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Who did it?

Unlike Scat and Spazz, I actually want Log to post again.

For one reason or another, Log thought I was harassing him with about 20 jazzhacks personalities. After the responses from those two it isn't too hard to wonder why.

I can't speak for Scat, but Log was among my favorite posters here (there are a few), so try again on thinking I don't want him here.
I'm thinking of following his lead for much the same reason, but I seem to be addicted.

There must have been more reasons for him, but the duplicate accounts makes it tough for me to care.
I seem to assume every new poster is a duplicate lately, and because of that I have little desire to participate in "conversations" when for all I know it's with the same person and their multiple accounts.

As a kid the game of clue was always boring. I'm getting bored here.

I laughed at the obituary because I know Log is not dead. If I thought it even had a chance of being true I would not think it was funny.

Carry on, nothing to see here.
I'm sure I will post again with some stupid joke only I laugh at.
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I can't speak for Scat, but Log was among my favorite posters here (there are a few), so try again on thinking I don't want him here.
I'm thinking of following his lead for much the same reason, but I seem to be addicted.

There must have been more reasons for him, but the duplicate accounts makes it tough for me to care.
I seem to assume every new poster is a duplicate lately, and because of that I have little desire to participate in "conversations" when for all I know it's with the same person and their multiple accounts.

As a kid the game of clue was always boring. I'm getting bored here.

I laughed at the obituary because I know Log is not dead. If I thought it even had a chance of being true I would not think it was funny.

Carry on, nothing to see here.
I'm sure I will post again with some stupid joke only I laugh at.

Awwww.... Is jazzspazz's feelings hurt? What? Can't take some of your own medicine? Now you wanna leave? Waaaa cry me a river.

And really? Duplicate posters thing again? Smoke a lot if weed do ya? Little paranoid? Hurry, look out your window. They are coming for you. Watch out. Lmao.

How about Log was just getting annoyed with the constant fighting. Just as I am. But guess what. Log wasn't innocent either. He could be just as annoying as anyone else. He ran around trying to correct everybody.

I have said this many times. I came here for information and to talk ball players. But mostly what I found was a bunch of immature Dick heads. So now I'm here just to remind each and everyone of them what crap they are. I'll treat new people with the respect they deserve but if they pop off then they can get theirs too.

So the ******* vets around here like Franklin and Troutbum will forever be on my ****tt list. And they should be shipped off like the vets on the jazz in favor of the rookies like me.
Awwww.... Is jazzspazz's feelings hurt? What? Can't take some of your own medicine? Now you wanna leave? Waaaa cry me a river.

And really? Duplicate posters thing again? Smoke a lot if weed do ya? Little paranoid? Hurry, look out your window. They are coming for you. Watch out. Lmao.

How about Log was just getting annoyed with the constant fighting. Just as I am. But guess what. Log wasn't innocent either. He could be just as annoying as anyone else. He ran around trying to correct everybody.

I have said this many times. I came here for information and to talk ball players. But mostly what I found was a bunch of immature Dick heads. So now I'm here just to remind each and everyone of them what crap they are. I'll treat new people with the respect they deserve but if they pop off then they can get theirs too.

So the ******* vets around here like Franklin and Troutbum will forever be on my ****tt list. And they should be shipped off like the vets on the jazz in favor of the rookies like me.

Now we both know that is not true. You thrive on the fighting. For me it entertains me.
Unlike Scat and Spazz, I actually want Log to post again.

For one reason or another, Log thought I was harassing him with about 20 jazzhacks personalities. After the responses from those two it isn't too hard to wonder why.

I didn't realize LG was on Jazzhacks. . . . . I did notice some long trend in reduced posting/interest in Fanz.

Franklin is one of the more demanding thinkers around here, and I find it interesting when he challenges me, although I am an old fart and set in my ways and sometimes don't have an adequate response.

I studied the obit, and except for the age and maybe a few other personal details I know about, that's a lot like LG in all the favorable aspects.

Let's face it, this is a sports forum after all. Not the first place a lot of people will look for good interaction on political or other non-sports issues. I don't do much sports comments, maybe one or two in my time here, but I find enough people here to talk to I keep coming back. Please come back, LG.

I take the razzing as all in fun.
Owwww.... jazzspazz hurt my dupe feelings? What? I can't take some of my own medicine? Now I wanna leave too. Waaaa I cry like a spoilt brat.

And really I'm a duplicate poster, but why point it out again? I Smoke a lot if weed. I'm a Little paranoid? Hurry, look out my window. They are coming for me. Watch out. I am a loser.

How about Log was just getting annoyed with the constant fighting. Just as I wanted. But guess what. Log wasn't innocent either. He could be just as annoying as anyone else. He ran around trying to correct everybody in jest and I took it seriously.

I have said this many times. My cover is I came here for information and to talk ball players. But mostly what I came to be an immature Dick heads. So now I'm here just to remind each and everyone of them what crap they can turn into if they follow my lead. I'll treat new people with the respect they deserve to suck them in, but if they call me out for being an idiot then they can get theirs too.

So the vets around here like Franklin and Troutbum will forever be on my I don't like list. And they should be played 30 a night like the vets on the jazz in favor of the (fake) rookies like me.

Oh, thanks for the insight. We already knew all of this though.
Take a tip from the account some people think you are, (his words, not mine)... "Log out of life, you hack".
Let me re-word it for you because my English was not perfect enough for you to catchratcho it the way it was written.

I'm sure I will post with some stupid joke only I laugh at again.

Thanks :)

Dammit :(
well I'd say he's back with a vengeance and making up for having falling a little "behind" in his post-count...

and that's not some horse puckey we're talking 'bout!
I took a long sabbatical. Needed a break, and was tired of the constant trolling. Some ribbing is fun, constant barrages that cross threads get old in a hurry.