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Trib Article: Hayward and Burks make quick connection

You just broke the spirit of hotttttttttttnickkkkkkkk, expect him to come in here soon and give you an explanation of why he is a SG, with all key points highlighted.

I think Hayward is better at playing position 2 than 3. Because he has an obvious physical advantage there and good enough ball skills to play at 2. I would prefer to see Burks coming off the bench and a more powerful and athletic guy to play at 3.
I think Hayward is better at playing position 2 than 3. Because he has an obvious physical advantage there and good enough ball skills to play at 2. I would prefer to see Burks coming off the bench and a more powerful and athletic guy to play at 3.

Hayward has no obvious physical advantage at any position in general. Contrary to everyone confusing hustling and an occasional dunk as anything more than requisite athleticism, he is not that athletic, and he will get destroyed by some 2s with their speed. Just as he will get abused by some 3s with their strength (although I think he will fare better against a Carmelo Anthony than a Monta Ellis).

The Jazz could afford to have a real physical specimen on the wings that specializes in defense. I guess that's what all the Singleton love was all about.
...[Hayward] is not that athletic, and he will get destroyed by some 2s with their speed. Just as he will get abused by some 3s with their strength...

This isn't meant especially against you, but rather against this type of argument in general: it's a half full-half empty type of thing. You could just have easily have said that he will destroy the 2s with his strength, and will abuse the 3s with his speed.
This isn't meant especially against you, but rather against this type of argument in general: it's a half full-half empty type of thing. You could just have easily have said that he will destroy the 2s with his strength, and will abuse the 3s with his speed.

Ehh. I don't think that's the case though. His advantage as a 2 would primarily be shooting over others as he doesn't strike me as a particularly strong player. And since I don't see him as a particularly agile player either, I don't think he holds an advantage on 3s either.

I like him and see him as a significant piece for the Jazz moving forward, but he's not in the league for having great physical attributes. They are all quite pedestrian for the NBA.

My point is that you can play him at either spot, but he doesn't have a sure-fire position. It would be best to play him at a particular position as needed and saying he IS this or that, or that he SHOULD be this or that is kind of silly.
I think it's very unlikely Hayward can play the 2 regularly. The dream is something like Joe Johnson, though Johnson is hardly a world class defender. But Johnson holds his own OK and gives Atlanta flexibility. Hayward played like 200 minutes at the 2 last year so we have no idea what he can do. At the same time, I didn't see anything out of him that makes me think he can guard the Ellis's, Gordon's, or Ginobili's.