel the need to defend Luka's honor because he's being (rightfully) compared to Harden. You just dont have the ground to stand on to argue against me.
Only reason I usually avoid arguing with you is your completely unintelligent way of doing it. You judt skip points you dont feel like countering and resort to name calling eventually.

Provide me with some half credible analyst, hooper or even talking head who agrees with you. Rob Parker doesnt count.
LOL... why leave off Jamal's age 23 season?

Jamal's super power is he levels up several notches in the playoffs... tough to assume Herro has that same gene. Jamal also a better defender than Herro. How are Tyler's playoff numbers? How does post season Murray compare to post season Herro?

Again Herro ain't a bad player but I don't see him as a guy who will make a giant leap in his game.
First 4 years of their careers. Pretty easy to see what I was doing. Am I suppose to include a 5th year for someone when a 5th year doesnt exist for the other? Would make no sense, but I expect no less from you in these arguments.

And Jamal's super power is he plays with Nikola Jokic.
Only reason I usually avoid arguing with you is your completely unintelligent way of doing it. You judt skip points you dont feel like countering and resort to name calling eventually.

Provide me with some half credible analyst, hooper or even talking head who agrees with you. Rob Parker doesnt count.
I never brought up Rob Parker and Im not making any Rob Parker argument. You made that strawman.

I dont understand how you can get the concept of a player having to be the high usage focal point is going to lead to letdowns, but I guess being purposefully obtuse is your thing? or maybe english is your 2nd language and you just cant keep up, idk.
good lord you are so obtuse.

No one has said Harden or Luka suck in the playoffs. They don't. But their playstyle is always going to lead to letdowns. Luka has gone past the first round once in his 5 year career, stop acting like he's some kind of playoff wizard. He's a stat padder who had a lucky run one year because the Utah Jazz imploded.
If if if... if Luka hadn't had a lucky run and the Jazz hadn't imploded he'd be viewed as a career loser. lol

Dude gave the Suns all kinds of work in the second round and lost to the eventual champ. In his first and second years in the playoffs he lost to an actually healthy Clippers team and he damn near pulled out the upset.

Stat padder.... pfffffttt. He's annoying as hell but he's a top 5 guy and you are being a dumbass.
First 4 years of their careers. Pretty easy to see what I was doing. Am I suppose to include a 5th year for someone when a 5th year doesnt exist for the other? Would make no sense, but I expect no less from you in these arguments.

And Jamal's super power is he plays with Nikola Jokic.
You cut it off intentionally cuz it hurts your argument. You are being deceptive and think we wouldn't catch it.
If if if... if Luka hadn't had a lucky run and the Jazz hadn't imploded he'd be viewed as a career loser. lol

Dude gave the Suns all kinds of work in the second round and lost to the eventual champ. In his first and second years in the playoffs he lost to an actually healthy Clippers team and he damn near pulled out the upset.

Stat padder.... pfffffttt. He's annoying as hell but he's a top 5 guy and you are being a dumbass.
Not one "if" in that paragraph.

Yeah, Luka is going to give work. He's going to give a lot of work. SO much work that he's always going to wear himself thin while not trusting his teammates enough, leading to his team always dropping the ball in the end.

Only way this isnt true is if he just gets on an absolutely loaded team where he has a top 10 and top 20 guy on his team, and even then, if he's not willing to change his game and be as elite in that change as he is now, it's not going to work out.
You cut it off intentionally cuz it hurts your argument. You are being deceptive and think we wouldn't catch it.
Holy **** you are being ridiculous. I didnt even take a single look at what the stats were because I know how comparable they were. I took the first four years because Herrro has only played 4 years. You have such a weird boner for arguing with me over dumb ****.
Cant believe HH tries to compare 2nd rate stars to GOATS and then tries to bitch at me for comparing the rookie contract years of two players. So lame.
Not one "if" in that paragraph.

Yeah, Luka is going to give work. He's going to give a lot of work. SO much work that he's always going to wear himself thin while not trusting his teammates enough, leading to his team always dropping the ball in the end.

Only way this isnt true is if he just gets on an absolutely loaded team where he has a top 10 and top 20 guy on his team, and even then, if he's not willing to change his game and be as elite in that change as he is now, it's not going to work out.
He will need to have the right teammates around him... just like Jokic... just like Giannis... just like Lebron. All of those teams will live and die with their stars too. Luka's playstyle is not perfect or ideal... he's so good at it that it also won't stop him from winning a title at some point.
Holy **** you are being ridiculous. I didnt even take a single look at what the stats were because I know how comparable they were. I took the first four years because Herrro has only played 4 years. You have such a weird boner for arguing with me over dumb ****.

Cant believe HH tries to compare 2nd rate stars to GOATS and then tries to bitch at me for comparing the rookie contract years of two players. So lame.
Diaper baby tantrums.
I never brought up Rob Parker and Im not making any Rob Parker argument. You made that strawman.

I dont understand how you can get the concept of a player having to be the high usage focal point is going to lead to letdowns, but I guess being purposefully obtuse is your thing? or maybe english is your 2nd language and you just cant keep up, idk.
There are plently of high usage focal points who have won chips when they got the right supporting cast around them.

The defense argument is fair and I agree he likely wont win in the NBA before he gets better at that. But its not that he isnt a winner. He is Euroleague champion and MVP.

Btw Parker made his argument after game 2 of the Mavs vs Suns series. Just like always, he looked like a fool and this time it took just 1 week.