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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Read the article for the full set of quotes of what she really thinks about her brother. They are something else.

They really are something else. wouldn’t it be ironic if him winning in 2016 is what breaks up the dysfunctional family and puts many of them behind bars? Without him winning the presidency, the spotlight wouldn’t have been on him and his family’s grift in the same way. I still want some accountability for all the grift. His sons and Jared need something for all the charities and international aid they’ve used as a front for criming. Pretty sure the whole reason why we didn’t level sanctions on Saudi Arabia for killing Khasoggi was because of some Grift that Donald and Jared were engaged in. There definitely needs to be some accountability for all the criming, blackmail, and using our federal government for grift.
How is it still okay to force people to stay at his DC Hotel if they want to meet with him? Just ridiculous.
Wow, no platform at all?

Yep, whatever The Don says. He’s the Boss. And since one never knows what he’s going to say, from one day to the next, you can’t expect anything in writing, like an actual platform. One simply keeps in mind that you don’t go against the Family, Fredo.
From https://www.axios.com/miles-taylor-immigration-trump-343f9d38-a375-419a-9f99-73c3b101dc24.html

"Even though he had been told on repeated occasions that the way he wanted to do it was illegal, his response was to say, ‘Do it. If you get in trouble, I’ll pardon you.’

It was made clear to the president that it was against the law for us to simply deny anyone entry across the southern border including people who were fleeing violence, persecution, danger. Under the law, they had the right to come in to try to seek refuge in the United States. He said, ‘I don’t care.’ His exact words were, ‘The bins are full.’

The president offered to pardon U.S. government officials for breaking the law to implement his immigration policy. That was the moment I decided I was going to have to quit the Trump administration."

disgusting. And yet most of our state and most of those sharing our religion will vote for him. He will win utah by double digits. Just unreal. I’m feeling cranky tonight seeing the White House used as a prop for this idiot’s re-election tv show while 1,200 died today of the virus. There are real issues that need to be addressed and all this idiot provides is fluff. And yet so many in this state and country are distracted by the fluff. I’m in a real mood tonight.
Miles Taylor again. Reminding us of how much Trump likes to torture human beings....

When it came to the border wall, Trump would dream up “sickening” medieval plots “to pierce the flesh” of migrants, rip all the families apart, “maim,” and gas them, Taylor claims. “This was a man with no humanity whatsoever,” Taylor says. “He says, we got to do this, this, this, and this, all of which are probably impossible, illegal unethical,” Taylor recalls, but he was writing them down as the president spoke. “And he looks over me and he goes, ‘you ****ing taking notes?’”

Oh, and of course:

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Also, just because Trump is protected by the shield of the presidency for the next few months, that doesn’t mean his cabinet members and aides are. There needs to be a reckoning here. I doubt anything will happen until next January. But there definitely needs to be justice served for all of these crimes. It’s not a norm breaking, it’s a crime being committed. He’s abusing his office to win re-election. Just like when he blackmailed Ukraine.

Lastly, anyone else finding this whole depiction of Trump being our country’s messianic savior and eternal father a tad unsettling and sacrilegious? I mean Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Kim are even blushing. Using the White House to swear in new citizens and using former prisoners of authoritarian regimes praise trump as their savior, while his children and sycophants tell us that he’s the only thing standing between full blown communism, is fascism staring at us plainly in the face. This isn’t just odd but alarming. Do people seriously not see this?
Yes it is.

So all the Trump/Epstein stuff is made up apparently?

Oh I forgot. Trump conveniently doesn't know anyone that might make him look bad, despite all photographic and eyewitness evidence to the contrary.