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Which name do you prefer for our team?

Which name do you prefer for our team?

  • Utah Jazz

  • Utah Mountain

  • Utah Wasatch

Results are only viewable after voting.
By all means, we should keep thy name Utah Jazz. If, through the duplicitous and maniacal machinations of New Orleans or those rapscallions in LA our name is involuntarily revoked, might I suggest the following monikers:
Utah Philosophers
Utah Empiricists
Utah Anti-Metaphysics Team
Utah Cause and Effect
Utah Theory of Moral Sentiments
Utah Treatise of Human Nature
Utah Enquiry Concerning Reason
Draper will just be a pit stop on their way to moving to Vegas if they go that route.
The Las Vegas Golden Bankruptcies

The Las Vegas Gangsters

The Las Vegas Addicts

The Las Vegas Utahns
Smith Entertainment Group's Utah Mountaineers of Salt Lake City.


@YoungJefe can we get some mock ups of SEG jerseys?
Utah pioneers seems to be a name that needs to be used.

Utah Wilds
Utah Heros
Utah Rim Rattlers
Bonneville Lake monsters
Utah Juggernaughts
Utah 6 Shooters
Great Salt Lake Vipers
Utah Pony Express
Utah Mustangs
Bonneville Dragons
Its not like its brain surgery- it always has been and always will be the 'Utah Stars'- ABA team name, G-League team name, has a history and association with basketball in the state. If we lose the Jazz moniker the answer is staring us in the face.