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Here's the thing. It doesn't matter. You can never shove everything to zero risk. It can't be done and it would be beyond draconian to try.
Not true. The cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and a host of other illnesses were virtually eradicated in the developed world until this anti-vaccine non-sense came. In the case of smallpox, it was fully eradicated; zero-risk. “Trying” used to be as simple as giving people accurate information and then they’d do the only sensible thing. And to Thriller’s point, vaccines have been mandatory to participate in society for decades.

In our stupid-*** country, I don’t know what the solution is, but there are countries in the world that basically dodged covid without having vaccines.

Glad you’re vaccinated.
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Not true. The cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and a host of other illnesses were virtually eradicated in the developed world until this anti-vaccine non-sense came. In the case of smallpox, it was fully eradicated; zero-risk. “Trying” used to be as simple as giving people accurate information and then they’d do the only sensible thing. And to Thriller’s point, vaccines have been mandatory to participate in society for decades.

In our stupid-*** country, I don’t know what the solution is, but there are countries in the world that basically dodged covid without having vaccines.

Glad you’re vaccinated.
It’s hyper libertarianism run amok IMO. It’s becoming more of an identify to be anti-society or counter-culture. Many now believe (falsely) that government can’t mandate or force anyone to do anything. They’ve convinced themselves that the founding fathers were a bunch of “let people do whatever the **** they want” libertarians/borderline anarchists. And it plain isn’t true.

The truth is, there’s plenty that government and private businesses force us to do or else we lose privileges. It’s part of living in a society. It’s not restrictive. Me “being compelled” to be vaccinated in order to return to work, travel, or compel a restaurant to provide me food isn’t a restriction on my freedom. Do we regard red lights as restrictions on our freedom? Could you imagine the “freedom” society would have if they were able to just skip out on obeying traffic laws?

What about restrictions on what I can dump into the sewer? Vaccination requirements in schools? It’s like people have ignored these requirements for decades and now are suddenly bothered by them.

How about private business mandates on hand washing? Are expiration dates on foods violations of freedom? How about making sure airplanes pass safety inspections or restaurants passing health inspections? Aren’t those violations of freedom?

If Biden suddenly became anti vax and Trump became pro Vax and talked about it half as much as he talks about winning the election, a lot on the right would suddenly get vaccinated. Don’t ya think?
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And everything you need to know about Biden can be seen by him wearing a mask to a Zoom meeting
Yep. Been pretty happy with Biden so far. He was far down my list of candidates I wanted to be President but he's killing it so far. The contrast between a patriotic, professional, adult and Trump is dramatic.
Yep. Been pretty happy with Biden so far. He was far down my list of candidates I wanted to be President but he's killing it so far. The contrast between a patriotic, professional, adult and Trump is dramatic.
https://spectator.org/media-coverage-bidens-presidency/. Yep the contrast is astounding. Could you imagine the media coverage if all of his bungles happened under Trump. The media sets the tone and topics of discussion. This is true of sports and Politics
https://spectator.org/media-coverage-bidens-presidency/. Yep the contrast is astounding. Could you imagine the media coverage if all of his bungles happened under Trump. The media sets the tone and topics of discussion. This is true of sports and Politics
The source you cited is funded by the Scaife family, one of the most ardent supporters of Republicans and Donald Trump. So of course they'd take an unfavorable view of Joe Biden.

It's hard to you seriously when the source opens up with:

Joe Biden’s presidency is spiraling out of control. By any reasonable metric he has failed as a commander in chief. He has failed on immigration, he has failed on the economy, he has failed to create jobs, he has failed on foreign policy, he has failed on handling the pandemic, he has failed to unite the country, and he has failed as a leader. But that’s not what the mainstream media would have us believe.
Failed on immigration? Failed at the economy? Foreign policy? FAILED AT HANDLING THE PANDEMIC?! LOL!

Republicans and their rich oligarchs who fund conservative think tanks and media, creating a completely disconnected from reality alternative universe is what's most astonishing to me over these past four years. I knew that Fox News and am radio was powerful and it had a great influence on people. But it's literally like 35 percent of the country is living in a completely alternative universe. It's impossible to unite the country when one third of the country and all the media they consume is bent on disunification.

Imagine how much better off our country would've been if billionaires, like the Scaifes and Murdocks, used their media sources like The American Spectator and Fox News to promote mask wearing and vaccination? Imagine how much better off our country would be today if instead of inciting disunity, insurrection, and voter suppression they supported democracy and a conservative alternative to Biden's policies?
https://spectator.org/media-coverage-bidens-presidency/. Yep the contrast is astounding. Could you imagine the media coverage if all of his bungles happened under Trump. The media sets the tone and topics of discussion. This is true of sports and Politics
Just one thing to nitpick here, why doesn't your source ever blame employers for offering ****** working conditions and wages?

