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The Official "Ask A Mormon" Thread


All Around Nice Guy
OK, this is a thread I've considered starting for quite a while, but the recent questions about LDS missions in this thread, https://jazzfanz.com/showthread.php?15659-TTFN-Jazzfanz-(, have pushed me over the edge.

So here's the deal. I know jazzfanz is roughly 50% Mormon and 50% other, so the non-Mormons have undoubtedly run across many aspects of Mormonism they might have questions about. Like: Who pays for Mormon kids to serve missions? Do Mormons prefer to be called Mormon or LDS? Why can't non-Mormons go into Mormon temples? What even goes on in temples? Do Mormons really believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers? What is the Book of Mormon? Does the LDS church use it in place of the Bible? Can Mormons drink Coke? Is BYU really the best university around? ;-) Etc. You get the idea. If you are curious about any aspect of LDS belief or practice, here's your chance to ask your questions. I'll do my best to answer any sincere question, and I'm sure other LDS members will chime in as well.

This is NOT meant as a thread to debate whether the LDS church is correct, misguided, or other, or whether the LDS view on doctrine X or political topic Y is correct, but rather just a low pressure thread where people curious about something they have may have heard can get their questions answered. Please be respectful. We'll see how this goes.

Anyone want to ask the first question?
1) Are all Mormons as masochistic as yourself?

*fist-bumps self*

Does it come from the family or did you guys choose to be a Mormon? Of course it can be both but we shall count those in the first category this time.
1. Magnets; how do they work?

2. Joseph Smith said that there are men living on the moon who dress like Quakers and live to be nearly 1000 years old. Since he was wrong about the moon, is it safe to trust him regarding the way to Heaven?

3. Question withdrawn, but points are still available for those that would like to mspaint draw us a picture of a horse.

There are more.. and more difficult. But I'd like to see how you handle these three first.
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If a Mormon marries outside of the church and their spouse doesn't convert, do the Mormons then burn the spouse at the stake or just stone the couple?
I thought it was a good idea and a nice gesture. I don't think anyone's being mean spirited so far, but c'mon guys.
Is my father an anti-Semite for thinking the Mormon church is a Zionist conspiracy designed to destroy the Christian religion? Or does that just make him an idiot?
1. Magnets; how do they work?

2. Joseph Smith said that there are men living on the moon who dress like Quakers and live to be nearly 1000 years old. Since he was wrong about the moon, is it safe to trust him regarding the way to Heaven?

3. Why does the church continue to handicap our young men by sending them on a mission instead of getting them an education first?

As a non mormon, I don't see how going away, learning how to work, study, and be responsible is handicapping them at all. I know quite a few people who would love to have their freshman year over again.
The questions I've been asked most frequently:

Why do you all have so many kids?
Why no tea/coffee?
What's the difference between the temple building and the church building?
- follow up if they come inside the church: whoa! do ALL your buildings have basketball courts?
- follow up to the follow up: sooo, do you have to be a member to play basketball here?
Okay, seriously.. why does the LDS church feel that Jesus needed to be rescued? Meaning, God so loved the world that He ga e his only begotten Son so that we may not perish.

Jesus experienced a horrible death, a miraculous resurrection.. yet God felt it wasn't enough? That without the intervention of a new church organization in the 1800's, His work would remain unfinished..

I'm not in any way hating.. at all. I just don't get where God's plan was to say, "yes, you believe upon my Son.. "
And then follow it up with "BUT" for the fullest of glory you must be a Mormon. That doesn't offend me because I am extremely tolerable of people's right to their chosen faith.. but it seems, to me, to be offensive to God of those that call themselves a Christian.. in any variety.
As a non mormon, I don't see how going away, learning how to work, study, and be responsible is handicapping them at all. I know quite a few people who would love to have their freshman year over again.

That question confused me too...is there some evidence that it's a handicap, or is this speculation?
Okay, seriously.. why does the LDS church feel that Jesus needed to be rescued? Meaning, God so loved the world that He ga e his only begotten Son so that we may not perish.

Jesus experienced a horrible death, a miraculous resurrection.. yet God felt it wasn't enough? That without the intervention of a new church organization in the 1800's, His work would remain unfinished..

I'm not in any way hating.. at all. I just don't get where God's plan was to say, "yes, you believe upon my Son.. "
And then follow it up with "BUT" for the fullest of glory you must be a Mormon. That doesn't offend me because I am extremely tolerable of people's right to their chosen faith.. but it seems, to me, to be offensive to God of those that call themselves a Christian.. in any variety.

Perhaps he felt that 'dying' for a couple of days is no big deal for an immortal entity that is beyond death, pain, and all human concerns. So he decided to go back and get some more work done!