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Trump abandons Kurdish allies to Turkish invasion

Trump tried to take credit for the ceasefire. It's failure isn't his fault, but his failure to make that deal after taking credit for that deal is his fault. Kind of like how he claimed to have solved the North Korea nuclear weapons thing, when it remains unsolved. Kind of like how he said ISIS was done, when they weren't. Or how he withdrew from the Obama international agreement with Iran only to later ask Iran to respect the terms of that agreement.

Clowns gotta clown. And Trumpy the Clown has a reputation to keep up, and that reputation is lying. As the saying goes, Trumpy the Clown tells it like it ain't kids, so stay on your toes or he'll grab your *****.
Trump tried to take credit for the ceasefire. It's failure isn't his fault, but his failure to make that deal after taking credit for that deal is his fault. Kind of like how he claimed to have solved the North Korea nuclear weapons thing, when it remains unsolved. Kind of like how he said ISIS was done, when they weren't. Or how he withdrew from the Obama international agreement with Iran only to later ask Iran to respect the terms of that agreement.

Clowns gotta clown. And Trumpy the Clown has a reputation to keep up, and that reputation is lying. As the saying goes, Trumpy the Clown tells it like it ain't kids, so stay on your toes or he'll grab your *****.

Should have never just stood by, or actually supported Hillary's assault on Democracy and maybe this Trump thing never would have happened.

Kinda like how she and the MSM are smearing Tulsi now. You could have an electable Democrat. But no, here is she again forcing another Trump victory.

Oh well. Here we go again.
Just to sum up the news that I doubt gets play in here.....

The LaRouchePAC folks are praising Trump and exulting about how he's broken away from traditional Brit-orchestrated foreign policy of police actions to create permawar conditions all over the world. Hey, here's a US Pres that can solve problems, if not locally, at least geopolitically. Get Russia and Syria on our team, even Turkey.... (not exactly mentioning Saudi Arabia and Israel for the moment).

Commie folks of JFC want the Obama puppet ISIS protected along with the most extreme commie Kurd outfit. So go ahead. Trash Trump.

But Turkey's claim to having suffered scores of terrorist attacks from that Kurd turd outfit is at least as coherent as our claim that Al Qaida bombed the Twin Towers, not some Bush psy-op internal dark cell of our own agencies. And they have a right to go after those terrorists, don't they. And it looks like Russia and Syria agree with that, too. So unless our idiot experts can make the case for Trump's duty to unilaterally declare war on a NATO ally without Pelosi's congress voting to declare war, I think you've got no case.

According to the LaRouchePAC article, there's widespread hope in the mideast in almost all camps except maybe Iran, the direct sponsor to the Kurd turd commies.

American Armed Services have long served as the British agents of division and permawar. American taxpayers footing the bill for British foreign policy.

'nuff of that already.
Andrew Wilkow has done some excellent talk shows on how hypocritical the dems are about Trump. He calls it the liberal "History of Now" that is so incoherent you can't discuss two days of media hype without spinning like a top.

He says if Trump did act militarily they'd have what they want..... a political issue for 2020.

Dems want US troops to go barehanded all over the world being cannon fodder for justly outraged locals who should do their own politics.
I wish republicans would make up their minds as to whether Democrats are hawkish warlords or dovish *******. For most of my life, while Democrats have been in power, Republicans have accused Democrats of being dovish ******* who capitulate to strongmen and terrorists. They disrespect our armed forces and cut military budgets. But when Democrats are out of power, especially in this Post-Obama era, they’ve been accused of being hawkish warlords. As if they made the decision to invade Iraq after 9/11.

It’s just real interesting for me to see the same folks who mocked Obama’s lack of military use to enforce his Syrian red line and preference to cut a deal with Iran now suddenly Flip flop.

shrugs shoulders.
I wish republicans would make up their minds as to whether Democrats are hawkish warlords or dovish *******. For most of my life, while Democrats have been in power, Republicans have accused Democrats of being dovish ******* who capitulate to strongmen and terrorists. They disrespect our armed forces and cut military budgets. But when Democrats are out of power, especially in this Post-Obama era, they’ve been accused of being hawkish warlords. As if they made the decision to invade Iraq after 9/11.

It’s just real interesting for me to see the same folks who mocked Obama’s lack of military use to enforce his Syrian red line and preference to cut a deal with Iran now suddenly Flip flop.

shrugs shoulders.

socialism. communalism. tribalism......

JFC forum is a mini-cult stuck on some damn line of agenda wonks from who knows..... ten or fifteen little do-gooder elite causes that have to be defended or the world will just be a lost cause.

Wilkow has his Schick. He is surrounded by liberals and is cool with it, but on air he rakes them with perhaps the most direct and cutting observations you can find anywhere.