And although there are currently 8.1 million job openings in the U.S., we somehow only managed to add 266,000 jobs in April, or nearly three-quarters of a million less than the one million that Wall Street economists were projecting. This after the March job numbers were already revised down another 140,000. Might it have something to do with Biden’s insistence that Americans receive a $300 weekly bonus check to stay home? Even those making $32,000 a year would see a raise by going on unemployment.
Why is it unemployment aid that's preventing job creation and not employers? If the American Spectator was a serious news outlet, why wouldn't they analyze the effects the pandemic has had one people?
  • Why would you return to a restaurant job while the pandemic is still here and only half the population has been fully vaccinated?
  • Why would you return to a restaurant job when many restaurants can only fill to a certain capacity? That means lower tips.
  • Why would you return to a service job that's paying you wages that just aren't good enough? Why not wait for something better?
  • Why would you return to a service job when Daycare and schools are still closed/operating at a limited capacity?
  • Instead of blaming Biden and unemployment benefits, why aren't employers conducting some self-analysis to attract people to their jobs?
See, these are all issues that they could have dug into. Instead, because your source is merely a hack for the Scaife family, they blame the poorest and most vulnerable in society. Have you no shame?
One more thing to nitpick here, anyone else notice the doublespeak here? The American Spectator whines about immigrants coming here while bemoaning (white) Americans for failing to take the **** jobs for **** pay that's currently being offered. Um...

Again, this is the type of analysis we've all come to expect from hack "conservative" sources that are (more) motivated to placate to white grievance and billionaire interests than actually make any intellectually honest conservative argument. What I mean by that is that the free market is telling employers right now to raise wages and improve working conditions or they won't have enough labor. It's pretty clear that's what the free market is saying. "People don't want to go back to ****** jobs for ****** wages", especially when it exacerbates issues related to the pandemic (sickness, healthcare, daycare). But rather than engage with this, it's just easier to blame Biden, pretty basic unemployment insurance benefits, and the poorest. And for the simple minded like @Scat and @ekimebirt, a comfortable easy and simple explanation for a far more complex problem.

Brent offers better analysis than the Spectator, and he's a comedian:

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https://spectator.org/media-coverage-bidens-presidency/. Yep the contrast is astounding. Could you imagine the media coverage if all of his bungles happened under Trump. The media sets the tone and topics of discussion. This is true of sports and Politics
I have read and listened to several critical pieces on Biden since he became the President. I don't "watch" the news. Not on live TV and not on Youtube or the equivalent.
And everything you need to know about Biden can be seen by him wearing a mask to a Zoom meeting
You mean by trying to lead by example, even if it is kinda silly? Yeah, I'll take that over a dude that purposefully and admittedly downplayed the deadliest infectious disease in a century for strictly (and wildly miscalculated) political reasons
You mean by trying to lead by example, even if it is kinda silly? Yeah, I'll take that over a dude that purposefully and admittedly downplayed the deadliest infectious disease in a century for strictly (and wildly miscalculated) political reasons

Actual deaths solely by Corona dwarf in comparison to any other year of the standard flu.

Also, masks will not and do not stop any virus from coming into contact with you or anyone else. Not how viruses work, not even in the slightest.

Don't @ me cause I don't care about your liberal response.
Actual deaths solely by Corona dwarf in comparison to any other year of the standard flu.

Also, masks will not and do not stop any virus from coming into contact with you or anyone else. Not how viruses work, not even in the slightest.

Don't @ me cause I don't care about your liberal response.
Good lord…
View attachment 10652
He wants to define deaths solely cause by COVID differently than deaths are counted for the flu or anything else ever. So at that point you have to ask yourself if this is something worth having a conversation with him about.

He wants to say that covid combined with an age over 65 means that you were probably going to die of old age at any moment and COVID didn't really kill you. He wants to say that COVID and a BMI over 30 means that you probably deserve to die you stupid fat pig so I don't want to count those ones either. He wants to say that COVID and diabetes means that you died from diabetes and that any old thing that came around and got you sick was going to kill you.

So yeah. You're not going to pop his bubble.
He wants to define deaths solely cause by COVID differently than deaths are counted for the flu or anything else ever. So at that point you have to ask yourself if this is something worth having a conversation with him about.

He wants to say that covid combined with an age over 65 means that you were probably going to die of old age at any moment and COVID didn't really kill you. He wants to say that COVID and a BMI over 30 means that you probably deserve to die you stupid fat pig so I don't want to count those ones either. He wants to say that COVID and diabetes means that you died from diabetes and that any old thing that came around and got you sick was going to kill you.

So yeah. You're not going to pop his bubble.
Well my question to him is, if these people were about to drop dead anyways, why did 2020 have so many surplus deaths, starting... oh... right around the beginning of the pandemic?

Shouldn't the death rate have remained roughly the same according to his theory?
Well my question to him is, if these people were about to drop dead anyways, why did 2020 have so many surplus deaths, starting... oh... right around the beginning of the pandemic?

Shouldn't the death rate have remained roughly the same according to his theory?
Yeah I mean I agree with you and have used that exact argument. But he seems to have made it clear that he knows everything he needs to know and isn't going to be corrupted by your liberal lies. Everything he said is easily disproven BS so obviously he's not going to let facts get in the way of his opinion.