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Thread for misc Jazz News leading up to training camp

Sitting in a parking lot and I realized where I recognized LVT from. They are the company that cops use for those portable surveillance towers.
Sexton has always been a gym rat. Doesn’t need nightclubs and celebrity life of big cities. You give him a good place to train and he’s a happy camper.
He may not NEED a nightclub, but for his benefit and everyone else's who spend time in SLC it would be okay if we had a couple of good ones, just incase someone wanted to use their agency that way.
Sitting in a parking lot and I realized where I recognized LVT from. They are the company that cops use for those portable surveillance towers.
In my line of work, LVT means “Licensed Veterinary Technician” and I’ll never not see that when I see these patches lol
Everything I've read about them has said the opposite of that.

Because greyhounds are wired for short burst they getting really tired pretty fast. You just have to let them sprint for a few minutes a day and give them like one 10 minute walk and they basically just sleep the rest of it.
I owned a rescued dog that we figured was a border collie/whippet mix. I took her to the park and would throw a rubber ball that would bounce forever until it was stopped. When I threw it other dogs would chase It too, but she was always faster.

Until one day a pair of Greyhounds showed up. They beat her to the ball. Maybe one of the worst days of her life.

Right up until I threw it again. The greyhounds were done. They just laid there and said, "Naw." My dog easily retrieved the ball in the air off the third bounce and pranced around like she owned the place again.
Riley is on Ainge's level. He would demand value for Herro. We aren't going to nickel and dime the Heat. If Ainge wants him more than the players we have now and if he wants to do it, then just do it and don't just play chicken with the Heat. He has a ton of draft capital let him shape the team he wants it to be.
Ultimately though, we just don't need Herro. We are probably fine walking away if the value just isn't there for us.
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He may not NEED a nightclub, but for his benefit and everyone else's who spend time in SLC it would be okay if we had a couple of good ones, just incase someone wanted to use their agency that way.
We are people of God, and no one is allowed to use their agency that way. What, do you think agency grows on trees or something? We need to make sure everyone does the same things especially if they don't want to. I don't know where you got this idea that agency is supposed to be free or something. But you can use it any way you want as long as it's our way.
He may not NEED a nightclub, but for his benefit and everyone else's who spend time in SLC it would be okay if we had a couple of good ones, just incase someone wanted to use their agency that way.
Brother, nightclubs exist in SLC. It's the people who make up the population of those nightclubs which is the issue.

NBA players want to party with rappers, famous people and IG models, most of which do not frequent SLC nightclubs (unless you're into those Utah mom-fluencer types I guess). And they also probably dont want to stick out as much as they would in a SLC nightclub vs a regular big city nightclub.
Brother, nightclubs exist in SLC. It's the people who make up the population of those nightclubs which is the issue.

NBA players want to party with rappers, famous people and IG models, most of which do not frequent SLC nightclubs (unless you're into those Utah mom-fluencer types I guess). And they also probably dont want to stick out as much as they would in a SLC nightclub vs a regular big city nightclub.
Sibling, that's why the migration from places like California to Utah needs to continue and at an even greater pace than is currently happening.

Let's Go!!!!
IDK guys… my buddy played in the NFL and played college at Oregon… said he LOVED to come through Utah and cleaned up on those road trips.