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Who will you vote for?(Lee/McMullin)

Who will you vote for in November

  • McMullin

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Lee

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Don’t live in Utah so can’t vote

    Votes: 12 36.4%

  • Total voters
I approached the election with the mindset of ‘Would you rather be shot in the head or burned alive and then have salt dumped on you?’

I chose the former though it doesn’t mean I liked it.


I think you’re being way too pessimistic here.

One party still attempts to live in a world of facts, support western alliances, and govern (imperfectly) a multicultural democracy while another party embraced election lies, Qanon conspiracy, many in the party campaigned against Ukraine, and actively sought to take away the rights of millions of your fellow man.

I approached the election like with the mindset of, “would you rather live in an imperfect free and multicultural democracy or live in a conspiracy led and corrupt authoritarian nightmare?”

I really don’t get the need for people to **** on Democrats here.


I think you’re being way too pessimistic here.

One party still attempts to live in a world of facts, support western alliances, and govern (imperfectly) a multicultural democracy while another party embraced election lies, Qanon conspiracy, many in the party campaigned against Ukraine, and actively sought to take away the rights of millions of your fellow man.

I approached the election like with the mindset of, “would you rather live in an imperfect free and multicultural democracy or live in a conspiracy led and corrupt authoritarian nightmare?”

I really don’t get the need for people to **** on Democrats here.
You really didn't need to tell us your bias, but thank you all the same.

I'm fully on the anti-MAGA train. I'll die on this train.

I'm also constantly disappointed in who the Democratic party puts up for a vote. Like are we supposed to get excited by these limp dick milquetoast corrupt degenerates? Give me someone to vote FOR!
You really didn't need to tell us your bias, but thank you all the same.

I'm fully on the anti-MAGA train. I'll die on this train.

I'm also constantly disappointed in who the Democratic party puts up for a vote. Like are we supposed to get excited by these limp dick milquetoast corrupt degenerates? Give me someone to vote FOR!
Good lord man. Cmon. It’s a sports board and I’m giving you what I believe to be an accurate description of our political situation. If you find me to be too “biased” for your taste then please block me. Yep. I’m biased for democracy. That’s me! I’ll take a flawed democracy and an imperfect Democratic Party over fascism any day. So you got me there buddy!

But it’s beginning to sound like an old record from you to bitch about this. Maybe it might serve you and your family some good to have a taste of fascism? Then maybe you’ll find a flawed democracy and a “limp” Democratic Party to not be so bad?

As someone in education who conducts research into these topics, perhaps you should ask yourself why I have these “biased” views rather than assume it’s out of ignorance, maliciousness, or some other pettiness? There’s plenty of information out there about authoritarian movements of the last two centuries. It’s not always a fun topic to teach.

Some of you are constantly ******** on a pretty moderate by western democracy standards, political party. Like what policies realistically can be passed right now that would make you stop ******** on them cuz they’ve done an outstanding job at navigating a lot of tough issues in the last two years. Pandemic, economy, war in Eastern Europe. Not sure if the last several admins could’ve handled Ukraine as well as the Biden admin has. At the state level, you’re seeing great moves in public education, family support, LGBT and women’s rights.

these limp dick milquetoast corrupt degenerates?
What a weird description of the most diverse political party in the history of the country. A party that includes an old white dude like Biden, an older black man, like Obama, a beautiful young Latina like AOC, a black preacher in Warnock, a white astronaut in Kelly, an Asian American veteran in Duckworth, and a cool former mayor and gay man like Pete Buttigieg. Have you ever asked a Democrat why they are one? I think the answers might be interesting.

Again, I think some of you are being overly pessimistic and I don’t feel this is justified. Besides, Politics isn’t supposed to be entertaining either. Go watch the NFL for that. Politicians should be boring and should concentrate on actual legislating. This need to constantly be entertained or inspired just isn’t realistic. It’s an effect that social media and tv have had on politics. Let’s look for good people who are competent, have good ideas, and actually want to govern to help people.

