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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Anyone else surprised in Mattis remaining (mostly) mum and Kelly and McMaster remaining silent? Does Schiff ever ask that Tillerson testify or does he remain focused on Ukraine?
Watching Trump's house of cards fall around him makes me turgid with love for my country.

and it does a lot of the partisans as well. The ones who love party over country. No, I don’t count you among that number. But we are stained with those that do on here.
Meanwhile, in other news from today.

But all the whistleblowers info is second hand... So that means even when we have documented factual evidence and firsthand testimony that back it up... All the whistleblowers info is second hand.

Rinse wash and repeat. It also helps if you put your fingers in your ears and say loudly "I'm not listening" over and over again.
Back in the 80s and 90s Rudy helped put away mob bosses who did this sort of thing. Now, he’s being investigated by his former office for doing the type of stuff he put mob bosses in prison for. I wonder how many times this has happened in American history?

It’s also quite interesting to see how trump and Rudy project everything they do. everyday they act as if Clinton, Obama, Hunter Biden, etc committed the crimes that the Trump Cartel is currently committing. It’s crazy

This means she testified for over 10 hours.

More details about Fiona Hill's testimony.
Fiona Hill, the White House’s former top Russia adviser, told impeachment investigators on Monday that Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, ran a shadow foreign policy in Ukraine that circumvented U.S. officials and career diplomats in order to personally benefit President Trump, according to people familiar with her testimony.
In a closed-door session that lasted roughly 10 hours, Hill told lawmakers that she confronted Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, about Giuliani’s activities which, she testified, were not coordinated with the officials responsible for carrying out U.S. foreign policy, these people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to disclose details of her deposition.
Hill testified Monday that [national security advisor] Bolton was furious over Giuliani’s politically motivated activities in Ukraine, two officials familiar with her testimony said. She recounted how Bolton likened the former New York mayor to a “hand grenade who’s going to blow everybody up,” one of these people said, after Bolton learned about Giuliani’s Ukraine campaign.

Bolton and Sondland met in early July with then-special envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker, Hill and Energy Secretary Rick Perry. During the meeting, Sondland’s agenda for Ukraine began to become clear, when he blurted out to the other officials present that there were “investigations that were dropped that need to be started up again,” according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter. The officials understood him to be referring to Burisma, the energy company, and Biden — something that made Bolton go “ballistic” after the meeting, the official said.

Hill told lawmakers that after the meeting, Bolton instructed her to go raise their concerns about the shadow Ukraine operations with White House lawyers... Hill met with NSC lawyer John Eisenberg to express her concerns about Giuliani’s activities and how they were being carried out by Sondland and Volker, people familiar with the matter said.
Or at least stay out of the official "let's impeach Trump" thread if posts about Trump's impeachment bother you.

“Impeach Trump” thread? Psh. Whatever. It’s More like “Lib Clinton Lovers Deep Staters who waited 3 years to Initiate a Coup Against The Most Reaganist President Ever” thread.

Don’t worry, the truth will come out any day now... you’re all going to be sorry for not recognizing our stable genius president whose wisdom is unmatched.