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Thoughts and Prayers

I am fine with a ban on semi-auto rifles. Hand guns cause more deaths. I am even fine with a ban on all guns. But when reference automatic weapons and barb wire I don't have much to say, but you'd fit right in with most of our politicians.

The fact is, even banning guns, with our current laws, will take time. Getting the votes, passing laws, overpowering lobbyists, going against or amending the Constitution... As you can see, a plethora of huge hurdles to jump through. The cost along of the governmental taking for confiscating guns, not to mention the backlash from many armed citizens would be a mess. Gun control logically has to happen in stages. And with the laws in place, there has to be some compromise, which our politicians and most citizens are unwilling to do. In the interim, I would feel safer if my kids teachers and administrators were trained for a shooter situation. I think training, and secured non-lethal but incapacitating protective devices would be a good stop-gap in the interim. I don't like the idea of conceal carry by teachers, but "gun-free zones" (i.e. targets) in our current environment scares me even more.

We are doing active shooter scenario training at work at the moment, which is a sign of the times i suppose. For me guns for the most part have no place in society, I understand farmers need them, professional shooters but most people have no proper use for them. i'd also like to see the police gradually disarmed (I've seen enough mental health patients nearly grab coppers gun to think it is inevitable.) but that will never happen. I think the UK do it well, most police are unarmed but they have highly trained armed response units to react to dangerous situations.
As critical as I am (I’m tough to live with), I think I'm an eternal optimist. I look at all this at times very sadly yes, but overall as a good thing. We've reached the tipping point and laws will be passed to help the situation. It reminds me in a different way of the 80's with MADD and SADD. Things had gotten bad and we grew a moral conscience as a country. Things had to change. They did. Especially laws for offenders. On top of gun ownership laws and background checks changing for the better, that's what I hope. Consequences for not only those who commit these crimes but also for those who make threats, jokes or not, online or elsewhere, also receive criminal prosecution. Play time is over.
The first part I find believable, the second part is definitely optimistic, hope it happens but i wouldn't bet on it.

It’s a fact. I’m an *******. Don’t get me wrong, I have great qualities. But biting my tongue isn’t one of them.
One thing I don't understand. Why aren't Democrats calling the Republicans bluff?

You want to do mental healthcare, great. Here is a shiny new bill to fund quality mental healthcare in every high school in the nation.
I think that he first step in fixing any issue in this country is finding a way to end the republican vs Democrat rivalry.
Probably never happen though
I think that he first step in fixing any issue in this country is finding a way to end the republican vs Democrat rivalry.
Probably never happen though

First step is term limits for our congressional leaders. Eight year terms and no reelection. We need leaders that have a sole focus on the needs of the country. Not getting reelected. Less power for lobbyists. The problem isn't the rivalry. It is the fact that our leaders are disconnected with reality, and give too much power to the almighty dollar. They don't do what we elect them to do. Then again, there are a lot of idjits in this country, so maybe we have the leaders we deserve.

I worked for a politician in the Obama administration. Worst years of my life.
First step is term limits for our congressional leaders. Eight year terms and no reelection. We need leaders that have a sole focus on the needs of the country. Not getting reelected. Less power for lobbyists. The problem isn't the rivalry. It is the fact that our leaders are disconnected with reality, and give too much power to the almighty dollar. They don't do what we elect them to do. Then again, there are a lot of idjits in this country, so maybe we have the leaders we deserve.

I worked for a politician in the Obama administration. Worst years of my life.

Good post but I strongly disagree that the rivalry isn’t a problem.
This country is extremely divided due to the rivalry. So much hate and anger due to the rivalry
First step is term limits for our congressional leaders. Eight year terms and no reelection. We need leaders that have a sole focus on the needs of the country. Not getting reelected. Less power for lobbyists. The problem isn't the rivalry. It is the fact that our leaders are disconnected with reality, and give too much power to the almighty dollar. They don't do what we elect them to do. Then again, there are a lot of idjits in this country, so maybe we have the leaders we deserve.

I worked for a politician in the Obama administration. Worst years of my life.

I agree with term limits but I don't like the idea of being stuck with someone for 8 years after winning an election and before accomplishing anything.


We go with your eight year single terms but they must be re-affirmed by the voters after 2. Running against their record not an opponent. If they are reaffirmed then they serve out the final 6. If they are not then they serve 2 more years and cannot run for the seat in the next election.(basically 2 years as a lame duck as opposed to 6)

More often than not they would be re-affirmed but I think the exercise is worth ir for those instances where they would not be.
This is what a combat veteran thinks about arming teachers with weapons:

"Arming educators is a terrible idea for a whole host of reasons, but I want to hone in on a crucial one: the fiction that arming teachers means they’ll be able to stop an armed attacker. We hear this over and over. In speaking Wednesday, the President said, 'If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy he would have shot and that would be the end of it. Unfortunately you just can’t make that assumption. It’s not as easy as it looks on TV."

"There were armed guards at Columbine, the Pulse nightclub and in Las Vegas at the time of the massacre. At Parkland too. Time and again, armed civilians or security guards are out-maneuvered, out-gunned and too inexperienced. It’s difficult for a rational person to reach a state where they can go toe-to-toe with an armed psychopath who has nothing to lose. I was professionally trained and still almost blew it at the moment of truth. If armed security guards often don’t stop shootings, teachers have no chance."

"Instructing a teacher in how to use a gun does very little. Guns aren’t magical objects that turn a person into a skilled warrior, no matter how proficient one is at marksmanship. Gun fighting is less about the weapon and more about a state of mind. It’s about will. The will to assert yourself over — and kill — your armed adversary who wants to kill you."

"Rather than arming teachers to shoot back, the more obvious solution is to prohibit the sale and ownership of weapons like the AR-15. And hopefully we will. Soon,"

Instead of putting up barbwires around every single schools in the country and turn them into barracks for kids, why not just make it harder for people to get automatic assault weapons designed to kill hundreds at a time?

I really don't get it.
Why do we keep having to go down the same road here? Automatic weapons are banned. Try to keep up if you want to participate.
Why do we keep having to go down the same road here? Automatic weapons are banned. Try to keep up if you want to participate.

Yo bro, I forget if I announced it on the board but my wife is due with #3 on 6/10. I'm catching up to you! #FML.