Give me someone to vote FOR!
Which district are you from in Utah? Pretty sure all the districts had a Democratic candidate. Did you watch any of the debates on KSL? Did you ever visit their website? Did you ever attend a town hall meeting? Some of them were even done on Zoom.
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Simply put, the Democratic Party could do better than Joe Biden. Doesn’t mean he’s horrible, but he doesn’t excite anyone and that’s what will be needed for 2024 especially as conservatives rally around Desantis.

The democratic bench strength needs to get younger. 2024 seems far away and a lot can happen, but the next faces of the party are a crapshoot.

Catherine Cortez Masto projected to win Senate race in Nevada

Democratic incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto will win Nevada’s Senate race against Republican Adam Laxalt, ABC News has projected.

Cortez Masto, the first Latina elected to the Senate, was narrowing the gap with Laxalt before the race was officially called on Saturday evening.

Her win means Democrats will control the Senate in the next Congress.

ABC News can report that Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is projected to win Washington's Third Congressional District, defeating Republican Joe Kent, who former President Donald Trump endorsed.

With 97% of the EV in, Gluesenkamp Perez had 50% of the vote and Kent had 49% of the vote.

Gluesenkamp Perez will replace Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler, one of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump for his role in the Capitol riot. Beutler did not advance in Washington's all-party primary in August.

Now that the district will be represented by Gluesenkamp Perez in the next Congress, it's another seat flipped by Democrats.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates said Saturday to anticipate the next vote drop in the 8 p.m. ET hour -- and to expect about 80,000 votes, with a "large majority" being late early ballots dropped off on Election Day.

The key race in the state that remains too close to call is the gubernatorial contest between Democrat Katie Hobbs and Republican Kari Lake. As of Saturday morning, Hobbs led Lake 51% to 49% with 84% of the expected vote reported.

As of early Saturday morning, Republicans have won 211 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives while Democrats have won 205.

Republicans flipped a total of 16 House seats so far, according to ABC News projections, while Democrats flipped five House seats.

Nineteen House races remain outstanding. Of those, Republicans lead in 10 of them and Democrats are ahead in nine of them. Republicans only need to win seven outstanding seats to get control of the House.
Simply put, the Democratic Party could do better than Joe Biden. Doesn’t mean he’s horrible, but he doesn’t excite anyone and that’s what will be needed for 2024 especially as conservatives rally around Desantis.

The democratic bench strength needs to get younger. 2024 seems far away and a lot can happen, but the next faces of the party are a crapshoot.
I find Biden to be or at least convincingly convey that he is compassionate and kind. I listened to his press conference after the midterms and while he struggles a little finding the right words he still has a reasonable command of the facts and the circumstances he speaks to. I have a favorable opinion of Biden as a person and I think he is acting as a competent administrator of the United States. I assume he listens to competent advisors and doesn't think he's so much of a (person, woman, man, camera, TV) mental giant that he doesn't have to take sound advice.

My favorite part of the press conference was when a reporter said (paraphrasing) "blah blah blah, and the MAGA movement still has a lot of power and influence in American politics..." Biden interrupts with a chuckle, "Do they?" I did a solid fist pump in response to that fun little zinger.

He isn't inspiring though. He isn't 100% mentally. He mostly just isn't a nasty, gross, incompetent person like Trump is. He doesn't offend men too much, he doesn't offend white, middle-aged, suburban Karens too much, he isn't a scarry religion or sexual orientation. So that's it. That's the pinnacle of what the Democrats have to offer.

21 GOP senators tell colleagues to oppose same-sex marriage bill unless it allows discrimination​

Earlier this month, 12 Republican senators voted to advance The Respect for Marriage Act. If the bill goes to a Senate floor vote, those senators would help ensure that it passes the filibuster and gets signed into law.