With Liberals, don't even hope for logic. Accusing progressives of logic is like accusing men of cerebral sexuality. It's not logic, it's emotional fetishism. Pick a cute little animal. There's Liberals who've spent thousands of dollars to save them... Whales, mudsucker fish, beetles, owls, wolves. You can't be a real progressive unless you have a dog to walk in the park. It's your street cred.

I've never been an optimist for US foreign policy. I never thought the war in Iraq was particularly a good idea. We have former Secretary of State Maldeline Albright..... a Rockefeller clanster....to thank for nearly 10 trillion in US budget for militarism over the past 30 years. I'm sure there are no Rockefeller holdings in Lockheed or ATK or whatever corporates that build war toys. Albright gave Saddam Hussein the green light, signaling we would do nothing if they took in their little oil-rich neighbor.

mainstream republicans and the dems are all on the militaristic bandwagon. Even Pelosi. The Pelosi family is deep in the payola with financial interests in government supported industires.

In China, this kind of fascism is fully institutionalized. It's not "Marxism" or any other pipe dream. The little circle of elite rulers has full ownership of most of the industry and the Army and other military forces and suppliers.

China will become as assertive around the world as we have ever been.

The media blitz on the Kurds and the criticism of Trump for actually thinking more of US soldier lives than military hardware manufacturers is shameless opportunism. We could get a UN sponsored protectorate over the Kurd areas of Iran, Iraq and Turkey. But that would reverse the Brit foreign office decisions for the last 70 years, that it's better for the British to keep local wars going, endlessly, instead of developing stable governance compatible with the local peoples' interests.

The classic movie "Eagle in a Cage" was insightful. You all should watch it. Napoleon on St. Helens isle, in a kind of captivity. The British foreign minister comes to discuss terms for re-instating him on continental Europe toe run some more wars between British competitors. The good minister defends his actions, which would unleash untold death and devastation on Europe, by saying "At least it won't be British blood".

Every time the peoples of Eurasia have looked likely to develop a land trade route.... railroad.... competent for economic development across Eurasia, we have had another war...... WWI..... WWII....

something. And somehow, it turns out America has to defend the Brits.

I wish republicans would make up their minds as to whether Democrats are hawkish warlords or dovish *******. For most of my life, while Democrats have been in power, Republicans have accused Democrats of being dovish ******* who capitulate to strongmen and terrorists. They disrespect our armed forces and cut military budgets. But when Democrats are out of power, especially in this Post-Obama era, they’ve been accused of being hawkish warlords. As if they made the decision to invade Iraq after 9/11.

It’s just real interesting for me to see the same folks who mocked Obama’s lack of military use to enforce his Syrian red line and preference to cut a deal with Iran now suddenly Flip flop.

shrugs shoulders.
I'm glad I have her on ignore.

I should do a thread for all the folks who want to ignore me.

wait...... in JFC can you put the lights out for a thread you just don't wanna see in here? I mean we can ignore humans, but not ideas?????

damn. I think this is a human rights issue. We as a society of the cool, the connected, the relevant.... we should have the right to just pull the plug on anything that makes us uncomfortable, right???
I should do a thread for all the folks who want to ignore me.

wait...... in JFC can you put the lights out for a thread you just don't wanna see in here? I mean we can ignore humans, but not ideas?????

damn. I think this is a human rights issue. We as a society of the cool, the connected, the relevant.... we should have the right to just pull the plug on anything that makes us uncomfortable, right???

except they aren’t stopping you from spouting your nonsense. They’re just refusing to listen. Something that has been practiced for a long, long time.

Don’t like being ignored? Don’t say things that will get you ignored.
except they aren’t stopping you from spouting your nonsense. They’re just refusing to listen. Something that has been practiced for a long, long time.

Don’t like being ignored? Don’t say things that will get you ignored.

Why is it necessary to even ignore someone? I dont get it. If I dont enjoy reading someone's posts I skip over it with a quick glance maybe to see if something catches my eye. Who has the time to read every post anyways? I just dont understand the lack of self control or inability to not let this stuff get to you.

Nobody takes more **** than I do and I have never ignored a single person ever. I dont even know what it looks like or where you do it.

Also, if someone ignores you, you can still reply to their post and they dont get the last word. Haha.
Cool cool cool. The soldiers driving must be loving this. Naughty language in the link.
Why is it necessary to even ignore someone? I dont get it. If I dont enjoy reading someone's posts I skip over it with a quick glance maybe to see if something catches my eye. Who has the time to read every post anyways? I just dont understand the lack of self control or inability to not let this stuff get to you.

Nobody takes more **** than I do and I have never ignored a single person ever. I dont even know what it looks like or where you do it.

Also, if someone ignores you, you can still reply to their post and they dont get the last word. Haha.

mom using the word ignored in a general sense. As in not being listened to. That happened long before JFC. People just tune out the drivel. Something I’m sure you’re used to experiencing.