The bill would officially repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the 1996 law that forbade the federal government from legally recognizing same-sex marriages. In its place, the act would require the federal and state governments to recognize same-sex marriages as long as they occur in states where they are legal. If any state refuses to recognize such marriages, the act says, the spouses can sue.

However, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has introduced an amendment that would “ensure that federal bureaucrats do not take discriminatory actions against individuals, organizations, nonprofits, and other entities based on their sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions about marriage by prohibiting the denial or revocation of tax exempt status, licenses, contracts, benefits, etc.”

In short, the amendment wants to allow anti-LGBTQ discrimination against queer couples and to restrain government officials from intervening to stop it.

21 GOP senators tell colleagues to oppose same-sex marriage bill unless it allows discrimination​

Earlier this month, 12 Republican senators voted to advance The Respect for Marriage Act. If the bill goes to a Senate floor vote, those senators would help ensure that it passes the filibuster and gets signed into law.

The bill would officially repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the 1996 law that forbade the federal government from legally recognizing same-sex marriages. In its place, the act would require the federal and state governments to recognize same-sex marriages as long as they occur in states where they are legal. If any state refuses to recognize such marriages, the act says, the spouses can sue.

However, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has introduced an amendment that would “ensure that federal bureaucrats do not take discriminatory actions against individuals, organizations, nonprofits, and other entities based on their sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions about marriage by prohibiting the denial or revocation of tax exempt status, licenses, contracts, benefits, etc.”

In short, the amendment wants to allow anti-LGBTQ discrimination against queer couples and to restrain government officials from intervening to stop it.
I can see religious groups being worried that they would be forced to recognize such marriages within the context of their religion. In short, going beyond simply recognizing the legality of them but threatening a religion with legal repercussions if the religion didn't also recognize them as legitimate within the framework of the religion. So the Mormons, as an example, being forced to allow and recognize gay marriages in the temples or lose their status as a religion. That would be, in essence, the government dictating religious beliefs, exactly what the founding fathers were trying to escape from.

For this reason I think in this case "discriminate" has to be clearly defined, otherwise it can tread on the right of a religion to define their own doctrine.
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I can see religious groups being worried that they would be forced to recognize such marriages within the context of their religion. In short, going beyond simply recognizing the legality of them but threatening a religion with legal repercussions if the religion didn't also recognize them as legitimate within the framework of the religion. So the Mormons, as an example, being forced to allow and recognize gay marriages in the temples or lose their status as a religion. That would be, in essence, the government dictating religious beliefs, exactly what the founding fathers were trying to escape from.

For this reason I think in this case "discriminate" has to be clearly defined, otherwise it can tread on the right of a religion to define their own doctrine.
You would make a good point except......... That the bill as it already was had protections for churches to not have to allow the gays into their religion. Mike Lee is trying to add more to the bill. The mormon freaking church looked over the bill and liked what they saw enough to support it. But Mike Lee was like, nope, not good enough for me. Got to make some changes to it. It isn't quite harsh enough to the gays.
You would make a good point except......... That the bill as it already was had protections for churches to not have to allow the gays into their religion. Mike Lee is trying to add more to the bill. The mormon freaking church looked over the bill and liked what they saw enough to support it. But Mike Lee was like, nope, not good enough for me. Got to make some changes to it. It isn't quite harsh enough to the gays.
What exactly is he trying to add? I googled it and didn't find much about it. Admittedly I googled and read a couple things before the movie started we went to today. Does anyone know exactly what he's trying to add beyond what's already there? I'm not defending him, I'm just curious what the proposed changes are.
What exactly is he trying to add? I googled it and didn't find much about it. Admittedly I googled and read a couple things before the movie started we went to today. Does anyone know exactly what he's trying to add beyond what's already there? I'm not defending him, I'm just curious what the proposed changes are.
Good question. I think it was fine as is. Which is why the church supported it (it allowed them to keep out teh gays). My guess is mike isn't really trying to add anything important or relevant to the bill he just wants his supporters to really really know that he is against the gays.